1. Metacognition: The Key to Excelling in Science! Saundra Y. McGuire, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Academic Success
Adj. Professor, Department of Chemistry
Louisiana State University
2. 2004 National College Learning Center AssociationFrank L. Christ Outstanding Learning Center Award
3. The Story of Five LSU Students Travis, junior psychology student
47, 52, 82, 86
Robert, freshman chemistry student
42, 100, 100, 100
Amy, junior organic chemistry student
54, 82, 76, 78
Michael, senior pre-medical organic student
30, 28, 80, 91
Terrence, junior Bio Engineering student
GPA 1.67 cum, 3.54 (F 03), 3.8 (S 04)
5. Think/Pair/Share
What is the difference, if any, between studying and learning?
Which, if either, is more enjoyable?
6. Al’s Cumulative Exam Record Pursuing Ph.D. in Chemistry
7. Desired outcomes We will better understand why students don’t study, or seldom get significant results from their study time
We will understand some basic principles of cognitive science and learning theory that can be used to improve teaching and learning
We will have concrete strategies that teachers can teach students to increase critical thinking
We will see how concept mapping can improve learning
8. Desired outcomes cont’d
We will know what motivates students to learn
We will view our students differently
We will see immediate and dramatic changes in our students’ performance and
We will LOVE our jobs!!!
9. Characteristics of Many of Today’s STEM Students Working more hours
Interested in obtaining credentials
Feel entitled to an A or B if they consistently attend class
Few time management skills
Few learning skills
10. Why don’t students know how to learn? It wasn’t necessary in high school
- 66% of 2003 entering first year students spent less than six hours per week doing homework in 12th grade.
- More than 46% of these students said they graduated from high school with an “A” average.
Students’ confidence level is high
- 70% believe their academic ability is above average or in the highest 10 percent among people their age
Higher Education Research Institute Study
11. How do faculty sometimes further add to the problem? By assigning homework and giving tests that require little, if any, higher order thinking
By assessing learning too infrequently
By not requiring students to be responsible for their own learning
By having little ability to teach students concrete learning strategies
By rewarding passive learning
12. How does the university exacerbate the problem? Orientation programs that stress fun, recreation, and campus organization involvement
Counselors who assist students in scheduling courses “back to back” with no breaks between
Faculty who discourage students from buying the course textbook
13. What did we at the CAS do to improve these students’ learning and performance?
14. Metacognition The ability to:
think about thinking
be consciously aware of oneself as a problem solver
monitor and control one’s mental processing
accurately assess what one understands
15. Metacognition “an appreciation of what one already knows, together with a correct comprehension of the learning task and what knowledge and skills it requires, combined with the ability to make correct inferences about how to apply one’s strategic knowledge to a particular situation, and to do so efficiently and reliably.”
Taylor, 1999
16. Rote Learning
Involves verbatim memorization
(which is easily forgotten)
Cannot be manipulated or applied to novel situations
(e.g. remembering phone numbers, dates, names, etc.)
17. Meaningful Learning Learning that is tied and related to previous knowledge and integrated with previous learning
Can be manipulated, applied to novel situations, and used in problem solving tasks
(e.g. comparing and contrasting the Arrhenius and
B-L definitions of acids and bases.)
18. Why Rote Learning Is Ubiquitous More high stakes testing in schools schools
It worked in earlier grades;
paradigm shifts don’t come easily!
Teachers who test primarily rote learning
Most students have not developed study skills or learning strategies
19. Can you accurately count the vowels?
21. So, what can we do to improve student learning? Adopt the attitude that ALL students can learn
Help students determine their learning style
Help students understand the learning process
Teach students effective learning strategies based on cognitive science research findings
22. Cognitive Science: The Science of the Mind Questions
How do humans process information?
How do people increase their knowledge?
What factors influence learning?
What types of learning facilitate transfer of information learned to new settings?
How can we change teaching to improve learning?
23. Experts vs. Novices They think differently about problems
24. Novices vs. Intelligent Novices Intelligent novices learn new domains more quickly than other novices
The metacognitive skills make the difference
25. What intelligent novices know Learning is different from memorization
Solving problems without looking at the solution is different from using the solution as a model
Comprehension of reading material must be tested while the reading is in progress
Knowledge is not “handed out” by the instructor; it is constructed by the learner
The basic concepts in an area are connected to each other
26. Turning Students into Intelligent Novices Have them determine their learning style
Have them do “think aloud” exercises
Have them ask “why” and “what if”
Have them write exam questions that
are at the application level (or higher) on Bloom’s taxonomy
Have them make concept maps of material
Provide time for them to do metacognitive
activities in class
27. Another Cognitive Science Concept: Judgment of Learning (JOL) The ability to:
Realistically evaluate what you’ve learned and what you haven’t learned
Devise strategies to test your learning (e.g. write about the topic, give a “lecture about the topic”, etc.)
Use strategies to deepen your learning
28. Why Students Do Not Accurately Judge their Learning They base their learning on what’s in short term memory
They don’t test their learning
They’ve never engaged in an activity that would show them that they are overestimating their learning
29. Concept maps facilitate development of higher order thinking skills
30. How Concept Mapping Improves Accuracy of Judgment of Learning It forces students to come to grips with the state of their current understanding of a topic
Students see how other students “see” the concepts
Students develop a conceptual framework for the material
31. Concepts Maps
32. Chapter Map
33. Persuasive Writing
34. Compare and Contrast
35. Study Strategies Gold Nugget The Study Cycle with
Intense Study Sessions*
*Adapted from method developed by Frank L. Christ
38. Get the Most Out of Lecture
Preview material
Arrive early
Actively participate
Review notes soon after class
Rework all example problems done in class
39. Get the Most Out of Homework Start the problems early--the day they are assigned
Do not flip back to see example problems; work them yourself!
Don’t give up too soon (<15 min.)
Don’t spend too much time (>30 min.)
40. Get the Most from Tutorial Centers, Office Hours, & Study Groups Try to understand the concept or work the problem by yourself first
Come prepared to ask questions
Explain the material to the tutor or instructor
41. Make Study Groups Work FOR You, Not AGAINST You! Set ground rules for the study group
No meetings the day the problem set is due
Be present, on time, and prepared
Do your part or be barred from the session
Each one teach something!
42. Good notes are essential for meaningful learning
43. Cornell Note Taking Format* Uses of notes
identify major points
identify minor points
There are 4 Kinds of Notes:
Running Text
Formal Outline
Informal Outline
Cornell Note system
44. Motivating Students Bases of Intrinsic Motivation
Autonomy (Control Their Own Destiny)
Competence (Do Things that Help Them Feel Successful)
Belonging (To Feel Part of a Group Effort)
Self-Esteem (To Feel Good About Who They Are)
Involvement and Enjoyment (To Find Pleasure in What They Do)
45. The LSU Dental School First Year Class:
An Amazing Success Story!
Metacognition Discussion – August 13, 2004
Histology Exam – August 23, 2004
Previous class averages: 74 – 77
Challenge to class on August 13: 84 average
Reported average on August 24: 85!
46. In conclusion Students CAN change their attitudes and behaviors about learning. BUT, we must help them do this and hold them accountable for meaningful learning.
47. Final Note Please visit out website at www.cas.lsu.edu.
We have on-line workshops and information that on effective study strategies that will be useful to students with a variety of learning styles.
Dr. Saundra McGuire
48. References
Bruer, John T. , 2000. Schools For Thought: A Science of Learning in the Classroom. MIT Press.
Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L., Cocking, R.R. (Eds.), 2000. How people learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Hacker, D. J., Dunlosky, J., and Graesser, A.C. (1998). Metacognition in Educational Theory and Practice. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum Associates
Halpern, D.F and Hakel, M.D. (Eds.), 2002. Applying the Science of Learning to University Teaching and Beyond. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Kameenui and Carnine, 1998. Effective Teaching Strategies That Accommodate Diverse Learners. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Publishing
Zull, James (2004). The Art of Changing the Brain. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
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