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Problems?. Any hiccups, glitches, snags, hitches, drawbacks or dilemmas – contact Phil: www.vso-qybe.weebly.com (via Contact Us page). to English Language Improvement Training 英语语言技能提升培训 VSO and Qingyang Education Bureau VSO- 庆阳市教育局 ’You’ll soon be talking the hind legs off a donkey!’.
Problems? Any hiccups, glitches, snags, hitches, drawbacks or dilemmas – contact Phil: www.vso-qybe.weebly.com (via Contact Us page)
to English Language Improvement Training英语语言技能提升培训 VSO and Qingyang Education Bureau VSO-庆阳市教育局 ’You’ll soon be talking the hind legs off a donkey!’
Your Training Team: 培训团队成员: ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
VSO英国海外志愿者服务社 介绍VSO以及服务目标 • 英国海外志愿者服务社是一个国际发展慈善机构VSO is an international development charity • 英国海外志愿者服务社通过志愿者行动消除贫困VSO works through volunteers to fight global poverty and disadvantage • 志愿者与当地同事和社区共同合作分享技能改善生活Volunteers work with colleagues and communities to share skills and achieve positive change together
2. Pronunciation语音 Aims of session 培训目标 To raise your awareness of the role of pronunciation in English learning 提升英语学习中语音的作用
Pronunciation语音 Alphabet Game (in the corridor)
Agree or Disagree?同意或不同意? • You need to know phonetics* to learn English 学习英语需要掌握音标 • Poor pronunciation can cause problems in the other skills 发音不到位会影响其它技能的发展 • Older learners need to learn good pronunciation but it is not important for younger learners 语言学习者需要掌握良好的发音,但是对于初学者发音不是很重要。 • Accuracy in pronunciation is very important 发音的准确性是非常重要的 • There is one kind of standard English and everyone must learn this way of speaking 只有一种标准的英语,每个人必须学习这一种标准英语。 * Phonetics is the study of the production and perception of speech sounds语音是音位发音和音位感知的研究
3. Phonemes音素 Aims of session 培训目标 To help you improve your pronunciation of English phonemes 提高教师英语音素的发音
Phonemic Symbols 音标 æ a:ʌ ɒɔ: ɜ: ə eI aIɔI əʊ aʊ eə ʊə i: I e p b t d k g m ŋ f v θ s z ʃ h j n ʊ u: ð ʒ dʒ tʃ Iə r l w
Phonemic Sounds音标的发音 i: I e Iə u: v window θ ʊ think read w l r n ŋ f sit leave book men read tʃ church no here dʒ judge sing ʒ too casual five ð the very
Snakes & Ladders Game蛇梯游戏 • Throw the die (摇色子) • Move your counter (挪动你的筹码) • Think of a word and say it (想一个单词并说出来) • Go up ladders and down snakes when you land on them (碰到梯子时向上爬,碰到蛇时往下降)
Phoneme Swatting Game音素拍打游戏 Please cast your gaze towards the white board…
Random Phonemes Game常见的音素游戏 w I i: ŋ n e ʒ dʒ tʃ l r ð
休息 Getting your mords wixed up! 大声阅读下列文章,读完全文,中间不要停下来。 Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe
4. Consonant Clusters辅音连缀 Aims of session 培训目标 To understand what consonant clusters are and practice how to pronounce them 掌握辅音连缀的含义并且练习辅音连缀的发音
Initial Consonant Clusters词首辅音连缀 This is a group of consonants at the beginning of the word which has no vowel in between. 词首辅音连缀是单词前出现一组辅音字母,并且辅音字母之间没有元音。 For example: words which start with 例如:以以下连缀辅音开始的单词 /sp/ spoon /cr/ cricket /sl/ slow /tr/ travel
Initial Consonant Practice词首辅音练习 “The special spider wears spectacles in spring when playing sport”. “The crazy, crying crocodile crashed into the crowd whilst drawing with his crayons”.
Make a tongue-twister编绕口令 Make your own tongue-twister using one of these initial consonant clusters 利用以下两组中任何一组词首辅音连缀编绕口令。 /sl/ /tr/
Final Consonant Clusters词尾辅音连缀 This is a group of consonants at the end of the word which has no vowel in between. 词尾辅音连缀是单词末尾出现一组辅音字母,并且辅音字母之间没有元音。 For example: words which end with 例如:以以下连缀辅音结尾的单词 /mp/ lamp /ng/ long /sp/ crisp
Final Consonant Practice以词尾辅音练习 ‘Cluster Buster’ • Throw the die. (旋转箭头) • Match a card to the ending selected (选出单词,使该单词词尾能够配上卡片) • Say the word (说出单词)
Final Consonant Problems词尾辅音发音所出现的问题 Certain final consonants are pronounced incorrectly by Chinese people. 中国人对于某些以辅音结尾的单词发音不正确 For example, words ending in: 例如,以下以辅音结尾的单词: ‘t’ e.g. wait ‘d’ e.g. good ‘p’ e.g. ship ‘n’ e.g. win ‘k’/’c’ e.g. music Silent ‘e’ e.g. white Plurals with ‘s’ e.g. dogs
Final ‘t’ practice adult appointment pleasant
Final ‘d’ practice afford cupboard flashcard polluted
Final ‘g’ practice dog belong spring acting
Final ‘p’ practice ship sweep soup
Final ‘n’ practice alien thin pain
Final ‘k/c’ practice book scientific traffic
Final ‘w’ practice how know now
Final ‘s’ (and plurals ending in ‘s’) practice dishes grass miss
Final ‘silent “e” sound practice white aggressive cause
Dice Game Key 1 = t 2 = d 3 = n 4 = k/c 5 = Silent ‘e’ 6 = ‘s’ and plurals with ‘s’
Final Consonants in Sentences句中词尾的辅音字母 The examples we have studied are common mispronunciations for Chinese speakers of English. 我们所学习的例子是中国英语学习者常见的错误 The general rule is not to emphasise or elongate any individual words, when said singularly or in sentences. ‘Run’ words together smoothly. 在读单词或是句子时,不要强调或拉长任何一个单词。流畅的读完句中的所有单词。 For example, ‘the dog sat down’ Should not be said ‘the dogger satter dang’ but rather like ‘the dogsatdown’
休息 www.vso-qybe.weebly.com
5. Word Stress单词重读 Aims of session 培训目标 To understand the basic rules of syllables and word stress 理解基本音节规则和单词重音
What is a syllable?什么是音节 A syllable is the smallest sound people can make when they speak. Usually each letter makes a sound (phoneme), and a group of letters makes the block of sound (syllable). All wordsare made from at least one syllable 音节是人们在说话时能发出的最小的语音单位。通常一个字母有一个发音(音标),一组字母能组成一组发音(音节)。任何单词至少是由一个音节组成的 eye butter incredible peanut internet unbelievable
What is a syllable?什么是音节 Christmas when better banana library impossible television apple antidisestablishment university photographic geological
Syllable Maze 重音 迷宫 Start Finish
Stress Rule 1 重音规则 1 Stress on the first syllable 重音在第一个音节上 Most 2 syllable nouns and adjectives have stress on the first syllable e.g. 大多数双音节名词和形容词重音在第一个音节例如 cabbage pretty
Stress Activity 1重音练习1 Most 2 syllable nouns and adjectives have stress on the first syllable 大多数双音节名词和形容词重音在第一个音节上 toothbrush notebook happy colour blackboard boring
Stress Rule 2 重音规则2 Stress on the last syllable重音在最后一个音节 Most 2 syllable verbs have stress on the last syllable e.g. 大多数双音节动词重音在最后一个音节上 produce begin
Stress Activity 2 重音练习2 Most 2 syllable verbs have stress on the last syllable 大多数由双音节组成的动词,重音在最后一个音节上 decide explain collect reduce export present
Stress Rule 3 重音规则 3 Stress on the penultimate syllable 重音在倒数第二个音节上的单词 Words ending in ‘ic’ e.g.static, realistic, photographic Words ending in ‘sion’ and ‘tion’ e.g.television, solution
Stress Rule 4重音规则 4 Stress on the anti-penultimate syllable重音在倒数第三个音节上的单词 Words ending in ‘cy’, ‘ty’, ‘phy’ and ‘gy’ e.g.currency, activity, photography, biology Words ending in ‘al’ e.g.critical,geological
Activity 3 练习3 toothbrush activity photography boring explain television solution decide
6. Intonation音调 Aims of session 培训目标 To understand intonation and how and when it is used 理解语调的用法
What is intonation?什么是语调 Intonation is how the tone of your voice during a sentence. This changes depending on the meaning you want to convey 语调是指在陈述一个句子的时候,说话的口气是怎样升降的。这种升降调的变化是根据句意的改变而改变的 rises or falls
Intonation Role-play音调 角色扮演 Sabine says: "Hello" to a friend she sees every day Sabine says:"Hello" to an old friend she has not met in 8 years Sabine says: "Hello" to a colleague at 4am on a cold, dark, wet November morning
Intonation Practice 语调联系 ‘Good morning’ ‘Good bye’ • To an old friend you have not met in 8 years 对一个8年未见的朋友说 • To a friend you see every day对一个每天见面的朋友说 • To a colleague at 4am on a cold, dark, wet November morning在11月的一个阴冷,潮湿,黑暗的的早晨4点钟,对你的同事说。