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Jyothi Social Welfare Centre

Jyothi Social Welfare Centre. Introduction

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Jyothi Social Welfare Centre

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  1. Jyothi Social Welfare Centre

  2. Introduction • Jyothi Social Welfare Centre [Society of Ursine Sisters of Somasca] is a non government organization [NGO] with the register no - 217 \ 80 -81 [ Karnataka registration act - 1960 ] has been functioning from the last 20 years in the rural areas of Mysore District Karnataka State. The Social Welfare Center of the congregation began its activities in the year 1986 with a small class for dropout and working children from the nearby villages. With the help of a team of sisters, social workers, teachers. The aim was to help rural population find ways and means to build up their community and thus contribute towards a better society. Based on the experiences gained in working with rural population in general and dropout and working children in particular and realizing the need to cater to under privileged children and women living in rural areas, the center expanded its activities to some of the adjoining villages from 1986.


  4. MAIN ACTIVITIES OF THE CENTRE • WOMENEMPOWERMENT • As an effort to make the women more strengthened, we have formed self-help groups in our working areas. We provide credit facilities for their income generation programmes through this activity we create in them the sustainable life style. Centre provides various Programmes to empower the women and to face the realities of life.

  5. WomenEmpowerment

  6. 2. SURVEY AND VILLAGE VISIT A general socio-economic community health survey was conducted frequently, house visit are held especially to families having sick and old people, pregnant women, lactating mothers, working children and so on. Through frequent survey and family visit we come to know the problems and needs of the families.


  8. 3. COMMUNITY MEETINGS Community meetings are held regularly to address village problems of various facilities, general awareness, etc, are discussed in those meetings.


  10. 4. FORMATION OF MAHILA SANGHAS Concentrating on women’s empowerment Jyothi Social Welfare Centre has its activities in 40 villages and formed mahila sanghas aiming at the self-reliance in rural women. We have formed self-help groups. At present there are 120 SHGs each group consisting of 15 to 20 members. In each group there will be 10-12 women between the age group of 18-50 years registered as its members. The groups build up solidarity for the empowerment of women.


  12. 5. SPECIAL CLASSES AND CAMPS FOR SCHOOL GOING AND WORKING CHILDREN Special coaching classes are organized for children. Moreover special summer camps are organized for their personality improvement, Leadership training and for general awareness and guidance.


  14. 6. NET WORK OF SANGHAS Now there are 120 Groups representing the Federation. These 120 Groups of 40 villages are divided into 4 areas and formed area wise federation. They are • Nadanahalli 10Villages • Varuna 10 Villages • Keelinapura 10 Villages • M.B.Halli 10 Villages

  15. AREAS THE NGO IS INVOLVED • Sidhartha Lay out • Ashok Puram • Vajmangala • Innammuthanahalli • Rayanundi • Yaraganahalli • Chikkalli • Janthgalli • Madavgere • Gurkarpura • M.C.Hundi • Kumbrallimata • Bonthgallihundi • Bugadgalli • Duddgere • Marshettalli • T.M.Hundi • Sajjehundi • Had jana • Uthnahalli • Hulikere • Gururu • Gejjgalli • Marsse • Koppalur • Makundi • Sinduvalli • Nadanahalli • Farm House • Galigarundi • Chinkakkanahalli • Mellahalli • Dandikere • M.B.Halli • Chornalli • Keelinpura • Sidhramayanuni • Yedkola • Raghavendranagar • Hosundi

  16. 7. Savings and Credit programmes All the SHGs are doing their saving every week minimum Rs.20/. They have been availed as loan from their savings, for various purposes like agriculture, and small business like petty shops, fruits and flower stalls etc. These credit facilities have reduced their dependency on landlords who lend the money for higher interest.

  17. Savings and Credit programmes

  18. 8. INCOME GENERATION PROGRAMMES Most of the women in our target area are agricultural labourers who seasonal work for a period of 6-7 months a year. Rest of the months they are unemployed and they don’t have alternate means of income. Besides they are paid low and unequal wages. In order to provide regular and alternate sustainable income to the women. So it is our desire to help the women through small income generation activities, through this income generation activities we can make our women self reliant and to promote socio- economic status like cattle rearing, milk business, petty shops, vegetable, fruit and flower vending, pappadam making, Green house cultivation etc. Through this they will be able to earn additional income for their livelihood.


  20. 9. Awareness Programmes Various awareness trainings and seminars have been arranged with the collaboration of different organization for the SHG members.

  21. Awareness Programmes

  22. 10. COMMUNITY HEALTH ACTIVITIES As an organisation with committed mind to promote the rural people in their poor situation and every need. Jyothi Social Welfare Center is always providing several guidance for their total upliftment. Our organization has undertaken and implemented successfully the projects and programmes, like Health and Hygiene, Sanitation etc. With this aim we have conducted the following programmes: - Health and Hygiene, Health camps, Eye camps, Cancer Detection camps, AIDS Awareness programmes, TB Control programmes and Dental Camps, etc.

  23. Community Health Activities

  24. 11. TAILORING TRAINING Girls from various villages were imparted training in tailoring, Agarbathi making, knitting, embroidery, plastic work, Batik work, fashion designing, candle making, sari painting etc.

  25. Training Tailoring

  26. 12. FORMAL EDUCATION The Center is facilitating the education for our working villages and also other villages. Now the children are at present studying in various class ranging from Pre-School to High School. Mostly the poor children have received the free education.

  27. Formal School

  28. 13. PROVIDING SHELTER TO THE ORPHANS AND THE STREET CHILDREN We too have the Orphanage called Jeevodaya Which welcomes the children who are orphans and destitute. At present there are 35 children. age group of the children is 4 to 20years.


  30. GOAL “To bring about social transformation in Villages by Integrated Development of Rural Women and Youth."

  31. OBJECTIVES • Education of women and children to develop their Economic and Social status in family and society through self-help Groups. • Educate and organize women to build up awareness, self -reliance and self - sufficiency to un folds the tremendous hidden potential women. • To educate all women on health and hygiene, nutrition, family planning and on preventive and primitive aspects of health, laying special emphasis. • To give more importance for education provides vocational skills for the dropouts and unemployed youth. • To encourage women to admit children of school going age and improve the living standard education in selected areas and relate it more closely to the lives and needs of the rural children to orient it to transformation. • To foster creativity and critical thinking in the youth and women in order to find alternatives for initiating constructive programmes by a rational use of they're many potentials and assets.

  32. Opening of the Pappadam Project

  33. Pappadam Mechines

  34. Pappadam Project This is our new project. Where in big amount of ladies come together to work and earn for their daily living. It has placed in JyothiNilaya. So all the women come here to work. Since they did’nthad the place to make in their own villages they have accepted to work in the centre. Therefore in order to start to run a project the women are facing the financial problem. Thus we look forward for your generous and kind respond.

  35. staff structure • Director 1 • Programme Co-ordinater 1 • Co-ordinater 1 • Animators 4 • Health Worker 1 • Office Assistant 1 • Tailoring Teachers 2 • Driver 1

  36. staff structure

  37. CONCLUSION • In the early days women were not allowed to come out of the four walls of their house but today we can see the lot of changes among the women where they are emerged in most all the fields. Through this women shows that they are not less then a man. A woman not only works outside but she also very much attentive to the needs of a family. Thus she becomes a teacher, mother, leader, woman……… • Jyothi Social Welfare Center has emerged as leading Women's NGO to protect the interest of women and to lead them to social and economic self-sufficiency. The organization has great opportunities for working with grass root groups of women, Girls and backward sections in the underdeveloped regions.

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