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What is the Cold War?. & Beyond. The Ideological Struggle. Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations [“Iron Curtain”]. US & the Western Democracies. GOAL spread world-wide Communism. GOAL “Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world. [George Kennan]. METHODOLOGIES:
What is the Cold War? & Beyond
The Ideological Struggle Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations[“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies GOAL spread world-wide Communism GOAL “Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world.[George Kennan] • METHODOLOGIES: • Espionage [KGB vs. CIA] • Arms Race [nuclear proliferation] • Ideological Competition for the minds and hearts of Third World peoples [Communist & command economy vs. Democratic & capitalist economy] “proxy wars” • Bi-Polarization of Europe [NATO vs. Warsaw Pact]
The “Iron Curtain” • Established 1945 • Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe develop as buffer between Democracies of Western Europe From Stettin in the Balkans, to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lies the ancient capitals of Central and Eastern Europe.- Sir Winston Churchill, 1946
Truman Doctrine [1947] • Civil War in Greece. • Turkey under pressure from the USSR for concessions in the Dardanelles. • The U. S. should support free peoples throughout the world who were resisting takeovers by armed minorities or outside pressures…We must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way. • The U.S. gave Greece & Turkey $400 million in aid. CONTAIN COMMUNISM
Marshall Plan [1948] • “European Recovery Program.” • Secretary of State, George Marshall • The U. S. should provide aid to all European nations that need it. This move is not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos. • $12.5 billion of US aid to Western Europe extended to Eastern Europe & USSR, [but this was rejected]. Provide aid to Europe & Prevent the spread of COMMUNISM
Mao’s Revolution: 1949 Creates 2nd world power that is Communist takeover of China in 1949
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949) • United States • Belgium • Britain • Canada • Denmark • France • Iceland • Italy • Luxemburg • Netherlands • Norway • Portugal • 1952: Greece & Turkey • 1955: West Germany • 1983: Spain
Warsaw Pact (1955) • U. S. S. R. • Albania • Bulgaria • Czechoslovakia • East Germany • Hungary • Poland • Rumania
The Cold War was very costly in lives. • Korean War -1950-53 • A divided Korea led to war, separated family members, and cost a million lives, including 48,000 Americans. • Created divided Korea: North (Communist) South (Democratic) • Vietnam War -1963-1972 • Three million people died in the Vietnam War, including 58,000 Americans. • Communist -supported North defeated US-supported South
Sputnik I (1957) The Russians have beaten America in space—they have the technological edge!
Berlin Wall (1961) • Divided the city into communist East Berlin and free (democratic) West Berlin • Historic symbol of Communism • Taken down in 1989
Video Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro led a communist takeover of Cuba Feared U.S. b/c of close proximity Bay of Pigs Invasion - U.S. attempted to remove Castro U.S. trained Cuban refugees, failed due to U.S. not providing air support
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) • U.S. demanded Soviet nuclear missiles be removed from Cuba • Created a 13 day standoff between U.S. and U.S.S.R. • Closest the world has ever come to nuclear war
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) We went eyeball-to-eyeball with the Russians, and the other man blinked!
Conflicts of the Cold War • Nicaragua (1979) • Contra’s (U.S. Supported) vs. Sandinistas (Communist Supported) • Iran/ Contra Affair • Afghanistan (1979) • Soviet attempt to take over Afghanistan with communism & military • Defeated by Tribal Rebels (U.S. Supported) • El Salvador (1982) • Revolution between dictatorships and socialist backed guerillas. • U.S. supported military dictatorships
Soviet Communism vs. Chinese Communism Political Systems and their characteristics: Theocracy – Government run by religious leaders Absolute Monarchy– Ruler w/ complete authority Democracy – Government in which the people hold the power Republic – Government where officials are chosen by the people Oligarchy – Government where the ruling power belongs to a few people Limited Monarchy– Government where a constitution or legislative body limits the monarch’s power Totalitarianism – Government where a one-party dictatorship regulates every aspect of citizens’ lives
Factors that led to Communism in China Japanese Imperialism • extreme devastation of Chinese cities and the economy by the Japanese invasion during WW II • Bayonetting practice • Public executions • Live human dissections
Factors that led to Communism in China Communist Revolution, 1946-1949 • A civil war between Mao Zedong’s Communist Red Army and Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) national forces at the end of WWII • Soviet Union supported the Red Army (Mao) • U.S. supported the Nationalist Army (Chain Kai-shek)
Factors that led to Communism in China • Mao defeated the nationalists in 1949 • Established a Communist government on the mainland • The Nationalist retreated to Taiwan • Communists took over Tibet in 1950
The Great Leap Forward (or Backward?) 1958-1961
Great Leap Forward, 1958 • 5 year plan to increase agriculture and industry • Communes • groups of people who live & work together • property held in common • had production quotas • Failed due to poor quality of products & poor weather hurt agriculture
Communist China Under Mao • Designed to renew revolutionary spirit and establish a more equitable society • Mao wanted to put “intellectuals” in their place • Schools shut down & students revolted • Red Guards – students who attacked professors, government officials, factory managers
Communism Comparisons Soviet: Chinese: Peasant Revolution Great Leap Forward Red Guards Agrarian Society • Proletariat (worker) Revolution • Five-Year Plan(s) • Great Purges • Industrialization
Soviet vs. Chinese Contributing factor: Extreme devastation of cities and the economy by Japanese invasion during WWII Chinese
Soviet vs. Chinese Contributing factor: inequality of the classes, famine, and devastation during WWI. Soviet
Soviet vs. Chinese One-party totalitarian state Both
Soviet vs. Chinese Civil War between Communists and Nationalist Both
Soviet vs. Chinese Proletariat (worker) revolution Soviet
Soviet vs. Chinese Communist government established in 1949 Chinese
Soviet vs. Chinese Peasant revolution Chinese
Soviet vs. Chinese Five-Year Plan Soviet
Soviet vs. Chinese Great Leap Forward Chinese
Soviet vs. Chinese Great Purges Soviet
Soviet vs. Chinese Red Guards Chinese
Soviet vs. Chinese Took over Tibet in 1950 Chinese
Soviet vs. Chinese Collectivization: the pooling of resources to increase efficiency Both
Soviet vs. Chinese Industrial Economy Soviet