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The South and the Slavery Controversy

Key Themes of the Civil War. Civil War as a test of nationhoodEconomic and racial exploitation of slaverySectionalismConflict and compromise between North and SouthWar solidified Union and ended slaveryQuestion whether nation was truly ?reconstructed". King Cotton. Slavery reinvigorated after cotton gin in 1793Cotton Kingdom of South was huge agricultural factoryNortherners also profited from shipping and manufacturingForeign nations dependent on Southern cottonThis made South arrogant.

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The South and the Slavery Controversy

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    1. The South and the Slavery Controversy APUSH Ms. Weston 11/15/06

    2. Key Themes of the Civil War Civil War as a test of nationhood Economic and racial exploitation of slavery Sectionalism Conflict and compromise between North and South War solidified Union and ended slavery Question whether nation was truly “reconstructed”

    3. King Cotton Slavery reinvigorated after cotton gin in 1793 Cotton Kingdom of South was huge agricultural factory Northerners also profited from shipping and manufacturing Foreign nations dependent on Southern cotton This made South arrogant

    4. The Planter “Aristocracy” South as an oligarchy—government by the few Small group of planter aristocracy owned most slaves, provided political and social leadership of South Undemocratic system—poor in South denied tax-supported education Southern planters trying to protect feudal society

    9. Negatives of the slave system Plantation agriculture wasteful Economy in South encouraged monopolies Financial instability in system—lots of debt South dangerously dependent on one crop economy, no manufacturing of own South also repelled immigrants

    11. Whites in the South Small minority rich slave-owners—they owned the most slaves Next was smaller slave-owners—most slave owners had only 1-2 slaves, masters worked with slaves Whites without slaves—redneck, subsistence farmers Often strongest supporters of slavery!!! Mountain whites—in Appalachians, hated planters and slaves, would work with Union during war.

    13. Free Blacks in South In upper South, some blacks freed after Revolution In deep South, free blacks mainly mulattoes—freed by their master/father, some purchased freedom Treated as “third race”

    14. Free Blacks in North Also unpopular Forbidden entrance to some states, kept from vote, and public schools Often tensions with immigrants in North

    15. Plantation Slavery By 1860—4 million slaves Most from reproduction Slaves seen as investment Slaves were often forced to breed or sold in auction Families were separated often

    16. Life Under the Lash Conditions varied depending on region and plantation Everywhere slaves had no political or civil rights Whippings common Slave life hardest in Deep South (South Carolina-Georgia) Slave life most stable on large plantations—family life stable, slave culture developed

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