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Dr. Larry K. Norris MA 242.003 www.math.ncsu.edu/~lkn

Dr. Larry K. Norris MA 242.003 www.math.ncsu.edu/~lkn. Spring Semester, 2013 North Carolina State University. Grading. 4 semester tests @ 15% = 60% Maple Homework @ 10% = 10% Final Exam @ 30%+ = 30%+

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Dr. Larry K. Norris MA 242.003 www.math.ncsu.edu/~lkn

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  1. Dr. Larry K. NorrisMA 242.003 www.math.ncsu.edu/~lkn Spring Semester, 2013 North Carolina State University

  2. Grading • 4 semester tests @ 15% = 60% • Maple Homework @ 10% = 10% • Final Exam @ 30%+ = 30%+ where + means that I will replace the lowest of the 4 tests with the final exam grade if it is higher.

  3. Daily Schedule • Answer questions and work example problems from suggested homework (0-15 minutes) • Daily topics (35-50 minutes) --including example problems (you should study to prepare for tests).

  4. 4 parts to the semester Chapters: • 9 and 10: Review and curve analysis (Test #1) • 11: Differential multivariable calculus (Test #2) • 12: Integral multivariable calculus (Test #3) • 13: Vector calculus (Test #4) • Final Exam

  5. Chapters 9: Review 3-D geometry • Cartesian coordinates in 3 space

  6. Chapters 9: Review 3-D geometry • Vectors in 3 space • The dot and cross products

  7. Chapters 9: Review 3-D geometry • Equations of lines and planes in space

  8. Chapters 10: Curve analysis • Vector-valued functions and parametric curves in 3-space

  9. Chapters 10: Curve analysis • Derivatives and integrals of vector-valued functions

  10. Chapters 10: Curve analysis • Curve analysis: curvature, unit tangent and unit normal, Theorem: the acceleration vector always lies in the osculating plane

  11. Chapter 11: Differential multivariable calculus

  12. Chapter 11

  13. Chapter 11

  14. Chapter 11: Partial Derivatives

  15. Application of partial derivatives Optimization Find the local and global maxima and minima of functions f(x,y) of 2 variables

  16. Chapter 12:Integral Multivariable Calculus

  17. Chapter 12:Integral Multivariable Calculus Double Integrals in Cartesian coordinates Double Integrals in Polar coordinates

  18. Chapter 12:Integral Multivariable Calculus Double Integrals in Polar coordinates

  19. Chapter 12:Integral Multivariable Calculus Triple Integrals in Cartesian coordinates

  20. Chapter 12:Integral Multivariable Calculus Triple Integrals in Cylindrical coordinates Triple Integrals in Spherical coordinates

  21. Chapter 13:Vector Calculus Vector fields in space

  22. Chapter 13:Vector Calculus

  23. Chapter 13: Vector Calculus Curl and Divergence

  24. Chapter 13:Vector Calculus • Stokes’ Theorem • The Divergence Theorem of Gauss

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