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BACKGROUND:TransTech is the Transportation and Technology Academy of the District of Columbia Public Schools. The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) partners with the Cardozo High School TransTech Academy to provide a unique experiential learning opportunity for the Academy's
1. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) TransTech Program CalAct Conference
March 2009
TransTech is the Transportation and Technology Academy of the District of Columbia Public Schools.
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) partners with the Cardozo High School TransTech Academy to provide a unique experiential learning opportunity for the Academy’s juniors and seniors through paid internships.
It was established in 1991 as the first transportation studies academy in the Washington Metropolitan Area.
The program is designed to bridge the gap between the classroom and the workplace. It enables students to learn about, visit and work in various areas of the transportation industry.
Overview of WMATA’s TransTech Program… 2
3. The goal of the Trans Tech Academy is to:
Introduce students to career employment opportunities in the transit industry
Provide opportunities to both extend and apply academic and technical knowledge in real-world settings
Strengthen students’ employability skills
Introduce, develop, and assess basic work-related competencies
WMATA began its first partnership with the TransTech Academy at Cardozo Senior High School in the mid 1990s. Now WMATA is part of a Consortium Partnership consisting of 10-12 other local organizations.
Over 225 students have completed the TransTech Academy since its inception.
Key Program Highlights… 3
4. There are two modes/tracks offered in the TransTech Academy: 1) Electrical/Electronic Technical Training; and 2) Career and Professional Development
The Program has one Coordinator who oversees the entire effort and works with several TransTech Supervisors to ensure success
Program duration is a eight month Internship, September through May each calendar year
Work Schedule is typically 3 hours daily, five days per week (Monday through Friday) in the afternoon (2-5 PM) More Program Highlights… 4
5. All TransTech Academy students must:
Interview for positions related to their skills and career interests within various WMATA departments/offices;
Attend Orientation on the first two days of employment;
Receive a quarterly performance evaluation by his/her supervisor which is sent to their school;
Provide informal feedback to the Program Coordinator on a bi-weekly and the Supervisor must also provide bi-weekly feedback on the Intern
Participate in career and professional development workshops
Attend a Program Close-Out Session with the Coordinator
5 TransTech Program Elements…
6. Knowledge:
basic business principles of the transit industry
Electronics and electricity (Mode 1)
Basic repair and troubleshooting (Mode 1)
Basic Skills:
active listening
active learning
critical thinking
problem solving
time management
Employability Skills:
time & attendance
team participation
job readiness
workplace behavior
Career Management & Planning:
completing college or trade school applications (as necessary)
resume writing
completing job applications
6 TransTech Targeted Competencies…
7. WMATA Responsibilities:
To provide a valuable and substantive learning experience
To conduct learning & assessment activities to support and encourage learning of the key knowledge, skills, and abilities
To provide students with the skill sets necessary to compete for technical positions in the following areas:
System Maintenance
Rail Car Maintenance
Bus Maintenance
Elevator/Escalator Maintenance
To provide career and professional development opportunities for:
Job applications
Resume writing
College application process
Career & life planning
Student Responsibilities:
Follow rules & guidelines for attendance, attire, conduct, and participation
Attend class sessions.
Participate in the learning activities.
Complete assignments on time
Ask questions.
Collaborate with mentors and other personnel identified to serve as resources
Participate in planned workshops
Apply new knowledge to learning activities
Ask questions and obtain clarity
Communicate with career development specialists as needed
7 Key TransTech Roles & Responsibilities…
8. 8 Other WMATA School-to-Work Programs….
9. WMATA has hosted a Summer Youth Program for the past two years which is designed to provide youth from the local three jurisdictions with the "real world" experience of working for a major transit organization.
Each jurisdiction establishes the standards and guidelines
Each jurisdiction funds the program
Through "hands on" work experience, youths are exposed to all facets of WMATA’s systems.
Organizational and communication skills are developed
WMATA designates one HR Director and two HR Generalists to manage the program
Each Summer Youth is assigned a sponsor/ daily ambassador from the requesting department
Success is measured based on feedback from the hosting department/office
Many of WMATA’s departments have mentored the same youths over the course of several years. Some youths even apply for regular full-time jobs at WMATA. Summer Youth Program Overview… 9
10. The Summer College Intern Program (CIP) was developed to expose college students to the transit industry while providing students with practical, hands-on educational experience.
The program is funded annually by the General Manager
Interns must be a current student (freshman to grad level) or newly graduated high school senior planning to start college in the Fall Semester.
Interns are paid at a rate of $10-$15 on an hourly basis
CIP includes structured career assessment and advising services to support their career exploration activities.
WMATA designates one HR Director and one HR Generalist to manage the program
Each Intern is assigned a sponsor/ daily ambassador from the requesting department
Each Department sets roles and responsibilities under HR guidance and no more than 20% of time can be allocated to clerical work
10 Summer College Intern Program Overview…
11. For further information regarding the TransTech
Academy, please contact:
Ms. Shirley McCall, Program Coordinator,
Cardozo Senior High School TransTech Academy
Shirley McCall: 202-673-7753
shirley.mccall@dc.gov or shirleycmccall@gmail.com
Emma Stevens: 202-470-5953 or 202-673-7753
11 Contact Information…