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Our 1:1 iPad Journey. Trinity Lutheran School Tinley Park, Illinois. Tiffany Gurgel. Trinity’s Mission Statement.
Our 1:1 iPad Journey Trinity Lutheran School Tinley Park, Illinois Tiffany Gurgel
Trinity’s Mission Statement Trinity Lutheran School exists to challenge and enable young people, ages 3 Pre-K through 8th grade, to grow in both Christian spirit and academic wisdom, and to prepare them to be witnesses in God's kingdom.
Why 1:1? • Provide our students with 21st century skills. • Technology engages students and provides a tool to: • research • explore • collaborate • communicate • create
Why 1:1? Help keep students organized. Field trips can be taken virtually. Our new math books are iPad ready.
Our Timeline, so Far… September/October 2012 began to discuss infrastructure and the possibility of going 1:1 in our junior high classes. November 2012 – Our assistant principal visits CCLS to see their 1:1 program December 2012 – Assistant principal reports back to school board about CCLS visit and encourages us to move forward on developing plans for a 1:1 initiative.
Timeline Continued… January 2013 – More infrastructure discussion and approval for purchase of iPad, Chromebook and Microsoft Surface so that teachers can evaluate tool they would like to use. February 2013 – Devices purchased and teachers begin to evaluate each device. Board decides that 8th graders should be the class to have the devices for 2013-2014.
Timeline Continued… March 2013 – Bid for wireless devices approved by board. April 2013 – Wireless devices installed and continue to work out kinks. iPads selected as the device that will be used for our 1:1 program. May 2013 – Approval to purchase 3 iPads for junior high staff and met with St. Mary’s teachers to discuss there iPad program.
Advice from St. Mary’s “Just go for it.” “Keep the parents informed.” “Set up meetings during the summer with each other to help each other out with the iPads” “Be consistent with policy on iPads. Be sure to follow through.” “We are here as a resource.”
Timeline Continued… • June 2013 – • Got quote from Apple and Capital Leasing to have two options for ownership. • Teachers selected several apps to look at and set up meeting to discuss. (Will do throughout summer) • Began to investigate using Google apps account with our students. • Attended 1:1 initiative workshop at CUW. • Presented options to Board. They wanted another option and a resubmitted proposal was sent to board members. 3-year lease has been approved.
iPad Management Meraki systems management will be used to see all iPads and track what is on the iPads. Apple Configurator will be used to push apps to iPads through a syncing cart.
iPad Apps Teachers are Evaluating Edmodo Schoology Notability Evernote Penultimate Skitch Nearpod
Things Still to Do… Write Acceptable Use Policy Write a FAQ for parents Continue to meet with junior high teachers to evaluate apps for iPads Create iPad presentation for parents and students