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Asociación Benéfica PRISMA

Regional Meeting to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security. Asociación Benéfica PRISMA. GENERAL INFORMATION. - Non-governmental organization from Perú. - Founded in 1986 - It has 450 professionals MISSION

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Asociación Benéfica PRISMA

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  1. Regional Meeting to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security Asociación Benéfica PRISMA

  2. GENERAL INFORMATION - Non-governmental organization from Perú. - Founded in 1986 - It has 450 professionals MISSION Strengthen the capacities and improve access to opportunities for individuals and society actors, facilitating and promoting sustainable development, fostering partnerships and networks to generate knowledge and innovative and competitive models



  5. Our experience in Reproductive Health and Logistics Management for Commodity Security

  6. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND LOGISTIC PROJECTS DEVELOPED Administration of the Family Planning Program(USAID, 1989 -1996) Technical Assistance, Training and Financing to 7 NGOs of Family Planning. Logistics administration and handling hold of donated contraceptives to the MOH, ESSALUD and Armed Forces and Police. Logistic Contraceptive Management in MINSA (USAID, 1996-2002) Technical Assistance and Training for the improvement of logistics and handling of contraceptives in Perú. Developing a Contraceptives Logistics System Information. Logistics and handling operations: customs clearance, warehousing, distribution. The Implementation a Drug Supply System and Supplies in Ministry of Health (USAID, 2003-2006) Technical Assistance and Training to built an Integrated Administration System for supply Drug and Health products.(SISMED) Virtual Diploma in Management Chain Drug Supply.

  7. LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT OF DRUGS AND CONTRACEPTIVES WITHIN THE COMMODITY SECURITY FRAMEWORK (2007 - present) Contribution to Commodity security goal Lines of action Objective Logistics operations Improve the capacity of the main actors and facilitate their coordination Improve the access to contraceptives and drugs Technical Assistance Education and Training Monitoring and Evaluation USAID | DELIVER PROJECT


  9. LOGISTICS PRODUCTS I. Logistics Operations

  10. LOGISTICS PRODUCTS II. Technical Assistance

  11. LOGISTICS PRODUCTS III. Capacity Building

  12. Our Relationship with UNFPA

  13. PREVIOUS COLLABORATION • We conducted an assessment of the Contraceptives Supply and Logistic Processes on Health Services Ministry of Health and Sports of Bolivia (November 2007 - March 2008) Country: Bolivia Contractor: UNFPA Bolivia

  14. CURRENT RELATIONSHIP • Memoramdum of Understanding for: Regional institutions strengthened to build national capacity for the implementation and monitoring of the essential sexual and reproductive health package, including family planning and reproductive health commodity security (April 2009 - January 2010). Region: South America Contractor: Latin America Regional Office, UNFPA • Results achieved: • UNFPA has transferred to PRISMA a Tool for Costing Reproductive Health Services • On the basis of this tool, PRISMA developed the Course "Health Services Cost with an emphasis on reproductive health“, the same that was given to officials from 5 countries in the region: Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. • PRISMA has incorporated this course to their regular training program.

  15. ANOTHER TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND TRAINING • Training Workshops: • “Commodity Security: Principles and Practice” • “Quantification and procurement planning timación y Programación de Necesidades de Insumos” (Nov. 2009) Country: Panama. Target Audience: officials of the Ministry of Health and the Social Security Contractor: UNFPA Panama

  16. ANOTHER TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND TRAINING Improved logistics management commodities of MINSA health strategies in Peru with emphasis in Sexual and Reproductive Health (Aug. - Dec. 2009). Country: Peru. Contractor: UNFPA Peru Logistics Process Diagnostics for contraceptive security in the Costa Rica Social Security. (Nov. 2009 - Jan. 2010). Country: Costa Rica Contractor: UNFPA Costa Rica

  17. ADDED VALUE Expanding PRISMA partnership and networking with organizations in LA such as CIES to produce a south south cooperation between academic and technical institutions, to certify and spread best practices in the region. CIES y PRISMA have signed a collaborative framework to develop a line of work in the context of contraceptive supplies security, including the logistical aspects. Both organizations intend to join strengths, to deliver research, technical assistance and virtual training offers to Latin America.

  18. National Autonomous University of Nicaragua Center for Research and Health StudiesSchool of Public Health of Nicaragua Regional Meeting to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security Zaira Pineda Coordinator of projects and technical assistance CIES-UNAN Nicaragua Panamá, 24 th 26th January 2010

  19. CIES-UNAN is a public academic institution founded on 1982 in Nicaragua and mainly deals with public health education and research. It´s strengths in research and human resource training for the development and strenghthening of health professional capacities, are widely recognized in Nicaragua and in the Central American region. Mission Contribute to improving the health of the Nicaraguan and Central American people, through education and human resource training, scientific research and technical assistance to promote the construction of regional and modern thinking in Public Health.

  20. OurProducts • Masters programs in public health, epidemiology, health services management and health economy. • Diplomas in community health, child development, HIV / AIDS prevention, management of sexual and reproductive health services, emergency obstetric cares, among others. • Research in the field of public health: baselines, measurements and assessments of health interventions. • Design of educational materials in health. • Technical, administrative and methodological support to civil society organizations working in health. • Technical, administrative and methodological support to MOH in Nicaragua.

  21. Participation in regional networks of training and research. • Chair of the Board of the Meso American Institute of Public Health, the technical arm of Meso-American System of Public Health. • Coordination of Mesoamerican Network Participatory Evidence-Based Quality of Health Services (EPQI-Kaizen) • Sub-Regional Coordination for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, Latin American Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health. • Involvement in the Systems Research and Health Services in Central America and the Caribbean.

  22. Participation in regional networks of training and research. • IMSP Members: • National Public Health Institute of Mexico. • Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad Rafael LandivarGuatemala. • Masters Program in Public Health at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala. • Masters Program in Public Health at the University of El Salvador. • Masters Program in Public Health at the National Autonomous • University of Honduras. • School of Public Health at the University of Costa Rica. • Gorgas Memorial Institute of Health of Panama. • School of Public Health at the University of Panama. • Masters Program in Public Health at the University of Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic

  23. Cooperation and exchange relationships • Research Centers: • World Alliance of Policy Research and Health Systems. Geneva. • Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT-USA • Center for control and disease prevention. CDC-USA • Research Center for Development IDRC. Canada • Mexican Health Foundation. Mexico • Regional Center for Disaster Information. CRID • The National Library of Medicine. Washington, USA. • Carlos III Institute. Spain. • Prince Leopold Institute. Belgium.

  24. Cooperation and exchange relationships • Universities: • University of Montreal. Canada • KatholiekeUniversiteitNijmegen. Netherlands • ReijUniversiteit Maastricht. Netherlands. • AndalusianSchool of PublicHealth. Spain. • Institute of Tropical Medicine. University of Liverpool. England. • Free University of Brussels. Belgium. • TohokuUniversity. Japan.

  25. Cooperation and exchange relationships • Agencies: • UnitedNationsSystem (UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, PAHO / WHO) • SwedishAgencyfor International Development. SIDA • SpanishAgency of International CooperationforDevelopment. AECID. • UnitedStatesAgencyfor International Development. USAID. • JapaneseCooperationAgency. JICA • SwissAgencyforDevelopmentCooperation. SDC • World Bank. BM • Inter-American Development Bank. BID

  26. Cooperation and exchange relationships • Networks fromthe civil society: • Latin American Network of people with HIV. REDLA+ • Central American Network of people with HIV. REDCA+ • Latin American and Caribbean Network of trans people. REDLACTRANS • PublicEntities: • Ministries of health and social security institutions in Central America.

  27. Previouscollaborationwith UNFPA and otherdevelopmentpartners • Diploma in emergency obstetric care. UNFPA- MINSA 2004 y 2005. • International Course for Health Systems development in Latin America and the Caribbean. UNFPA, OPS, ASDI, AECID. 2006, 2007 y 2009. • Publich Health Masters with emphasis in reproductive health. MINSA-AECID. 2007-2009. • Baseline for the strengthening of adolescent sexual and reproductive health. JICA. 2009. • Feasability Study and technical assistance to the initial launch of the “Enhancing Equity in Family Planning Project”. PATH 2009. • Technical assistance for the creation of a logical framework and monitoring plan of the safe motherhood culturally sensitive project. UH 2009.

  28. Previouscollaborationwith UNFPA and otherdevelopmentpartners • Regional institutions strengthening to build capacities for the implementation and monitoring of the essential sexual and reproductive health package, including family planning and reproductivehealthcommoditysecurity. UNFPA. 2009. • Area: Central America. • Resultsachieved: • UNFPA transferred to CIES a tool for costing of reproductive health services. • CIES trained in the activity-based costing of health services with emphasis on reproductive health, to more than 100 people from Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. • CIES joined this course in their regular training. • PRISMA and CIES coordinated the design, implementation, and certification of the courses.

  29. Capacity building in Latin America for strengthened the sexual and reproductive health programs and the commodity security, through the systematic training of a network of professionals and technical assistance directly to countries that require it. Priorities and visionforfuturecollaboration

  30. Lines of action: South- south cooperation with other academic institution Provide Technical Assistance on RHCS to UNFPA countries offices and their national counterparts Design and implementation researches on RH Training: a) Development sub-regional specialization courses, b) Development a post-graduated on-line program in Logistic Management Development a RHCS portal to create a Knowledge Platform  distance learning courses, forums, research dissemination, share experiences, library, among other Priorities and visionforfuturecollaboration

  31. OurAddedValue • Human resources and technological infrastructure to lead training programs (virtual and tradicional) in reproductive health in the CA region. • Relationships and networks with academic institutions in the CA region. • CIES have access to financial support to do training and research on reproductive and sexual health issues (IMSP, AECID, OPS, CDC, FM, UE, JICA, etc)

  32. OurAddedValue • PRISMA experience in family planning and logistics management, technical assistance and training. • PRISMA Courses (USAID | Deliver Project support): • Overview of management supply chain • Quantification and Procurement Plan • Contraceptives Security: principles and practices • Monitoring and Evaluation

  33. Thanks for your attention! www.cies.edu.ni www.imesoamericano.org zpineda@cies.edu.ni www.prisma.org.pe www.prismavirtual.org cgutierrez@prisma.org.pe

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