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Don Siler ITC 520 Dr. Sims. Color Theory and Warhol. Unit Description .
Don Siler ITC 520 Dr. Sims Color Theoryand Warhol
Unit Description • The purpose of this unit is to introduce/reinforce student knowledge of color theory through an examination of the work of Andy Warhol. As a recognized principle of art, color theory is a necessity in a well rounded art curriculum. The timeframe and cultural significance of Warhol’s portraits will be presented. The unit will also establish a connection between popular figures depicted in Warhol’s work and celebrities of today. The lessons will also incorporate the use of technology for presentation, research, exploration, project completion, and potentially assessment.
Objectives • Students will be able to identify primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. • Students will be able to apply knowledge of discussed color themes (monochromatic, analogous, and triadic) by creating and/or re-coloring images. • Students will be able to identify and explain at least 3 characteristics of Andy Warhol’s work.
Learners • 12 grade level students (between 16yrs and 21yrs dependent upon credits earned previously) • Classes are 60:40 female to male • 50% of students are African American, 30% are Latino/Hispanic, and 20% are Caucasian • Most students are currently on medication for ADHD, ADD, and/or ODD • Students are self contained save for specials (art, phys. ed., music) • The school is for students with behavioral, environmental, emotional, or familial issues • All students are court placed delinquents, family sponsored, or wards of their respective state • Most students are from urban lower socio-economic communities with some suburban middle class students mixed in • Nearly all students (regardless of background) have some experience and familiarity with computers and a few are familiar with graphics programs
Lesson1 • Students will be introduced to the idea of color as it relates to imagery. They will discuss the definition of color, tint, shade, and hue. The instructor will explain the options for further instruction. • PowerPoint-the students can utilize a self guided presentation that allows them to guide themselves through the different parts of the color wheel and how colors relate to one another. The presentation will also introduce, display, and explain three color schemes. There is an assessment mini-quiz at the end of the presentation. ~individual only~ • Video-a brief video will walk the students through (visually and audibly) the creation of a color wheel. Another video will introduce the three color schemes and examples of their uses. ~small group (2-3) or individual~ • Handout-a handout with directions, definitions, key terms, and a blank color wheel will be available. The color wheel can be colored using paint, pastel or colored pencil. The instructor will review the instructions verbally. ~individual only~
Lesson2 • After a brief introduction of Pop Art and specifically Andy Warhol, students will view several prints of Andy Warhol’s work. The class will begin a discussion about common characteristics of the work. Students will then discuss the preferred outcomes for this lesson. They will receive several options for proceeding with instruction. Those will include: • A preloaded PowerPoint presentation that guides students through some websites with links to Warhol’s work and methods. ~individual or group~ • A documentary video that shows Warhol at work in multiple settings with links to other related videos. ~individual or group~ • A series of written articles, interviews, and critiques of Warhol’s work.
Lesson3 • Students will be given instruction on recreating and simplifying images using contour line tracing and graphic software. The instructor and select assistants will demonstrate how to trace an image using a light box, tracing or vellum paper, and an overhead projector. Image coloring tutorials will also be available in video format on the computer. The tutorials will be saved in the Quicktime format so that the video can play in a small window as the student practices in the actual graphic program. After the demonstrations and tutorials, students will be given time (15 minutes) to create a verbal or written proposal including their medium, size, theme, color scheme, and preferred imagery. • Upon approval by the teacher, students may begin work on their project. If the student wishes to amend the original proposal, they must meet with the teacher and put any changes in writing.
Assessment Lesson1 • Mini-quiz testing for presentation. • Self assessment at the end of each lesson (see attached) • Color wheel must be 100% Lesson2 • The students who choose the PowerPoint will have a mini quiz at the end of the presentation which must be passed with a score of 80% or better. Students who view the videos will also take the mini quiz with access to the same links available to students who chose the PowerPoint. • Upon completion of the quiz or articles, the students may select from the following options: • Identify at least three characteristics or themes present in the work then locate, and defend (verbally or written) 5 images that share at least 2 thematic commonalities with Warhol’s work (i.e. use of color, flattening, repetition, etc) • Written defenses must be at least 1 full paragraph or verse per image explaining what the image shares with Warhol’s work. • Verbal defenses must be 5 minutes maximum and can also be done in verse. The defender must also allow for 3 questions from the teacher or classmates after presenting their images and reasoning. • Journal Option-After reviewing articles, students will journal about what they read in said articles. The journaling must discuss the student’s view of Warhol’s work and themes as well as the student’s view of the writers and critics opinions. Lesson3 • The class will hang all work along with the final proposals and a critique form will be distributed to all students. Each form will have a rubric (see attached) that gauges the work’s adherence to the proposal and overall learning outcomes as well as its overall design. Each student will critique one classmate’s work (not their own as self assessments will be used at the end of each lesson). The critic and artist are welcome to share their views with one another.
Instructional Strategies • Provide instruction that takes prior knowledge (or lack thereof) into consideration. • Team students as needed to keep them motivated. • Introduce current imagery and technology to a standard topic to augment learning. • Provide multiple learning and assessment methods in order to create a more engaging learning environment.
Technology • 2 Self guided exploratory PowerPoints • Computer graphic software • PhotoShop • Gimp • Illustrator • MSPaint • Internet
References • Gagne, Robert M., Walter W. Wager, Katharine C. Golas, and John M. Keller. Principles of Instructional Design. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2005 • http://www.warholstars.org/andy_warhol.html Warhol Interview • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Warhol Warhol on Wikipedia • http://www.warholstars.org/warhol/warhol1/warholta.html Warhol Review • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VII2-LnxvR4 Warhol Video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oqUd8utr14 Warhol Video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Bm9kA9vHxE Warhol Tribute • http://listen.grooveshark.com/ - /song/Andy_Warhol/281813 Warhol Song by David Bowie • http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/p/popart.html Art Dictionary • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_art Pop Art Wikipedia • http://www.artchive.com/artchive/pop_art.html Pop Art Images • http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/warhol_andy.html Warhol Bio • http://www.warhol.org/default.asp Even More Warhol Software Sites • http://www.adobe.com Illustrator, PhotoShop, Fireworks • http://www.gimp.org Photo editing software similar to PhotoShop. Some Color Theory Sites • http://www.colormatters.com/ • http://painting.about.com/od/colourtheory/ss/color_theory.htm • http://colortheory.liquisoft.com/