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Scaffolding Undergraduate Design Education with the Wellbeing Framework. Lindsey Nelson June 2012. How do engineers approach alleviating poverty?. approach.
Scaffolding Undergraduate Design Education with the Wellbeing Framework Lindsey Nelson June 2012
How do engineers approach alleviating poverty?Why do engineering students need better scaffolding when designing for poverty alleviation? gap approach
How do engineers approach alleviating poverty?Why do engineering students need better scaffolding when designing for poverty alleviation?What are wellbeing frameworks? framework gap approach
How do engineers approach alleviating poverty?Why do engineering students need better scaffolding when designing for poverty alleviation?What are wellbeing frameworks?How could engineering design educators use wellbeing frameworks provide better scaffolding? application framework gap approach
4 approaches to poverty alleviation application framework gap approach
Income-first • Needs-first • Rights-first • Local-first 4 approaches to poverty alleviation application framework gap approach
Income-first • Needs-first • Rights-first • Local-first 4 approaches to poverty alleviation Assumes a definition of poverty application framework gap approach
Achieved Goal A General Engineering Approach Initial Problem application framework gap approach
Achieved Goal A General Engineering Approach Technology Initial Problem application framework gap approach
It is unclear how technology connects with the goal of “alleviating poverty.” Problem application framework gap approach
It is unclear how technology connects with the goal of “alleviating poverty.” Problem Poverty Alleviation Technology Initial State application framework gap approach
The Other 90 Design, Inc (TO9D), is a not-for-profit multinational corporation that has as its mission to develop products that will benefit the 90% of people on Earth who are poor by helping them out of ‘absolute poverty,’ which was defined by the World Bank in 1990 as the earning of equivalent income of $2 a day or less. TO9D attempts to accomplish this goal through focusing development efforts on products that either allow people to earn their way out of poverty or allow people to spend less time, money, and/or effort on the necessities of life. Specifications: The proposal must identify a real-world poverty situation in a specific nation where at least 40% of the population earns less than $2 a day. Designing for Poverty Alleviation Reid and Estell (2011) application framework gap approach
The Other 90 Design, Inc (TO9D), is a not-for-profit multinational corporation that has as its mission to develop products that will benefit the 90% of people on Earth who are poor by helping them out of ‘absolute poverty,’ which was defined by the World Bank in 1990 as the earning of equivalent income of $2 a day or less. TO9D attempts to accomplish this goal through focusing development efforts on products that either allow people to earn their way out of poverty or allow people to spend less time, money, and/or effort on the necessities of life. Specifications: The proposal must identify a real-world poverty situation in a specific nation where at least 40% of the population earns less than $2 a day. The Use of Multiple Definitions Reid and Estell (2011) application framework gap approach
The Other 90 Design, Inc (TO9D), is a not-for-profit multinational corporation that has as its mission to develop products that will benefit the 90% of people on Earth who are poor by helping them out of ‘absolute poverty,’ which was defined by the World Bank in 1990 as the earning of equivalent income of $2 a day or less. TO9D attempts to accomplish this goal through focusing development efforts on products that either allow people to earn their way out of poverty or allow people to spend less time, money, and/or effort on the necessities of life. Specifications: The proposal must identify a real-world poverty situation in a specific nation where at least 40% of the population earns less than $2 a day. The Use of Multiple Definitions Reid and Estell (2011) application framework gap approach
The Other 90 Design, Inc (TO9D), is a not-for-profit multinational corporation that has as its mission to develop products that will benefit the 90% of people on Earth who are poor by helping them out of ‘absolute poverty,’ which was defined by the World Bank in 1990 as the earning of equivalent income of $2 a day or less. TO9D attempts to accomplish this goal through focusing development efforts on products that either allow people to earn their way out of poverty or allow people to spend less time, money, and/or effort on the necessities of life. Specifications: The proposal must identify a real-world poverty situation in a specific nation where at least 40% of the population earns less than $2 a day. The Use of Multiple Definitions Reid and Estell (2011) application framework gap approach
The Other 90 Design, Inc (TO9D), is a not-for-profit multinational corporation that has as its mission to develop products that will benefit the 90% of people on Earth who are poor by helping them out of ‘absolute poverty,’ which was defined by the World Bank in 1990 as the earning of equivalent income of $2 a day or less. TO9D attempts to accomplish this goal through focusing development efforts on products that either allow people to earn their way out of poverty or allow people to spend less time, money, and/or effort on the necessities of life. Specifications: The proposal must identify a real-world poverty situation in a specific nation where at least 40% of the population earns less than $2 a day. The Use of Multiple Definitions Reid and Estell (2011) application framework gap approach
The Other 90 Design, Inc (TO9D), is a not-for-profit multinational corporation that has as its mission to develop products that will benefit the 90% of people on Earth who are poor by helping them out of ‘absolute poverty,’ which was defined by the World Bank in 1990 as the earning of equivalent income of $2 a day or less. TO9D attempts to accomplish this goal through focusing development efforts on products that either allow people to earn their way out of poverty or allow people to spend less time, money, and/or effort on the necessities of life. Specifications: The proposal must identify a real-world poverty situation in a specific nation where at least 40% of the population earns less than $2 a day. The Use of Multiple Definitions Reid and Estell (2011) application framework gap approach
Defining poverty in align with engineering activities One Possible Solution application framework gap approach
Defining poverty in align with engineering activities Poverty is the systematic failure to achieve wellbeing outcomes. One Possible Solution application framework gap approach
Defining poverty in align with engineering activities Poverty is the systematic failure to achieve wellbeing outcomes. One Possible Solution application framework gap approach
Narayan et al (2001) Material sufficiency Defining Wellbeing Freedom to make choices around action Bodily health Social connectedness Security application framework gapapproach
Copestake (2008) Personal Goals and Values Reality and Perception of Available Resources and Capabilities The Wellbeing Framework: application framework gapapproach
Copestake (2008) Personal Goals and Values Reality and Perception of Available Resources and Capabilities The Wellbeing Framework: Wider Context application framework gapapproach
Copestake (2008) Personal Goals and Values Reality and Perception of Available Resources and Capabilities The Wellbeing Framework: Subjective Wellbeing and Motivation Wider Context application framework gapapproach
Copestake (2008) Personal Goals and Values Reality and Perception of Available Resources and Capabilities The Wellbeing Framework: Subjective Wellbeing and Motivation Actions and Interactions leading to Wider Context application framework gapapproach
Copestake (2008) Personal Goals and Values Reality and Perception of Available Resources and Capabilities The Wellbeing Framework: Subjective Wellbeing and Motivation Actions and Interactions leading to Outcomes (material, social, cultural, cognitive, affective) Wider Context application framework gapapproach
Copestake (2008) Personal Goals and Values Reality and Perception of Available Resources and Capabilities The Wellbeing Framework: Subjective Wellbeing and Motivation Actions and Interactions leading to Outcomes (material, social, cultural, cognitive, affective) Wider Context application framework gapapproach
McGregor (2007) The Wellbeing Framework: THE SOCIAL HUMAN Wellbeing outcomes *Resources commanded or lost *Needs met or denied *Quality of Life application framework gapapproach
McGregor (2007) Global community Nation State Community Household The Wellbeing Framework: THE SOCIAL HUMAN Wellbeing outcomes *Resources commanded or lost *Needs met or denied *Quality of Life application framework gapapproach
McGregor (2007) Global community Nation State Community Household Relationships with Others Relationships with Others The Wellbeing Framework: THE SOCIAL HUMAN Wellbeing outcomes *Resources commanded or lost *Needs met or denied *Quality of Life application framework gapapproach
McGregor (2007) Global community Nation State Community Household Relationships with Others Relationships with Others The Wellbeing Framework: THE SOCIAL HUMAN Wellbeing outcomes *Resources commanded or lost *Needs met or denied *Quality of Life Wellbeing Processes Wellbeing Processes application framework gapapproach
McGregor (2007) Global community Nation State Community Household Relationships with Others Relationships with Others The Wellbeing Framework: THE SOCIAL HUMAN Wellbeing outcomes *Resources commanded or lost *Needs met or denied *Quality of Life Wellbeing Processes Wellbeing Processes TIME application framework gapapproach
McGregor (2007) Global community Nation State Community Household Relationships with Others Relationships with Others The Wellbeing Framework: THE SOCIAL HUMAN Wellbeing outcomes *Resources commanded or lost *Needs met or denied *Quality of Life Wellbeing Processes Involving the interplay over time of goals formulated, resources deployed, goals and needs met, and the degree of satisfaction in their achievement Wellbeing Processes TIME application framework gapapproach
Achieved Goal Recall Engineering Approach Initial Problem application framework gapapproach
Wellbeing Using the Wellbeing Framework Initial State of Ill-being application framework gap approach
Wellbeing Using the Wellbeing Framework Wellbeing Processes Initial State application framework gap approach
Poverty is the systematic failure to achieve wellbeing outcomes Using the Wellbeing Framework application framework gap approach
Poverty is the systematic failure to achieve wellbeing outcomes What wellbeing outcomes relate most strongly to your engineering discipline? Using the Wellbeing Framework application framework gap approach
Poverty is the systematic failure to achieve wellbeing outcomes What wellbeing outcomes relate most strongly to your engineering discipline? What are the capabilities of your engineering students? Using the Wellbeing Framework application framework gap approach
Poverty is the systematic failure to achieve wellbeing outcomes What wellbeing outcomes relate most strongly to your engineering discipline? What are the capabilities of your engineering students? Where do you have relationships with others? Using the Wellbeing Framework application framework gap approach
Poverty is the systematic failure to achieve wellbeing outcomes What wellbeing outcomes relate most strongly to your engineering discipline? What are the capabilities of your engineering students? Where do you have relationships with others? What wellbeing outcomes are they trying to achieve? Using the Wellbeing Framework application framework gap approach
Poverty is the systematic failure to achieve wellbeing outcomes What wellbeing outcomes relate most strongly to your engineering discipline? What are the capabilities of your engineering students? Where do you have relationships with others? What wellbeing outcomes are they trying to achieve? Do the outcomes match? Using the Wellbeing Framework application framework gap approach
9 Principles of Partnering with People Living in Poverty • Ask them. • Be nice to people. • Don’t rush. • Embrace error. • Facilitate. • Hand over the stick. • Have fun. • Relax. • Have confidence that people are capable. Chambers (1997) application framework gap approach
Scaffolding Undergraduate Design Education with the Wellbeing Frameworks Lindsey Nelson lnelson@purdue.edu l.nelson@ids.ac.uk
International consensus shifting • Early definitions focused on consumption poverty Measuring poverty
International consensus shifting • Early definitions focused on consumption poverty • Income-based poverty headcount Measuring poverty
International consensus shifting • Early definitions focused on consumption poverty • Income-based poverty headcount • Human Development Index tracks • Health: Life expectancy at birth • Education: Mean years and expected years of schooling • Living Standards: GNP per capita Measuring poverty
International consensus shifting • Early definitions focused on consumption poverty • Income-based poverty headcount • Human Development Index tracks • Health: Life expectancy at birth • Education: Mean years and expected years of schooling • Living Standards: GNP per capita • Multidimensional Poverty Index tracks household • level data with ten indicators Measuring poverty