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Protists !

Protists !. By: Shawn Owens Billy Reynolds Chase Moon Avery Corondi. Hydrodiction. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: no locomotion Reproduction: Sexual/Asexual Nutrition:Photoautotrophic Environment: Fresh Water Areas. Paramecium. Kingdom: Protista

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Protists !

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Protists! By: Shawn Owens Billy Reynolds Chase Moon Avery Corondi

  2. Hydrodiction Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: no locomotion Reproduction: Sexual/Asexual Nutrition:Photoautotrophic Environment: Fresh Water Areas

  3. Paramecium Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Ciliophora Locomotion: Cilia Reproduction: Sexual/Asexual Nutrition: Bacteria, Algae, Yeast Environment: Fresh Water Areas

  4. Peridinium Kingdom: Chromalveolata Super Phylum: Alveolata Phylum: Dinoflagella Locomotion: Flagella Reproduction: Nutrition: Autotrophic Environment: Marine and Fresh Waters

  5. Spirogyra Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: Flagella Reproduction: Sexual/Asexual Nutrition: Photoautotrophic Environment: Fresh Water Areas

  6. Euglena Kingdom: Protista Super Phylum: Discoba Phylum: Euglenozoa Locomotion: Flagella Reproduction: Asexual Nutrition: Heterotroph/Autotroph Environment: Fresh/Salt Water, lie dormant as a spore in high moisture areas.

  7. Diatoms Kingdom: Chromalveolata Phylum: Heterokontophyta Locomotion: Most non-mobile, some have flagella Reproduction: Asexual by Binary Fission / Sexual w/ autospore formation Nutrition: Autotroph/Heterotroph Environment: Salt & Fresh water and Soils

  8. Cladophora Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Chlorophyta Locomotion: Reproduction: Nutrition: Environment: Fresh Water

  9. Giardia Kingdom: Excavata Phylum: Metamonada Locomotion: Flagella Reproduction: Nutrition: Environment:

  10. Radiolaria Kingdom: Rhizaria Super Phylum: Retaria Phylum: Radiolaria Locomotion: Pseudopodia Reproduction: Nutrition: Environment:

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