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Empirical Bayes DIF Assessment Rebecca Zwick, UC Santa Barbara

This presentation provides an overview of empirical Bayes differential item functioning (DIF) assessment. It discusses the definition and causes of DIF, the Mantel-Haenszel method for assessing DIF, and the enhancement of the Mantel-Haenszel method through empirical Bayes analysis. The presentation also includes simulation findings and a discussion on the topic.

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Empirical Bayes DIF Assessment Rebecca Zwick, UC Santa Barbara

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  1. Empirical Bayes DIF AssessmentRebecca Zwick, UC Santa Barbara Presented at Measured Progress August 2007

  2. Overview • Definition and causes of DIF • Assessing DIF via Mantel-Haenszel • EB enhancement to MH DIF (1994-2002, with D. Thayer & C. Lewis) • Model and Applications • Simulation findings • Discussion

  3. What’s differential item functioning ? • DIF occurs when equally skilled members of 2 groups have different probabilities of answering an item correctly. (Only dichotomous items considered today)

  4. IRT Definition of (absence of) DIF • Lord, 1980: P(Yi = 1| , R) = P(Yi = 1| , F) means DIF is absent • P(Yi = 1| , G) is the probability of correct response to item i, given , in group G, G = F (focal) or R (Reference). •  is a latent ability variable, imperfectly measured by test score S. (More later...)

  5. Reasons for DIF • “Construct-irrelevant difficulty” (e.g., sports content in a math item) • Differential interests or educational background: NAEP History items with DIF favoring Black test-takers were about M. L. King, Harriet Tubman, Underground Railroad (Zwick & Ercikan, 1989) • Often mystifying (e.g., “X + 5 = 10” has DIF; “Y + 8 = 11” doesn’t)

  6. Mini-history of DIF analysis: • DIF research dates back to 1960’s • In late 1980’s (“Golden Rule”), testing companies started including DIF analysis as a QC procedure. • Mantel-Haenszel (Holland & Thayer, 1988): method of choice for operational DIF analyses • Few assumptions • No complex estimation procedures • Easy to explain

  7. Mantel-Haenszel: • Compare item performance for members of 2 groups, after matching on total test score, S. • Suppose we have K levels of the score used for matching test-takers, s1, s2, …sK • In each of the K levels, data can be represented as a 2 x 2 table (Right/Wrong by Reference/Focal).

  8. Mantel-Haenszel • For each table, compute conditional odds ratio= Odds of correct response| S=sk, G=R Odds of correct response| S=sk, G=F • Weighted combination of these K values is MH odds ratio, • MH DIF statistic is -2.35 ln( )

  9. Mantel-Haenszel The MH chi-square tests the hypothesis, H0: k =  = 1, k = 1, 2, … K versus H1:  k =  ≠ 1, k = 1, 2, … K where kis the population odds ratio at score level k. (Above H0 is similar, but not, in general, identical to the IRT H0; see Zwick, 1990 Journal of Educational Statistics)

  10. Mantel-Haenszel • ETS: Size of DIF estimate, plus chi-square results are used to categorize item: • A: negligible DIF • B: slight to moderate DIF • C: substantial DIF • For B and C, “+” or “-” used to indicate DIF direction: “-” means DIF against focal group. • Designation determines item’s fate.

  11. Drawbacks to usual MH approach • May give impression that DIF status is deterministic or is a fixed property of the item • Reviewers of DIF items often ignore SE • Is unstable in small samples, which may arise in CAT settings

  12. EB enhancement to MH: • Provides more stable results • May allow variability of DIF findings to be represented in a more intuitive way • Can be used in three ways • Substitute more stable point estimates for MH • Provide probabilistic perspective on true DIF status (A, B, C) and future observed status • [Loss-function-based DIF detection]

  13. Main Empirical Bayes DIF Work (supported by ETS and LSAC) • An EB approach to MH DIF analysis (with Thayer & Lewis). JEM, 1999. [General approach, probabilistic DIF] • Using loss functions for DIF detection: An EB approach (with Thayer & Lewis). JEBS, 2000. [Loss functions] • The assessment of DIF in CATs. In van der Linden & Glas (Eds.) CAT: Theory and Practice, 2000. [review] • Application of an EB enhancement of MH DIF analysis to a CAT (with Thayer). APM, 2002. [simulated CAT-LSAT]

  14. What’s an Empirical Bayes Model?(See Casella (1985), Am. Statistician) • In Bayesian statistics, we assume that parameters have prior distributions that describe parameter “behavior.” • Statistical theory, or past research may inform us about the nature of those distributions. • Combining observed data with the prior distribution yields a posterior (“after the data”)distribution that can be used to obtain improved parameter estimates. • “EB” means prior’s parameters are estimated from data (unlike fully Bayes models).

  15. EB DIF Model

  16. EB DIF Model

  17. EB DIF Model

  18. EB DIF Model

  19. EB DIF Model

  20. Recall: EB DIF estimate is a weighted combination of MHi and prior mean.

  21. Next… • Performance of EB DIF estimator • “Probabilistic DIF” idea

  22. How does EB DIF estimator EBi compare to MHi? • Applied to real data, including GRE • Applied to simulated data, including simulated CAT-LSAT (Zwick & Thayer, 2002): • Testlet CAT data simulated, including items with varying amounts of DIF • EB and MH both used to estimate (known) True DIF • Performance compared using RMSR, variance, and bias measures

  23. Design of Simulated CAT • Pool: 30 5-item testlets (150 items total) • 10 Testlets at each of 3 difficulty levels • Item data generated via 3PL model • CAT algorithm was based on testlet scores • Examinees received 5 testlets (25 items) • Test score (used as DIF matching variable) was expected true score on pool (Zwick, Thayer, & Wingersky, 1994 APM)

  24. Simulation Conditions Differed on Several Factors: • Ability distribution: • Always N(0,1) in Reference group • Focal group either N(0,1) or N(-1,1) • Initial sample size per group: 1000 or 3000 • DIF: Absent or Present (in amounts that vary across items) • 600 replications for results shown today

  25. Definition of True DIF for Simulation Range of True DIF: -2.3 to 2.9, SD ≈ 1.

  26. Definition of Root Mean Square Residual

  27. MSR = Variance + Squared Bias MSR = RMSR2 =

  28. RMSRs for No-DIF condition, Initial N=1000; Item N’s = 80 to 300

  29. RMSRs - 50 hard items, DIF condition, Focal N(-1,1)Focal N’s = 16 to 67, Reference N’s 80 to 151

  30. RMSRs for DIF condition, Focal N(-1,1)Initial N=1000; Item N’s = 16 to 307

  31. Variance and Squared Bias for Same ConditionInitial N=1000; Item N’s = 16 to 307

  32. Summary-Performance of EB DIF Estimator • RMSRs (and variances) are smaller for EB than for MH, especially in (1) no-DIF case and (2) very small-sample case. • EB estimates more biased than MH; bias is toward 0. • Above findings are consistent with theory. • Implications to be discussed.

  33. “External” Applications/Elaborations of EB DIF Point Estimation • Defense Dept: CAT-ASVAB (Krass & Segal, 1998) • ACT: Simulated multidimensional CAT data (Miller & Fan, NCME, 1998) • ETS: Fully Bayes DIF model (NCME, 2007) of Sinharay et al: Like EB, but parameters of prior are determined using past data (see ZTL). Also tried loss function approach.

  34. Probabilistic DIF • In our model, posterior distribution is normal, so is fully determined by mean and variance. • Can use posterior distribution to infer the probability that DIF falls into each of the ETS categories (C-, B-, A, B+, C+), each of which corresponds to a particular DIF magnitude. (Statistical significance plays no role here.) • Can display graphically.

  35. Probabilistic DIF status for an “A” item in LSAT sim.MH = 4.7, SE = 2.2, Identified Status = C+Posterior Mean = EBi= .7, Posterior SD = .8 NR=101 NF = 23

  36. Probabilistic DIF, continued • In EB approach can be used to accumulate DIF evidence across administrations. • Prior can be modified each time an item is given: Use former posterior distribution as new prior (Zwick, Thayer & Lewis, 1999). • Pie chart could then be modified to reflect new evidence about an item’s status.

  37. Predicting an Item’s Future Status: The Posterior Predictive Distribution • A variation on the above can be used to predict future observed DIF status • Mean of posterior predictive distribution is same as posterior mean, but variance is larger. • For details and an application to GRE items, see Zwick, Thayer, & Lewis, 1999 JEM.

  38. Discussion • EB point estimates have advantages over MH counterparts • EB approach can be applied to non-MH DIF methods • Advisability of shrinkage estimation for DIF needs to be considered • Reducing Type I error may yield more interpretable results • Degree of shrinkage can be fine-tuned • Probabilistic DIF displays may have value in conveying uncertainty of DIF results.

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