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The Rulbus LabVIEW Library

The Rulbus LabVIEW Library. Martin J. Moene U n i v e r s i t e i t L e i d e n Last update: 1 December 2004. The Rulbus LabVIEW Library. Rulbus, a simple peripheral input-output bus Structure of the library Application example Implementation of the library.

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The Rulbus LabVIEW Library

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  1. The Rulbus LabVIEW Library Martin J. Moene U n i v e r s i t e i t L e i d e n Last update: 1 December 2004

  2. The Rulbus LabVIEW Library • Rulbus, a simple peripheral input-output bus • Structure of the library • Application example • Implementation of the library

  3. Rulbus: a simple peripheral input-output bus computer PC PC, ... interface ISA Rulbus interface EPP Rulbus interface R u l b u s peripheral ADC DAC delay timer R u l b u s r a c k R i j k s U n i v e r s i t e i t L e i d e n B u s

  4. Rulbus components • computer – Rulbus interface • Rulbus rack • Rulbus modules • Rulbus rack selector

  5. Computer – Rulbus interface E P P R u l b u s i n t e r f a c e

  6. Rulbus rack H a l f w i d t h r a c k

  7. Rulbus module R B 8 5 0 6 d u a l p a r a l l e l i n t e r f a c e

  8. Rulbus Rack Selector (1) Selector located at rear of rack The figure above shows a rack with secondary address 3: binary 0011, 0*2^3 + 0*2^2 + 1*2^1 + 1*2^0

  9. 15 14 0 Rack Rack Rack Rulbus rack selector (2) Computer + Rulbus Interface or always selected module address: [rack:address]

  10. Several Rulbus properties • 8-bit address bus, 254 addresses per rack 1): • rack selector, address $00, • bus idle, address $FF • modules use 2 .. 32 addresses (DAC, Parallel Interface) • 8-bit data bus • 1 MHz bus frequency • simple interface for peripherals 1) With rack selector: total of 15 x 254, or 3810 addresses

  11. Structure of the library • Several VIs for each module • Contents VI for each module • Overall library Contents VI

  12. Application example (1) • Set the named DAC to specified voltage

  13. Application example (2) • Specify Rulbus Interface • EPP: prompt>set rulbus=epp,0x378 (this is the default) • ISA: prompt>set rulbus=isa,0x200 • Specify Rulbus Configuration file • contents of environment variableRULBUS_CONFIG_FILE, or • file .\rulbus.conf (current directory), or • file C:\etc\rulbus.conf

  14. Application example (3) • Specify Rulbus devices # rulbus-small.conf - example rulbus configuration file. rack "top" { # rack definition address = 0 # this rack’s address rb8509_adc12 "adc" # ADC with default settings rb8510_dac12 "dac-ch0" { # DAC first output address = 0xD0 } rb8510_dac12 "dac-ch1" { # DAC second output address = 0xD2; bipolar = false; voltperbit = 1.25m } }

  15. Implementation of the library • Rulbus LabVIEW Library (RLL), uses the: • Rulbus Device Library (RDL), a dynamic-link library • Rulbus Device Class Library (RDCL), part of RDL

  16. References & Links ELD:http://www.eld.LeidenUniv.nl/ RLL:http://www.eld.LeidenUniv.nl/~moene/software/rll/ RDL:http://www.eld.LeidenUniv.nl/~moene/software/rdl/ RDCL:http://www.eld.LeidenUniv.nl/~moene/software/rdcl/

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