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WEATHER VFR – MVFR - IFR. Tailwinds Flying Club Spring (Summer) Safety Session – 2009. Weather Minimums. Weather, to fly or not to fly? That is the question. Low ceilings and visibility, which can catch pilots unaware or lure pilots to fly further, are the most deadly killers.
WEATHER VFR – MVFR - IFR Tailwinds Flying Club Spring (Summer) Safety Session – 2009
Weather Minimums Weather, to fly or not to fly? That is the question. Low ceilings and visibility, which can catch pilots unaware or lure pilots to fly further, are the most deadly killers. AOPA Air Safety Foundation “One thing that has unfortunately not changed as much is the role that weather plays in fatal airplane accidents. Even after a century of flight, weather is still the factor most likely to result in accidents with fatalities.” FAA - GA Pilot’s Guide to Preflight Weather Planning, Weather Self-Briefings, and Weather Decision Making
Weather Minimums Pilot Requirements FAR 91.103 Preflight action. Each pilot in command shall, before beginning a flight, become familiar with all available information concerning that flight. FAR 91.153 VFR flight plan: Information required • No person may begin a flight in an airplane under VFR conditions unless (considering wind and forecast weather conditions) there is enough fuel to fly to the first point of intended landing and, assuming normal cruising speed – FAR 91.155 Basic VFR weather minimums. FAR 91.157 Special VFR weather minimums. FAR 91.167 Fuel requirements for flight in IFR conditions. FAR 91.169 IFR flight plan: Information Required.
Weather Minimums Plane Requirements FAR 91.205 Powered civil aircraft with standard category U.S. airworthiness certificates: Instrument and equipment requirements. (b) Visual flight rules (day). (c) Visual flight rules (night). (d) Instrument flight rules.
Weather Minimums Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) AIM – Chapter 7 Safety of Flight Section 1 Meteorology 7-1-29 Thunderstorms No flight path through an area of strong or very strong radar echoes separated by 20-30 miles of less may be considered free of severe turbulence. 7-1-30 Thunderstorm Flying Do’s and Don’ts Section 2 Altimeter Setting Procedures 7-2-3 Altimeter Errors + / - 75 feet
Weather Minimums Weather Effects Weather effects you need to understand • Icing • Snow showers • Thunderstorms • Temperature inversions • Fast-moving fronts producing high winds • Fog Be aware of changes in the weather before and during your flight Listen to your inner voice and know your minimums
Weather Minimums Weather Sources Preflight • Online • AOPA Weather (www.AOPA.com) • DTN – Meteorlogix (http://aviation.dtn.com) • ADDS – (http://adds.aviationweather.noaa.gov) • FSS (800.992.7433) • FBO – Valters Aviation (www.valtersaviation.com) • ASOS (STP – 651.298.1410) In flight • FSS – 122.2 • AWOS (21D – 120.075) • ATIS – (STP – 118.35) • Enroute: 122.0 • Tower • ATC • HIWAS (MSP Gopher 117.3)
Weather Minimums Personal Minimums The FAA has published its “General Aviation Pilot’s Guide to Preflight Weather Planning, Weather Self-Briefings and Weather Decision Making”. This document may be retrieved from the FAA Web site at: tinyurl.com/cocyyf . Appendix 4 of the Guide in includes a matrix for developing your own personal weather minimums. The following are forms from this document for personal VFR and IFR weather minimum development.
Weather Minimums Developing Personal Minimums
Weather Minimums Weather Analysis Checklists – VFR
Weather Minimums Weather Analysis Checklists – IFR
Weather Minimums Additional Reporting Resources • DTN meteorlogix - http://aviation.dtn.com/dtnaviation/ • AOPA Flight Planning - http://www.aopa.org/flightplanning/ Additional Resources – Web-enabled Services • PilotGEEK - http://www.pilotgeek.com/ • AvWx Weather - http://avwx.net/
CUSTOMS REPORTING - eAPIS New Customs Reporting Requirements A requirement to file passenger manifests and flight information online for all international flights goes into effect May 18, 2009. The penalty for noncompliance is stiff--$5,000 the first time and $10,000 subsequent instances. AOPA Air Safety Foundation’s new interactive course, Understanding eAPIS: A Pilot’s Guide to Online Customs Reporting.
CUSTOMS REPORTING - eAPIS New Customs Reporting Requirements
CUSTOMS REPORTING - eAPIS New Customs Reporting Requirements Flight information must be submitted through eAPIS at least 60 minutes in advance. This is because customs will be checking the manifest against terrorist watch lists as it is required by Congress. Pilots should receive approval or denial of their manifest and flight information within a few minutes of submission.
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