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UNECE Gender Database: An update on recent developments

UNECE Gender Database: An update on recent developments. David Boko UNECE Statistical Division. Updates on UNECE Gender database. Introduction The purpose of the ECE gender database: Dissemination platform for gender statistics in the region

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UNECE Gender Database: An update on recent developments

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  1. UNECE Gender Database:An update on recent developments David Boko UNECE Statistical Division

  2. Updates on UNECE Gender database Introduction • The purpose of the ECE gender database: • Dissemination platform for gender statistics in the region • A monitoring tool for gender issues and policies in the region • Assignments from the 2006 work session: • Review the content of the gender Database • Redesign instruments for and perform data collection to populate the database. • Set up and implement a marketing strategy to out reach users.

  3. Updates on UNECE Gender database Accomplishments • Review of the content of the Database Sections review Driven by relevance and data availability criteria. Resulted into : • Important changes including discontinuation of certain tables and inclusion of new ones. • Addition of two new sections on life balance and Science & Technology.

  4. Updates on UNECE Gender database Accomplishments • Review of the content of the Database In particulars: Section on Life balance includes 8 tables: • Time use structure, and time spent free time or domestic activities. • Working patterns of couples, • Employment rates according parenthood and marital status Section on Science and ICT includes 3 tables: • Researchers • Computer use • Internet use. New tables added to Sections on Public life and Work & Economy

  5. Updates on UNECE Gender database Accomplishments : Data collection • Data collection process was launched Autumn 2007 and covered periods up to 2006. • Assessment of data available in International databases helped reduce the burden on countries • Updates from international sources, then from questionnaires.

  6. Updates on UNECE Gender database Selected findings: Parenthood and employment

  7. Updates on UNECE Gender database Selected findings: Rising proportion of women among ambassadors

  8. Updates on UNECE Gender database Selected findings: Gender gap in use of Internet Gender gap is reducing with new generations in Germany but is an issue in Serbia.

  9. Updates on UNECE Gender database Selected findings:Women and men in businesses and financial sector Sector of activity more often attractive to women than to men

  10. Selected findings:Women and men in businesses and financial sector Updates on UNECE Gender database Managerial positions more occupied by men than to women

  11. Updates on UNECE Gender database Improvements to the database interface • Improved name to the data tables • Country lists limited by data availability • Update notices

  12. Updates on UNECE Gender database Use of the genders database

  13. Updates on UNECE Gender database Use of the genders database

  14. Updates on UNECE Gender database Plan for Future • Finalisation of updates (2007 data from international sources) • Marketing plan to outreach users. • Development of Gender pay gap section • Translation of all data tables into Russian

  15. Updates on UNECE Gender database Thank you !

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