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No evidence of post-1906 drop in earthquake rate for California as a whole. 1906. Felzer (2007). Whole state at uniform magnitude of completeness. Sum of 7 separate completeness regions with 98% confid. bounds. Declustered catalog. Lin & Stein (2004). Lin & Stein (2004).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. No evidence of post-1906 drop in earthquake rate for California as a whole 1906 Felzer (2007) Whole state at uniform magnitude of completeness Sum of 7 separate completeness regions with 98% confid. bounds Declustered catalog

  2. Lin & Stein (2004)

  3. Lin & Stein (2004)

  4. from King et al (BSSA, 1994)

  5. Toda et al (2005)

  6. Landers & Hector Mine shocks turn seismicity rates up and down Landers stress changes Hector Mine stress changes Toda et al (2005)

  7. Pre vs. post Chi-Chi seismicity: Similar pattern, different rate Ma et al (2005)

  8. Nansan Taichung Huatung Kaoping

  9. XMM1 XPK1 Toda & Stein (2003)

  10. Toda & Stein (2003)

  11. % log scale Seismicity rate change Seismicity rate decreases in the stress shadow Toda & Stein (2003)

  12. (Nyst et al, 2006) Philippine Sea plate motion

  13. March M=6.5 & May M=6.3 1997 Kagoshima shocks Toda & Stein (2003)

  14. But can one explain the time decay? Toda & Stein (2003)

  15. Armed with rate/state friction… Toda & Stein (2003)

  16. Toda & Stein (2003)

  17. Toda & Stein (2003)

  18. Toda & Stein (2003)

  19. Combined effect of interacting stress changes and background seismicity Toda et al (2005)

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