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Developing PRTR Systems in Europe : EPER, E-PRTR and the PRTR Protocol. Magda T ó th Nagy Public Participation Programme October 15, 2007. Contents. The origins and evolution of PRTR mechanism Current trends and developments Differences and commonalities Challenges and needs in CEE
Developing PRTR Systems in Europe : EPER, E-PRTR and the PRTR Protocol Magda Tóth NagyPublic Participation Programme October 15, 2007
Contents • The origins and evolution of PRTR mechanism • Current trends and developments • Differences and commonalities • Challenges and needs in CEE • Capacity Building: The REC contribution • New initiatives and plans
The Origins and Evolution of PRTR Mechanism US Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) established in 1984 • after Bhopal catastrophe by Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act • Tracks releases to all media (air, water and land) and off-site transfers of more than 600 chemicals Rio Conference (1992) Agenda 21 Chapter 19 • recommended governments to collect data about various environmental media, implement and improve databases about chemicals including inventories of emissions OECD mandate in 1993 • to develop and publish guidance manual • PRTR Task Force and IOMC coordination National PRTRs • Australia, Canada, NL and pilots
The Origins and Evolution of PRTR Mechanism Aarhus Convention (Art. 5.9) • tool for public access to information • calls for establishing nationwide, publicly accessible “pollution inventories or registers” covering inputs, releases and transfers of substances and products PRTR Protocol • Negotiated between 2001-2003 • Adopted and signed in Kiev in May 2003 by 36 countries and EC • to enhance public access to information and to facilitate public participation as well as to encourage pollution reduction (art. 1) EU’s European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER) • Based on IPPC Directive 96/61, Decision 000/479/EC)
Current trends and developments PRTR Protocol • signed by EC most new EU MS and SEE countries E-PRTR Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 • to implement PRTR Protocol and upgrade EPER to E-PRTR • aims to enhance public access to environmental information through the establishment of a coherent and integrated E-PRTR • contributing to the prevention and reduction of pollution, delivering data for policy makers and facilitating public participation in environmental decision making • New EU Member States and SEE countries build PRTR through EPER and E-PRTR
Differences and commonalities EPER E-PRTR PRTR Protocol • 50 pollutants 91 pollutants 86 pollutants • 56 activities 65 activities 64 activities + releases to land + off-site transfers (waste) + pollutant- specific or waste-specific for + diffuse sources transfers • reporting every annual reporting national register three years + public participation
Challenges and Needs in CEE Strategic approach: • Assessing legal, institutional gaps and needs Development and implementation of new legislation on IPPC and EPER/E-PRTR • Legislative burden of accession process • Priority setting: legal transposition and/or practical implementation in relatively short time Creating institutional framework for integration of data collection and information flow: • Overcome lack of coordination of data collection and gaps in information flow • Designate a single responsible agency • Share responsibilities among national agencies • Streamline multiple reporting obligations and methodologies • Build capacities and expertise
Challenges and Needs in CEE Operational issues • Consistency of reporting requirements and methodologies for setting up thresholds, common identifiers and adapting to national priorities • Verification and quality control: unified methodologies and techniques of estimations, calculations and measurements such as sector-based unified estimation methods and factors • Clear criteria and guidance on confidentiality claims • Stakeholder involvement in development and operation of systems: open and transparent process
Challenges and Needs in CEE Operational issues • Public accessibility: PRTR databases in electronic form • Searchable user-friendly PRTR systems according to parameters and accessible via internet, free of charge • Databases located in different places linked, • Public access points ensured • Involvement of health experts and NGOs to help interpreting data
Capacity Building on PRTR Needs to Support: • A more strategic approach and creating a framework at national level • Assessment of legal, institutional practical gaps and needs and design agreed process • Assistance with practical technical issues to support setting up operational registers • Developing guidance on reporting, record keeping, determining emission data • Communication and coordination within and among authorities and with operators • Involvement of public and stakeholders, incl. operators in the dialogue • Information provided to the public, users and operators (web sites)
Capacity Building: The REC Contribution • Provide forum for discussion for authorities and stakeholders during drafting of PRTR Protocol • Capacity building workshops for network of governmental and NGO experts to learn from international experience • Support establishment of PRTRs and preparation for ratification of the Protocol in 4 SEE countries and entities (Albania, BiH, Montenegro, Serbia) • Capacity building/training on EPER/E-PRTR, PRTR Protocol for all SEE countries and site visits to Hungary and Czech Republic • Projects funded by the Netherlands, US, Norway and EU (2000-2007)
Capacity Building: The REC Contribution Activities: • Assessment report of gaps and needs • Multi-stakeholder dialogue on findings and recommendations • Experience sharing in regional closing workshop • Study tours to Netherlands and Czech Republic Issues covered: • Legal and institutional framework, reporting process, requirements, list of substances, thresholds, range and structure of IPR, information system, data sharing and exchange, publication of data, accessibility on internet and by helpdesk
REC Capacity Building:New Initiatives and Plans • Fundraising to continue efforts • Joint proposal with interested SEE countries: • to ENVSEC • to SAICM • Active contribution to the PRTR WG and the development and implementation of PRTR Capacity Building Concept with UNECE and other partners
Information about the projects Contact: Magda Tóth Nagy Public Participation Program, REC tmagdi@rec.org www.eper.ec.europa.eu www.unece.org/env/pp/prtr www.rec.org/REC/Programs/ PublicParticipation