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CSCE 552 Fall 2012

CSCE 552 Fall 2012. Language and Programming. By Jijun Tang. Methodologies: Code and Fix. Unfortunately very common Little or no planning Always reacting to events Poor quality and unreliability of finished product “Crunch” time normal. Methodologies: Waterfall.

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CSCE 552 Fall 2012

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  1. CSCE 552 Fall 2012 Language and Programming By Jijun Tang

  2. Methodologies: Code and Fix • Unfortunately very common • Little or no planning • Always reacting to events • Poor quality and unreliability of finished product • “Crunch” time normal

  3. Methodologies: Waterfall • Very well-defined steps in development • Lots of planning ahead of time • Great for creating a detailed milestone schedule • Doesn't react well to changes • Game development is too unpredictable for this approach

  4. Methodologies: Iterative • Multiple development cycles during a single project • Each delivering a new set of functionality • Refinements are needed • The game could ship at any moment • Allows for planning but also for changes

  5. Methodologies: Agile Methods • Deal with the unexpected • Very short iterations: 2-3 weeks • Iterate based on feedback of what was learned so far • Very good visibility of state of game • Difficult for publishers or even developers to adopt because it's relatively new

  6. Languages • C/C++ • Java • Script: Flash, Python, LISP, etc. • C# • XNA for PC and Xbox

  7. Lua Example

  8. MSTS Example

  9. Choose a Scripting Languages • Consider whether you need one at all • What features do you need? • What kind of performance do you need? • What debugging facilities does the language have? • On what platforms does it need to run? • What resources and expertise are available?

  10. Programming Fundamentals

  11. Data Structures: Array • Elements are adjacent in memory (great cache consistency) • Requires continuous memory space • They never grow or get reallocated • Use dynamic incremental array concept • GCC has a remalloc function • In C++ there's no check for going out of bounds • Use vector if possible • Keep in mind of checking boundaries • Inserting and deleting elements in the middle is expensive

  12. List • Very cheap to add/remove elements. • Available in the STL (std::list) • Every element is allocated separately, not placed contiguously in memory • Lots of little allocations • Bad cache awareness, but can use arrays to hold pre-allocated items • Single/Double linked list

  13. Lists

  14. Dictionaries • Maps a set of keys to some data. • std::map, std::hash, etc • Very fast access to data • Perfect for mapping IDs to pointers, or resource handles to objects • May waste space, need to design comparison operators

  15. Hash Table

  16. Others • Stacks • First in, last out • std::stack adaptor in STL • Queues • First in, first out • std::deque • Priority queue is useful in game to schedule events

  17. Stack/Queue/Priority Queue

  18. Bit packing • Fold all necessary data into a smaller number of bits • Bool in C++ may use up to 4 bytes, thus is very expensive • Very useful for storing boolean flags: pack 32 in an integer • Possible to apply to numerical values if we can give up range or accuracy • Very low level trick • Use shifts to handle the operation or use assembly • Only use when absolutely necessary

  19. Bits

  20. Inheritance • Models “is-a” relationship • Extends behavior of existing classes by making minor changes • Do not overuse, if possible, use component systerm • UML diagram representing inheritance

  21. Polymorphism • The ability to refer to an object through a reference (or pointer) of the type of a parent class • Key concept of object oriented design • C++ implements it using virtual functions

  22. Multiple Inheritance • Allows a class to have more than one base class • Derived class adopts characteristics of all parent classes • Huge potential for problems (clashes, casting, dreaded diamond, etc) • Multiple inheritance of abstract interfaces is much less error prone (virtual inheritance) • Java has no multiple inheritance

  23. Dreaded Diamond • It is an ambiguity that arises when two classes B and C inherit from A, and class D inherits from both B and C. • If a method in D calls a method defined in A (and does not override the method), and B and C have overridden that method differently, then from which class does it inherit: B, or C?

  24. Component Systems • Component system organization

  25. Object Factory • Creates objects by name • Pluggable factory allows for new object types to be registered at runtime • Extremely useful in game development for passing messages, creating new objects, loading games, or instantiating new content after game ships

  26. Factory Pattern

  27. Simple Sample Factory - I

  28. Simple Sample Factory - II

  29. Singleton • Implements a single instance of a class with global point of creation and access • For example, GUI • Don't overuse it!!!

  30. Singleton Example

  31. Adapter • Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. • Adapter lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces • Real interface

  32. Adapter Pattern

  33. Adapter Example - I

  34. Adapter Example - II

  35. Observer • Allows objects to be notified of specific events with minimal coupling to the source of the event • Two parts • subject and observer

  36. Observer Pattern

  37. Composite • Allow a group of objects to be treated as a single object • Very useful for GUI elements, hierarchical objects, inventory systems, etc

  38. Composite Pattern

  39. Composite Pattern Example - I Add many more inherited classes

  40. The Five StepDebugging Process 1. Reproduce the problem consistently 2. Collect clues 3. Pinpoint the error 4. Repair the problem 5. Test the solution

  41. Expert Debugging Tips • Question assumptions • Minimize interactions and interference • Minimize randomness • Break complex calculations into steps • Check boundary conditions, use assertions • Disrupt parallel computations • Exploit tools in the debugger (VC is good, purify) • Check code that has recently changed • Explain the bug to someone else • Debug with a partner (A second pair of eyes) • Take a break from the problem • Get outside help (call people)

  42. Game Architecture

  43. Overall Architecture • The code for modern games is highly complex • The Sims: 3 million lines of code • Xbox HD DVD player: 4.7 million lines • MS Train Simulator has 1GB installed, with only 10MB executable • With code bases exceeding a million lines of code, a well-defined architecture is essential

  44. Overall Architecture • Main structure • Game-specific code • Game-engine code • Both types of code are often split into modules, which can be static libraries, DLLs, or just subdirectories

  45. Overall Architecture • Architecture types • Ad-hoc (everything accesses everything) • Modular • DAG (directed acyclic graph) • Layered • Options for integrating tools into the architecture • Separate code bases (if there's no need to share functionality) • Partial use of game-engine functionality • Full integration

  46. Ad-hoc

  47. Modular

  48. DAG

  49. Layered

  50. Overview: Initialization/Shutdown • The initialization step prepares everything that is necessary to start a part of the game • The shutdown step undoes everything the initialization step did, but in reverse order

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