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Occipital Lobe - Anatomy and Function

The occipital lobe is the part of the cerebral cortex located underneath the occipital bone. It plays a crucial role in vision. Damage to this lobe can result in partial or complete blindness. This article explores the anatomy and function of the occipital lobe.

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Occipital Lobe - Anatomy and Function

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  1. OCCI https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  2. Occipital lobe • The name derives from the overlying occipital bone, which is named from the Latin 'ob', behind, and 'caput', the head. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  3. Occipital lobe - Anatomy • Thus, the occipital lobe is defined as the part of the cerebral cortex that lies underneath the occipital bone https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  4. Occipital lobe - Anatomy • The lobes rest on the tentorium cerebelli, a process of dura mater that separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum. They are structurally isolated in their respective cerebral hemispheres by the separation of the cerebral fissure. At the front edge of the occipital are several lateral occipital gyri, which are separated by lateral occipital sulcus. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  5. Occipital lobe - Anatomy • The occipital aspects along the inside face of each hemisphere are divided by the calcarine sulcus. Above the medial, Y-shaped sulcus lies the cuneus, and the area below the sulcus is the lingual gyrus. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  6. Occipital lobe - Anatomy • Damage to the primary visual areas of the occipital lobe can leave a person with partial or complete blindness.Schacter, D. L., Gilbert, D. L. Wegner, D. M. (2009). Psychology. (2nd ed.). New Work (NY): Worth Publishers. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  7. Occipital lobe - Function • A significant functional aspect of the occipital lobe is that it contains the primary visual cortex. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  8. Occipital lobe - Function • Cells on the posterior aspect of the occipital lobes' gray matter are arranged as a spatial map of the retinal field https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  9. Occipital lobe - Function • Damage to the primary visual cortex, which is located on the surface of the posterior occipital lobe, can cause blindness due to the holes in the visual map on the surface of the visual cortex that resulted from the lesions. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  10. Occipital lobe - Functional anatomy • The occipital lobe is divided into several functional visual areas. Each visual area contains a full map of the visual world. Although there are no anatomical markers distinguishing these areas (except for the prominent striations in the striate cortex), physiologists have used electrode recordings to divide the cortex into different functional regions. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  11. Occipital lobe - Functional anatomy • The first functional area is the primary visual cortex. It contains a low-level description of the local orientation, spatial-frequency and color properties within small receptive fields. Primary visual cortex projects to the occipital areas of the ventral stream (visual area V2 and visual area V4), and the occipital areas of the dorsal stream—visual area V3, visual area MT (V5), and the dorsomedial area (DM). https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  12. Occipital lobe - Epilepsy and the occipital lobe • Occipital Lobe Seizures and Epilepsies https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  13. Ch (digraph) - Occitan • In Occitan language|Occitan, ch represents , but in some dialects it is . https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  14. Neuroanatomy of memory - Occipital lobe • This lobe is known as the centre of the visual perception system, the main function of the occipital lobe is that of vision https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  15. Neuroanatomy of memory - Occipital lobe • Retinal sensors send signals through the optic tract to the Lateral geniculate nucleus https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  16. Neuroanatomy of memory - Occipital lobe • When damage occurs in the occipital lobe it is most common to see the effects on the opposite side of the brain https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  17. Visual memory - Occipital lobes • Located at the back of the brain, the occipital lobes receive and process visual information. The occipital lobes also process colors and shapes. Whereas the right occipital lobe interprets images from the left visual space, the left occipital lobe interprets images from the right visual space. Damage to the occipital lobes can permanently damage visual perception[The human brain. (2009, July). Retrieved from http://www.allabouttbi.com/partsofthebrain] https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  18. Visual memory - Occipital lobe injury complications • Damage to the occipital lobe is characterized by loss of visual capability and the inability to identify colors both important processes in visual memory. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  19. Gentry - The historical background of social stratification in the Occident • The Proto-Indo-Europeans|Indo-Europeans who settled Europe, Western Asia and the Indian Subcontinent conceived their societies to be ordered (not divided) in a tripartite fashion, the three parts being castes.Mallory, J.P. In search of the Indo-Europeans Thames Hudson (1991) p131 Castes came to be further divided, perhaps as a result of greater specialisation. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  20. Gentry - The historical background of social stratification in the Occident • The classic formulation of the caste system as largely described by Georges Dumézil was that of a priestly or religiously occupied caste, a warrior caste, and a worker caste. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  21. Gentry - The historical background of social stratification in the Occident • Georges Dumézil|Dumézil divided the Proto-Indo-European society|Proto-Indo-Europeans into three categories: sovereignty, military, and productivity (see Trifunctional hypothesis) https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  22. Gentry - The historical background of social stratification in the Occident • This caste system can be seen to be that which flourished on the Indian Subcontinent and amongst the Italic peoples. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  23. Gentry - The historical background of social stratification in the Occident • Examples of the Indo-European Castes: https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  24. Gentry - The historical background of social stratification in the Occident • *'Roman' - Flamen|Flamines, Milites, Quirites https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  25. Gentry - The historical background of social stratification in the Occident • *'Celtic' - Druids, Equites, Plebs|Plebes (according to Julius Caesar) https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  26. Gentry - The historical background of social stratification in the Occident • *'Nordic' - Earl, Churl, Thrall (according to the Poetic Edda|Lay of Rig) https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  27. Gentry - The historical background of social stratification in the Occident • *'Greece (Attica)' - Eupatridae, Geomori, Demiurge|Demiurgi https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  28. Gentry - The historical background of social stratification in the Occident • Kings were born out of the warrior or noble class. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  29. Multisensory integration - Occipital lobe • Lateral occipital complex (LOC), including lateral occipital tactile visual area (LOtv) https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  30. Coccinelle • 'Jacqueline Charlotte Dufresnoy' (23 August 1931 – 9 October 2006), known professionally as 'Coccinelle', was a France|French actress and entertainer. She was transexual, and was the first widely publicized sex reassignment surgery|sexual reassignment case in Europe, where she was a national celebrity and a renowned club singer. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  31. Coccinelle - Early life and career • Born in Paris under the name of Jacques Charles Dufresnoy, she took the stage name Coccinelle (French for Coccinellidae|Ladybug) — https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  32. Coccinelle - Early life and career • when she entered show business, making her debut as a transgender showgirl in 1953 at Chez Madame Arthur https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  33. Coccinelle - Early life and career • She was born at rue Notre Dame de Nazareth Nr.66 in the 3e arrondissement. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  34. Coccinelle - Media sensation • Coccinelle appeared in the 1962 film Los Viciosos and was the first French transsexual woman to become a major star, when Bruno Coquatrix splashed her name in red letters on the front of Paris Olympia for her 1963 revue, Cherchez la Femme https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  35. Coccinelle - Media sensation • In Hebrew, the word coccinelle (קוקסינל, pronounced koksinel) is used as a synonym for transsexual, often derogatorily. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  36. Coccinelle - Activism and later life • [http://www.360.ch/presse/news/2006/10/002831.php Coccinelle s’est envolée.] [Ladybird has flown away]. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  37. Coccinelle - Discography • # Tu t'fous de moi [You don't care about me] https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  38. Coccinelle - Discography • # L'Amour a fleur de coeur [Love has a heart like a flower] https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  39. Coccinelle - Discography • # Prends-moi ou laisse-moi [Take me or leave me] https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  40. Coccinelle - Discography • # Je cherche un millionnaire [I'm looking for a millionaire] https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  41. Coccinelle - Discography • # Avec mon petit faux-cul [With my little false bottom] https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  42. Coccinelle - Discography • Coccinelle - 4 chansons de la Revue de l'Olympia Chercher la femme (RCA VICTOR 86.012M - 1963) https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  43. Coccinelle - Discography • # On fait tout à la main [Everything is done by hand] https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  44. Coccinelle - Discography • # C'est sûrement vous [It's probably you] https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  45. Coccinelle - Discography • Star du Carrousel de Paris CD (Marianne Melodie 041625) Compilation of 20 titles. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  46. Cercis occidentalis • [http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?9946 Cercis occidentalis species account from ARS Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN)] https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  47. Cercis occidentalis • It is easily recognized when it is in bloom from March to May, when it is covered with small pink to purple flowers. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  48. Cercis occidentalis - Description • Cercis occidentalis has thin, shiny brown branches that bear shiny heart-shaped leaves which are light green early in the season and darken as they age. Leaves on plants at higher elevation may turn gold or red as the weather cools. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  49. Cercis occidentalis - Description • The showy flowers are bright pink or magenta, and grow in clusters all over the shrub, making the plant very colorful and noticeable in the landscape. The shrub bears 3-inch-long brown legume pods which are very thin and dry. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

  50. Cercis occidentalis - Uses • Indigenous peoples of California|Indigenous Californians use the twigs of the western redbud to Basket weaving|weave baskets, and even pruning|prune the shrub to encourage growth of new twigs. The bark provides a faint reddish dye for the finished basketry. The Maidu#Local divisions|Concow tribe calls the tree 'dop' (Konkow language) or 'tal'k'.Chesnut, p. 408 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html

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