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INTRODUCTION • In the past, during the facility design/build phases, it was uncommon to devote substantial resources to life-cycle Operation and Maintenance (O&M) concerns. However, it is now widely recognized that O&M represents the greatest expense in owning and operating a facility over its life cycle. • The accuracy, relevancy, and timeliness of well-developed, user-friendly O&M manuals are increasingly recognized. Hence, it is becoming more common for detailed, facility-specific O&M manuals to be prepared prior to commissioning. • The goal is to effectively and efficiently support the life cycle of the facility by eliminating unplanned shutdowns and realizing life-cycle cost savings
Essence of O&M • Reduce capital repairs • Reduce unscheduled shutdowns and repairs • Extend equipment life, thereby extending facility life. • Realize life-cycle cost savings , and • Provide safe, functional systems and facilities that meet the design intent.
INSTITUTIONAL ROLES IN O & M • COMMUNITIES: Enhance sustainability of all micro-projects. Decide on equitable fees to be saved in the dedicated account for the projects. Reactivate and train O & M sub-committees. • LGAs: Ensure synergy with LGADPs. Posting of relevant and adequate number of staff. Make funds readily available for timely O & M. Facilitate appropriate departments to monitor maintenance of the projects. • SA: Formally hand over micro-projects to LGAs. Create linkage with all relevant state and LG agencies: Min. of Education, Min. of health, Local Education Authority, REB, WATSAN, e.t.c. • LINE MINISTRIES: Quality assurance of all micro-projects (electricity, water, quality materials for structures).
Content of a Good Maintenance Plan • An effective maintenance plan should: • educate the staff on the value of maintenance, and how a properly functioning facility can help them educate their communities; • establish a budget for maintenance; • describe how to hire qualified staff or contractors to perform tasks; • develop a preventative maintenance plan, including schedules for periodic maintenance checks; • use a work order system to track work orders, maintenance performed, and costs for each piece of equipment; • ensure that the maintenance staff has proper Operation and Maintenance manuals; • ensure availability of recommended spare parts in the warehouse; • provide training to the maintenance staff.
Maintenance procedures • Maintenance procedures are performed on a routine basis to ensure the equipment remains in peak operating condition. Examples of maintenance procedures are • inspections, • cleanings, • lubrications, • adjustments, replacements of components and • calibrations. • Maintenance procedures may initially be suggested by the equipment manufacturer/Service provider but may later be modified by the facility based on experience. • A weak maintenance plan may not be acceptable as an affirmative defence in the case of a malfunction.
Micro-Project Components requiring Maintenances • Pavement levels of culverts/ Stream Channels: drainage channels, cracking concrete /stone wall • Building walls: crack and chipping paints. • Building roof: rusting corrugated Iron sheets, roof leakages • Equipment and Furniture: Faulty components and damages • Ancillary Facilities: availability ,maintenances, and pollution control
How to get support for O&M • House hold levies • Development levies • PTA Levies • Drug revolving fund • Community / fund raising • Toll fee collection • Subsidised user fee • Community contribution
QUICK TASKS • Identify and list the areas of your Micro-project that may need maintenance and the frequency of maintenance that may be required • Using the format below , prepare a maintenance plan for your listed prioritized project
CONCLUSION • Sustainable design is an integral part of any facility management philosophy, and having an O&M manual provides a means to reduce operating costs through a comprehensive Maintenance Program, part of which includes the development of a Maintenance Plan (MP) that must be adopted.