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W h a t' s in a W o r d ? The Ba s i cs o f M ed i cal Ter mi no l ogy

W h a t' s in a W o r d ? The Ba s i cs o f M ed i cal Ter mi no l ogy. Le ss o n O bjec t iv es. W h a t ar e t h e 3 p ar ts of a M edic a l T e rm? W h a t ar e t h e r u l es fo r in c l ud in g co m b inin g v owe l s ?

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W h a t' s in a W o r d ? The Ba s i cs o f M ed i cal Ter mi no l ogy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What'sinaWord? TheBasicsofMedicalTerminology

  2. LessonObjectives • Whatarethe3partsofaMedicalTerm? • Whataretherulesforincludingcombiningvowels? • HowdoesonemakesingularMedicalTermsintotheplural?

  3. MedicalTerms:ADissection APHASIA AMedicalTermismadeupofthreeparts:

  4. MedicalTerms:ADissection APHASIA AMedicalTermismadeupofthreeparts:COMBININGFORM:main'root'oftheword

  5. MedicalTerms:ADissection APHASIA AMedicalTermismadeupofthreeparts:COMBININGFORM:main'root'oftheword PREFIX:affixedtothebeginningoftheCombiningForm

  6. MedicalTerms:ADissection APHASIA AMedicalTermismadeupofthreeparts:COMBININGFORM:main'root'oftheword PREFIX:affixedtothebeginningoftheCombiningFormSUFFIX:affixedtotheendoftheCombiningForm

  7. MedicalTerms:ADissection APHASIA The condition of the absence of speech PREFIX:affixedtothebeginningoftheCombiningFormSUFFIX:affixedtotheendoftheCombiningForm

  8. PracticeTerms hepatomegaly hepat/o+megaly ostectomy oste/o+ectomy pericarditis peri+cardi/o+itis hematology hemat/o+logy parenteral para+entere/o+al

  9. MedicalTerms:ADissection GASTROENTEROSTOMY Oftentimes,MedicalTermscontain'extra'vowels,calledCOMBININGVOWELS.Thesevowelsservetwopurposes:

  10. MedicalTerms:ADissection GASTROENTEROSTOMY Oftentimes,MedicalTermscontain'extra'vowels,calledCOMBININGVOWELS.Thesevowelsservetwopurposes: 1.Tojointwocombiningformsinacompoundterm

  11. MedicalTerms:ADissection GASTROENTEROSTOMY Oftentimes,MedicalTermscontain'extra'vowels,calledCOMBININGVOWELS.Thesevowelsservetwopurposes: 1. Tojointwocombiningformsinacompoundterm 2. Tojoinacombiningformtoasuffixbeginningwithaconsonant

  12. MedicalTerms:ADissection GASTROENTEROSTOMY The creation of an opening between the stomach and small intestines

  13. MedicalTerms:ADissection CARDITIS (CARDI/O+ITIS) Exception: 1.Ifarootendsinavowelandthesuffixbeginswiththesamevowel,thefinalvowelfromtherootisdroppedand nocombiningvowelisused.

  14. MedicalTerms:ADissection CARDITIS (CARDI/O+ITIS) inflammationoftheheart

  15. PracticeTerms "excisionofbone"(oste/o+tomy) "inflammationaroundtheheart"(peri+cardi/o+itis) "theexpansionofavessel"(angi/o+ectasis) "pertainingtotheesophagus"(esophag/o+eal)

  16. PracticeTerms "excisionofbone"(oste/o+tomy) osteotomy "inflammationaroundtheheart" (peri+cardi/o+itis) pericarditis "theexpansionofavessel" (angi/o+ectasis) angiectasis 4."pertainingtotheesophagus" (esophag/o+eal) esophageal

  17. Singularvs.Plural SincethemajorityofMedicalTermsarederivedfromLatinandGreek,theyformtheirpluralsasLatinandGreekwordsdo. LATIN

  18. Singularvs.Plural SincethemajorityofMedicalTermsarederivedfromLatinandGreek,theyformtheirpluralsasLatinandGreekwordsdo. GREEK

  19. PracticeTerms vertebra phenomenon thorax fungus diagnosis

  20. PracticeTerms vertebra vertebrae phenomenon phenomena thorax thoraces fungus fungi diagnosis diagnoses

  21. LessonObjectives • Whatarethe3partsofaMedicalTerm? • Whataretherulesforincludingcombiningvowels? • HowdoesonemakesingularMedicalTermsintotheplural?

  22. GroupsfortheSession: Group 5 Alicia Aurora Christina Kayla David Jordan Oluwatoyin Noah Leah Erika Nicollette Neil Andrew Lee Rogchelle Roshni Rebecca William Deeanna Haley Mario Samantha Pai-Yao Shane

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