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The Discovery of First Contraception Pill . By: Aniah L. Santiago I- Ching Lee Hao -Ting Kang Wei Ling Zheng Julie Wang.
The Discovery of FirstContraception Pill By: Aniah L. Santiago I-Ching Lee Hao-Ting Kang Wei Ling Zheng Julie Wang
The first contraception was introduced by Margaret Sanger who was a women’s rights activist. She came up with the idea of a birth control. However, due to her lack of funds she teamed up with Katharine Dexter McCormick. McCormick was a leader in the suffrage movement and second woman to graduate from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Their ideas brought the creation of the first contraception. Margaret Sanger
Before the birth control pill was a thought, many women used condoms, douches, and the rhythm method as a form of birth control. The Catholic Church forbid all methods of birth control except the rhythm method, because it was seen as a natural form of birth control. However, abstinence was preferred.
Dr. John Rock, a Gynecologist, was the co-creater of the pill. Rock was Roman Catholic who believed that the Church should allow the use of the pill be another form of the “rhythm method”. Due to anti-contraceptive laws, Dr. Rock was unable to perform clinical trials within the United States borders.
(April 1956) Dr. John Rock decided that holding these trials in Puerto Rico were their safest choice. Reasons being there were no laws against contraception. A lot of the women in Puerto Rico were excited to have more efficient methods of birth control. FDA approval was granted in 1957 for the use of menstruation regulation not as a means of birth control.
The first brand of birth control pillwas called enovid. This pill carried more hormones in one pill then needed. It had 10,000 micrograms of progestin and 150 micrograms of estrogen. Today’s birth control pills between 50-150 micrograms of progestin and 20-50 micrograms estrogen. Side effects were dizziness, nausea, headaches, vomiting occurred in 17% of women. And 132 reported cases of blood clots.
In the past several decades, the pill has been constantly improved to make a safe and more convenient contraceptive. Premarital Sex occurs more frequently then it did back then. One in four teens have had sex before the age of 17. With that said, 94% of women use some form of birth control
After the contraception pill was discovered… Women have the liberty to decide when they want to become pregnant, and the number of children they want to have. In addition, it reduces teenage pregnancies and limits the abortion statistics.
Other benefits… Increase in hair growth due to the increase of female hormones, and it reduces the risk of getting uterine cancer and ovarian cancer. Taking birth control has proven to clear acne and regulate a women’s menstrual cycle.
Works Cited: Dexter-McCormick, Katharine. "The Birth Control Pill- A History." Planned Parenthood (2010): 1-13. Apr. 2010. Web. 23 Sept. 2010. "Teenage Pregnancy Statistics." Teenage Pregnancy Statistics. 2005. Web. 24 Sept. 2010. <http://www.pregnantteenhelp.org/articles1.html>. "Timeline: The Pill." PBS Online. PBS, 1999. Web. 24 Sept. 2010. <www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/pill/timeline/timeline2.html.>.