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Legislation: Progress and Plans Claire Williment Head of Legislation Implementation Programme

Learn about the legislative progress and future plans to boost organ donation rates in the UK. Explore the benefits, including cultural shifts, improved services, and collaborations towards increasing consent rates. Stay informed on upcoming consultations and the importance of government commitments.

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Legislation: Progress and Plans Claire Williment Head of Legislation Implementation Programme

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  1. Legislation: Progress and PlansClaire WillimentHead of Legislation Implementation Programme

  2. Why is change needed? • Change the culture and balance of presumption • Consent rates not kept pace with ODR • Learning from experience in Wales Consent for donation after brain death: 83%

  3. Legislation

  4. Progress

  5. Progress - England BTS 2018 Now

  6. Progress - Scotland BTS 2018 • No amendments recommended by the Committee • 107 voted in favour, 1 abstention, 2 against Now

  7. Benefits

  8. Benefits – Culture • ‘Max and Keira’s Law’ – Puts emphasis on the patient’s saved and recognition of donors

  9. Benefits – Retrieval and Transplantation • Government commitment of 700 additional transplants as a result in the change in law. • Ministers are clear that the retrieval and transplant services need to be resourced to keep pace with the increase in donors.

  10. Benefits – Ministerial Commitments ‘… we will make sure that there are enough highly trained staff to make the most of the changes resulting from this Bill. Our current estimate is that 27 more nurses would be required but, of course, if that number were to rise, we would make sure that they are fully trained and fully financed for the future.’ Lord O’Shaughnessy, Health Minister ‘We will make sure that the system is funded as it should be. I assure noble Lords that we are working closely with NHS Blood and Transplant on its operational costs, which we will fund.’ ‘Our ambition is to reach 80% of the population of England, so we are very ambitious. It is important that ​we do this. As I said, the Government intend to spend around £18 million on communications in 2020-21.’ Baroness Manzoor on behalf of DHSC …there will always be a personal discussion with the family at the bedside, and special consideration will be given to a person's faith and the views of their loved ones... Jackie Doyle-Price, Minister

  11. Benefits – Collaboration

  12. Benefits – Media Coverage

  13. Benefits – NHS App • Integration with the NHS App in place December 2018 • Full ‘push and pull’ facility in April will enable people to see their own ODR record

  14. Benefits – Faith/ Beliefs • Faith/ Beliefs Declaration introduced in December 2018

  15. Benefits – Faith/ Beliefs • Improved faith/ beliefs section of the website

  16. Benefits – Faith/ Beliefs • Faith-specific cards

  17. Progress Planned

  18. Next Steps

  19. NHSBT Implementation

  20. Summary • Once in a life-time opportunity • Benefits already realised • More work and benefits to come • ACTION REQUIRED • Keep engaged and involved • Help to hold Government to their commitments • Comment on DHSC consultation (expected in May) • Comment on HTA consultation (expected in June)

  21. Thank you Andi Ttofa; Andre Vercueil; Alex Hudson; Anthony Clarkson; Ben Hume; Ben McGuinness; Cathy Miller; Ceri Rose; Dale Gardiner; Emma Billingham; Fiona Wellington; Gabriel Oniscu; Geoffrey Robinson; Jane Rowley; Jo Young; John Forsythe; Karen Quinn; Liz Armstrong; Liz Hilton; Lorna Marson; Marina Pappa; Nick Watkins; Olive McGowan; Paul Miller; Paul Murphy; Phil Walton; Sally Johnson; Sharon Gibson; Steve Park

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