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A Walk Through the Bible With Bro. Bill Parker Sr.

Praise Chapel Puget Sound. A Walk Through the Bible With Bro. Bill Parker Sr. Lesson 10 Post - Exile History Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther. The Post-Exile Period. The Decree of Cyrus Isaiah’s Letter Ezra The Mixed Multitudes Nehemiah The Decree for Jerusalem Esther The Drama [Acrostics]

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A Walk Through the Bible With Bro. Bill Parker Sr.

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  1. Praise Chapel Puget Sound A Walk Through the BibleWith Bro. Bill Parker Sr. Lesson 10 Post - Exile History Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther

  2. The Post-Exile Period • The Decree of Cyrus • Isaiah’s Letter • Ezra • The Mixed Multitudes • Nehemiah • The Decree for Jerusalem • Esther • The Drama • [Acrostics] • Inter-testament Period

  3. Roman E Greek Empire Persian Empire LXX Babylon Christ Exile The Nation Israel The Diaspora Genesis BC AD Rest of OT NT 400 yrs The Panorama of History Christ Israel Restored Fall of Man The Exodus Abraham Exile David Flood Creation 6,000 Years?

  4. Persian Empire Decree of Cyrus Babylon 1st Siege Decree of Artaxerxes 2nd Siege 3rd Siege Triggers the 70 Weeks of Daniel “Servitude of the Nation” “Desolations of Jerusalem” Esther Ezra 2nd Chronicles Nehemiah Daniel Ezekiel Haggai Zechariah Malachi

  5. Cyrus II (“The Great”) • Established the Medo-Persian Empire • Cyrus’ father: Cambyses I (600-559 BC), was king of Anshan (E. Elam) • Cyrus’ mother: Mandane, a daughter of Astyages, king of Media • 550 BC: Attacked his father-in-law, the corrupt Astyages; • Captured Ecbatana without a battle • Welded the Medes and Persians into a unified nation that continued for two centuries

  6. The Conquest of Babylon • October 12, 539 BC, Cyrus’ general captured Babylon without a battle. • The Persians diverted the River Euphrates into a canal upriver so that the water level dropped "to the height of the middle of a man's thigh," which thus rendered the flood defenses useless and enabled the invaders to march through the riverbed to enter by night. Herodotus

  7. The Stele of Cyrus [photo] "...without any battle, he entered the town, sparing any calamity; ... I returned to sacred cities on the other side of the Tigris, the sanctuaries of which have been ruins for a long time... and established for them permanent sanctuaries. I also gathered all their former inhabitants and returned to them their habitations." British Museum in London.

  8. The Letter to Cyrus • When Cyrus made his grand entrance Daniel presented him with an ancient scroll of Isaiah, which contained a personal letter addressing him by name.Josephus, Antiquities, XI, I, 2 • Isaiah had died 150 years before Cyrus was born!

  9. Letter to Cyrus That saith to the deep, Be dry, and I will dry up thy rivers: That saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built; and to the temple, Thy foundation shall be laid.Isaiah 44:27, 28 Thus saith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut;Isaiah 45:1

  10. Letter to Cyrus I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me. I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:Isaiah 45:2-5

  11. Cyrus’ Response • Cyrus was duly impressed. • He freed the captives and even gave them incentives to return to their homeland and rebuild their temple.

  12. Cyrus’ Proclamation Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, “The LORD God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Who is there among you of all his people? his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the LORD God of Israel, (he is the God,) which is in Jerusalem.” Ezra 1:2, 3

  13. Ezra • Probable author of 1 & 2 Chronicles also • 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah = 1 book • Credited with establishing the “canon” • Return of the Remnant • 536 BC: 49,697 under Zerubbabel • 456 BC: (80 years later) under Ezra

  14. Kings of Persia • Cyrus the Great (Mede/Persian) Ezra 1, Isaiah 45 • Cambyses Ahasuerus of Ezra 4 • Gaumata Artaxerxes of Ezra 4 • Darius I “Hystaspis” Ezra 5, 6 • Xerxes IAhasuerus of Esther • Artaxerxes I (“Longimanus”)Nehemiah 2 • Xerxes II • Darius II “Nothus” Nehemiah 12 • Artaxerxes II “Mnemon” • Artaxerxes III “Ochus” • Darius III “Codomanus” Nehemiah 12

  15. Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) • Khshayarsha • Greek translation: Xerxes • Hebrew: Akhashverosh • English: Ahasuerus • Passionate extremes • Gigantic ideas, and imperious temper • Canal through Isthmus of Athos • Bridge over the Hellespont • The Ahasuerus of Esther

  16. The Drama • Lavish Royal Banquet • Queen Vashti refuses to immodestly display herself • Forfeits her royal diadem • Esther, orphaned Jewish girl, raised by her cousin Mordecai, selected as replacement • Mordecai thwarts a plot against the king

  17. Mordecai • David declined to take vengeance on Shimei 2 Sam 16:5-13; 19:16-23 • Mordecai was a descendant of Shimei, of the House of Kish, the father of King Saul, a product of David’s grace • He will ultimately confront Haman, the result of Saul’s failure to follow God’s instructions • He refuses to do obeisance to Haman…

  18. The Flesh vs. The Spirit • Jacob and Esau, struggling since the womb Gen 25:21-34 • Amalek descended from Esau Gen 36:12 • Amalek fought with Israel at Rephidim Exo 17:8-16 • Doom foretold • Balaam Num 24:20 • Moses Deut 25:17-19 • Saul’s Failure • Instructed to destroy them all 1 Sam 15:1-3 • Spared Agag, King of Amalekites • Kingdom taken from Saul 1 Sam 15:7-28 • Haman was a descendant of Agag Est 3:1

  19. The Deadly Threat • Haman succeeds in getting the king to order the extermination of all the Jews • Mordecai prevails upon Esther to intercede • “Thou art come for such a time as this” • “If I perish, I perish.” • She asks for 3 days of fasting and prayer

  20. The Critical Moment • Esther enters the inner court • The king extends his scepter • She invites the king and Haman to a banquet • She demurs: she invites them to a subsequent banquet…

  21. What a day brings… • A gloating Haman prepares a gallows • A sleepless king reads the chronicles • Mordecai was never rewarded for his deed • Haman unknowingly specifies Mordecai’s reward

  22. The 2nd Banquet • Esther asks for her life to be spared • An astonished king ponders Haman’s deceits • Haman falls on Esther’s couch to plead • The king, returning, misconstrues the move and orders Haman hanged… • …on the very “gallows” he built for Mordecai

  23. The Denoument • Haman’s estate escheat to the crown • Set under Mordecai’s supervision • A second decree authorizes the Jews to defend themselves • 127 provinces, from India to Ethiopia • Magistrates also assist them… • Celebrated as The Feast of Purim

  24. The Ten Sons of Haman ParshandathaCurious Self busy-body DalphonWeeping Self self-pity AspathaAssembled Self self-mobilized; self-sufficiency PorathaGenerous Self spend-thriftiness; self-indulgence AdaliaWeak Self self-consciousness; inferiority AridathaStrong Self assertiveness; insists upon one’s way ParmashtaPreeminent Self ambition; desire for preeminence ArisaiBold Self imprudence AridaiDignified Self pride; haughtiness; sense of superiority VaizathaPure Self worst of all: self-righteousness

  25. The Book of Esther • Name of God does not appear? • Esther = “Something Hidden” • Hidden Codes: 5 Acrostics 3 Equidistant Letter Sequences

  26. Esther 1:20 WnT.yI ~yviN"h;-lk'w> ayh Yhwh YHWH Initial letters: because the event was initial Backwards: God was turning back the counsels of man.

  27. Esther 5:4 ~AYh; !m'h'w> %l,M,h; aAby" hwhy YHWH Initial letters: God was initiating the action; Forward: God was ruling and causing Esther to act.

  28. Esther 5:13 yli hA,v WNn<yae hz< yhwh YHWH Final letters: Haman’s end was approaching; Backwards: God was overruling Haman’s gladness and turning back Haman’s counsel.

  29. Esther 7:7 h['r'h' wyl'ae ht'l.k'-yKi hwhy YHWH Final: Haman’s end had come; Forward: God was ruling and bringing about the end He had determined.

  30. 1) Initial 2) Initial 3) Final 4) Final Initial: facts are initial Final: facts are final. 1) Backward 2) Forward 3) Backward 4) Forward Backward: Gentiles Forward: Israelites Pairings

  31. Introversion 1) Words spoken concerninga queen; 2) Words spoken bya queen; 3) Words spoken byHaman; 4) Words concerningHaman.

  32. Esther 7:5 Then the king Ahasuerus answered and said unto Esther the queen, “Who is he, and where is he, that durst presume in his heart to do so?” `!Ke tAf[]l; ABli Aal'm.-rv,a] aWh hz<-yaew> hz< aWh ymi ahyh = “I AM”

  33. Esther 1:3 An Equidistant Letter Sequence, interval of 8. lyxe wyd'b'[]w: wyr'f'-lk'l. hT,v.mi hf'[' Akl.m'l. vAlv' tn:v.Bi xyvm Meshiach, Messiah

  34. Esther 4:7 An Equidistant Letter Sequence, interval of 8. `rTes.a, wyl'[' ht'W>ci-rv,a] lkoK. f[;Y:w: yk'D\r>m' rbo[]Y:w: Yvw[ Yeshua, Jesus

  35. Esther 4:2 An Equidistant Letter Sequence, interval of 7: `qf' vWbl.Bi %l,M,h r[;v;-la, aAbl' !yae yKi %l,M,h;-r[;v; ynEp.li d[; aAbY"w: [;yGIm; Atd'w> %l,M,h;-rb;D> rv,a] ~Aqm. hn"ydIm.W hn"ydIm.-lk'b.W ydvla El Shaddai, The Almighty

  36. Esther 3:11-12 An Equidistant Letter Sequence, interval of 6: AB tAf[]l; ~['h'w> %l' !Wtn" @s,K,h; !m'h'l. %l,M,h; rm,aYOw: `^yn<y[eB. bAJK; ~Ay rf'[' hv'Alv.Bi !AvarIh' vd,xoB; %l,M,h; yrep.so War>Q'YIw: xyr !jvw !mh haman v’satan ray’yach “Haman and Satan stink.”

  37. Antiochus Epiphanes Roman Empire Greek Empire Persian Empire LXX Christ The Nation Israel The Diaspora BC AD Genesis Rest of OT NT 400 yrs The Panorama of History Christ Israel Restored Fall of Man The Exodus Abraham Exile David Flood Creation 6,000 Years?

  38. The Greek Empire • Alexander conquers the Persians 332 BC • Succeeded by his 4 generals: • Cassander Macedonia & Greece • Lysimacus Thrace, Bithynia, most of Asia Minor • Ptolemy Egypt, Cyrene, Arabia Sponsored the Septuagint Translation: LXX270 BC • Seleucus Syria and East to India Antiochus Epiphanes (The “Little Horn”) Dan 8

  39. Antiochus IV (“Epiphanes”)175-164 BC • Made Torah reading punishable by death • Slaughtered a sow on the Altar • Erected an idol to Zeus in the Holy of Holies • “The Abomination of Desolation” Matt 24:15 • The Macabbean Revolt • 3 years: threw off the yoke of Seleucid Empire • Rededicated the Temple: 25th of Kislev, 165 BC • Celebrated as ChannukahJohn 10:22

  40. The Roman Empire, Phase I 63 BC Pompey conquers Judea Herod Antipater, an Edomite, appointed ruler 40 BC Parthians conquer Judea 37 BC Romans regain Judea Herod the Great succeeds Antipater 31 BC Battle of Actium ~2 BC? Registration and Census ordered 7 AD Caponius appointed Procurator Removed legal powers of Sanhedrin “Woe unto us for the scepter has departed from Judah and the Messiah has not come!” Babylonian Talmud

  41. Next Lesson • Major Prophets • Isaiah • Jeremiah Lamentations • Ezekiel • Daniel

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