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MARKET UPDATE. Paul Ord – Investment Manager 26 February 2013. 2012 - THE YEAR THAT WAS. Wide GDP divergence between emerging and developed economies US relative winner, UK stagnant, Europe recession (No austerity, mild austerity, extreme austerity) Positive returns from bonds
MARKET UPDATE Paul Ord – Investment Manager 26 February 2013
2012 - THE YEAR THAT WAS • Wide GDP divergence between emerging and developed economies • US relative winner, UK stagnant, Europe recession • (No austerity, mild austerity, extreme austerity) • Positive returns from bonds • Higher yield/financial corporate bonds beat ‘safe-haven’ sovereigns • Equities outperformed bonds • Europe beat US, UK lagged • Mid/small beat large • Disappointing year for Commercial Property and Hedge Funds
AUSTERITY GAMES - BETTER THAN EXPECTED OUTCOME Source: DataStream, 31/12/11 - 31/12/12
BONDS OVERPRICED VERSUS EQUITIES Gilt, Corporate Bond and Equity Yields Source: Bloomberg, 12 Dec 2012
CORPORATE BONDS – BOND YIELDS vs. EQUITIES UK dividend yields versus corporate bond yields - example companies Source: Bloomberg, 29 October 2012
ECONOMIC GROWTH - MODEST RECOVERY Source: Citi Research Global Economic Outlook & Strategy, 18 January 2012 and 23 January 2013
ECONOMIC GROWTH - DEVELOPED WORLD Percent % Source: Citi Global Economic Outlook and Strategy 23 January 2013
US FISCAL CLIFF • What did happen • Bush-era tax cuts extended for families with income under $450k • Extended unemployment benefits to continue • Spending cuts mandated by Budget Control Act put off two months • Overall package equates to 1% drag on GDP • What didn’t happen • No meaningful structural reform • Debt ceiling • Public debt remains on an unsustainable trajectory • What this means for markets • Deep GDP recession was avoided = risk asset relief rally • More volatility to come
US - ECONOMIC GROWTH IMPROVING • ‘Going for growth’ • ‘Fiscal cliff’ avoided • Low interest rates • Strong profit upturn • Employment now turning the corner • Low inflation • Dollar strength making imports cheaper
EQUITIES - UK MARKET OUTLOOK • Market is pricing continued recession and earnings contraction • Global policy support and cheap money • Strong balance sheets, access to funding and EM exposure key drivers • Equity valuation attractive on all but doomsday scenario Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream 25/10/2011 Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream, 11/11/2011 Source: Citi European Portfolio Strategist, 7 February 2013
EQUITIES - UK QUOTED MARKET IS GLOBAL NOT LOCAL Source: Morgan Stanley Global Exposure Guide 2011, Estimated 2012 Revenues, 21 May 2012
EQUITIES - EMERGING MARKET OUTLOOK • Highest global GDP growth, highest EPS • EM est. share nominal global GDP 45% • Low household/corporate credit as % GDP • BRIC consumption exceeds US Source: Morgan Stanley Global Emerging Markets Strategy, Factset Consensus Estimates, 29 November 2012
INDIA - GROWTH POISED TO OUTPACE CHINA • GDP to accelerate to 10% pa over next 5 years outpacing China • GDP per capita to match China over next 10 years • Structural rise in domestic savings - India has youngest and increasingly well educated workforce • Demographics - age dependency trough in China but not until 2030 in India • Productivity - reforms on state subsidies, taxes and accelerating infrastructure spending
EQUITIES – INVESTMENT THEMES 2013 • Global diversification • Stock markets often different to economies • Many global businesses with Emerging Markets exposure • Quality companies • Earnings momentum, stable growth, strong franchise, strong balance sheet • Developed vs. Emerging Markets • Emerging Markets = industrialisation/urbanisation long-term growth trend • Developed Markets = unsustainable promises e.g. healthcare, pensions • Sustainable/reliable income • Well covered and growing dividends attractive vs. rising bond yields
STRATEGY - FEBRUARY 2013 • Equities - overweight • Growth expectations to improve H2 • Central banks to continue reflation policies • Still the best return vs. risk option • Valuations fair for long-term investors • Global • Income from dividends higher than bonds • Gilts - underweight • Yields ‘fundamentally too low’, but • ‘Financial repression’ could keep rates lower, for longer • Global, corporate or EM bonds may make sense but involve different risks • Hedge funds - neutral • Commercial property - neutral • Income attractions • Cash – underweight • Negative real return may still make sense for some risk averse investors
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