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Cleaning And Maintenance Tips For PVC-U Windows
PVC-u is a non-plastic form of PVC. PVC-u windows, also known as vinyl windows, are windows made of a non-plastic form of PVC that is highly durable, long-lasting, and low-maintenance. They are becoming quite a popular option among builders and property owners since they can tolerate extreme heat, cold, wind, rain, and snow without corroding, chipping, peeling, or flaking.
Another reason why PVC-u windows are gaining popularity is because very little maintenance is required. With this type of window, you don't have to worry about weather-proofing or re-painting them. However, to preserve their good condition and to ensure that your windows contribute to the attractiveness of your home, you will need to regularly maintain some parts and keep these windows clean. Below are some handy PVC-u cleaning and maintenance tips:
Clean the window frames at least twice a year. Ideally, you should clean the PVC-u window frames at least twice annually so that dirt, dust, and grime don't accumulate severely that you will have a hard time removing them. To clean the frames, open the window and use an old paint brush to loosen any dust, dirt, and cobwebs. Clear all this dirt away by using the hose on a vacuum cleaner. To give the frames a more thorough clean-up, mix some cleaning liquid in a bowl of warm water and use a soft white cloth to wipe down the window frames. When wiping the frames, never use a colored piece of cloth since the dye may come off and leave stains on the frames. Also, avoid using harsh chemical cleaners or abrasive cloths, sponges and creams when cleaning the frames.
Clean the glass and glazing properly. You can easily clean the glass and glazing of your windows properly by using a soft cloth and warm soapy water or a good quality, non-abrasive glass cleaner. With these items, you can remove any dirt and marks from glass and glazing surfaces. Experts recommend cleaning the glass and glazing at least four times a year.
Don't forget the gaskets and seals. Whenever you are cleaning your windows, take the time to check the seals and gaskets and make sure they are correctly in place. Make sure that there are no dents and that no breaks in the seal occur whenever you close the window. Clear any debris you see and wipe down the seals with a non-abrasive solution as well to help keep the seals damage-free. Lubricate. Lastly, your window's internal mechanisms also need to be kept in working order to ensure their good condition. As such, clean all of the hinges and locking points thoroughly and every 3 months or so, apply or put some oil based lubricant on all hinges and locking mechanisms.
Resources: http://www.getdoubleglazingprices.co.uk/