Ac velutimagno in populo cum saepecoortaestand like in a large populace when often a riot has begunseditio, saevitqueanimisignobilevolgus,and the common crowd rages in spirits,iamque faces et saxavolant—furor armaministrat;and now torches and rocks fly—madness supplies weapons;tum, pietategravem ac meritissi forte virumquemthen, if by chance they have noticed any/some man solemn in devotion and in services,conspexere, silent, arrectisqueauribusadstant;they are silent and stand with pricked ears;
illeregitdictisanimos, et pectoramulcet,—that man rules their minds with words, and soothes their breasts,--sic cunctuspelagiceciditfragor, aequorapostquamthus subsided the entire/crowded uproar of the sea, after the creatorprospiciens genitor caeloqueinvectusapertolooking out on the seas and conveyed on the open skyflectitequos, curruquevolansdatlorasecundo.Guides his horses, and flying gives reins to his obedient chariot.
DefessiAeneadae, quae proximalitora, cursuThe tired followers of Aeneas the shores which are closest on their coursecontenduntpetere, et Libyaevertuntur ad oras.Hurry/struggle to seek, and are turned to the shores of Libya.Est in secessulongolocus: insulaportumthere is a place in a long recess: an island creates a portefficitobiectulaterum, quibusomnisabaltoby the projection of its sides, by which every wave from the deepfrangiturinque sinus scinditseseundareductos.Is broken and splits itself into recessed bays.
Hincatquehincvastaerupesgeminiqueminanturfrom this side and from that huge crags and twinin caelumscopuli, quorum sub verticelatecliffs into heaven tower, under the summit of which the safe seasaequoratuta silent; tumsilvisscaenacoruscisare silent far and wide; then (there is) a stage-set with quivering woodsdesuperhorrentiqueatrumnemusimminet umbra.From above and a black grove threatens with bristling shade.