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The Victorian Cancer Registry (VCR)

The Victorian Cancer Registry (VCR). Supporting electronic cancer registration. Speakers: Debbie Billiet – VCR Operations Manager Meng Tuck Mok – VCR Project Officer. Summary Overview of VCR Cancer registration process VCR re-engineering project Benefits of electronic registrations

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The Victorian Cancer Registry (VCR)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Victorian Cancer Registry (VCR) Supporting electronic cancer registration Speakers: Debbie Billiet – VCR Operations Manager Meng Tuck Mok – VCR Project Officer

  2. Summary Overview of VCR Cancer registration process VCR re-engineering project Benefits of electronic registrations VCRIP - introduction VCRIP - getting started VCR contact details

  3. About VCR What is VCR? Population based register of cancer in residents of Victoria

  4. Victorian Cancer Registry - Timelines 1939 Cancer registry established in six hospitals 1940 1940 First cancer registrations made 1941 Registry closes - WWII 1946 Registry reopens 1950 1958 Cancer Act passed “to consolidate the Law relating to the Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria and the Cancer Institute and for other purposes” 1960 1959 Four more hospitals join scheme 1970 1971 Computerisation of registry 1975 Registry expands to cover Melbourne metropolitan area 1980 1981 Cancer Act amended make cancer notification mandatory 1982 Registry becomes population based 1988 Amendment to reporting schedule allows reporting of in situ carcinoma 1990 1997 Reporting regulations amended to include reporting by prescribed registers 2000 2000 Reporting regulations amended to include details of tumour recurrence 2002 Re-engineering of registry

  5. Hospitals Public & Private Death Register Victorian Cancer Registry Pathology Laboratories Australian Bureau Statistics Prescribed Registers National Death Index National Cancer Statistics Clearing House Other State Registries

  6. Cancer Registry Functions To monitor the cancer epidemic • Incidence & mortality To evaluate cancer control programs • Prevention – eg. Sunsmart • Early detection – eg. Breastscreen, Paptest To facilitate research • Record linkage eg. Occupational cohort studies (Vietnam vets) • Ethically approved research studies

  7. Current Registration Process • paper ‘green’ cancer notification forms • Hospital and pathology data in a variety of electronic formats eg. CD, floppy disc • ALL electronic files are currently printed

  8. VCR re-engineering project • Commenced in 2002 • Strategy to become a full electronic registry • Changeover of data repository • Upgrade in technology • Expand core VCR data set

  9. Benefits of electronic registrations • Improve timeliness of cancer data • Streamline registration process • Faster data consolidation • Feedback for specific cases eg. death dates

  10. Victorian Cancer Registry Internet Portal (VCRIP) • Response to VCR notifier survey (December 2004) • Part of VCR re-engineering project • Facilitate full electronic cancer reporting

  11. VCRIP - objectives • Secure electronic transfer of the specified generic file format • Web based online cancer registration e-form • Communication between VCR and notifiers and vice versa • Disseminate population base or consolidated cancer data

  12. Percentage of Electronic Notifiers 2002-2004 Pathology Labs Hospitals

  13. VCRIP – Security & encryption • Secure socket layer (SSL) protocol • Used for commercial transactions • Web browser based • User login

  14. VCRIP - model for electronic notification

  15. VCRIP – screen shot • Insert screen shot of VCRIP home page – Main Page

  16. VCRIP – screen shot • Insert screen shot of generic file format page • Insert screen shot of VCRIP e-form page – E-Form

  17. VCRIP – who should apply? • Anyone who is involved in completing and sending cancer registrations to VCR • Health Information Managers • Coders/clerks • Pathology managers/staff • IT personnel

  18. VCRIP – how to apply for user accounts? • Fill in User information details at VCR stand • Send in User information to VCR via email vcrinfo@cancervic.org.au

  19. VCRIP – site testing • Beta testing • Generic format and e-forms • Participating hospital and pathology notifiers • Testing protocol and evaluation criteria

  20. VCRIP – when, where and how? • Rollout - • September 2005 • Mailout • Secure Website URL • https://www.cancervic.org.au/vcr/vcrip • Email • vcrquery@cancervic.org.au • Visit us at the VCR stand

  21. Reducing the paper………………

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