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Semantic Advertising

Semantic Advertising. Ame Wongsa INF 385T – Semantic Web. Background – Online Advertising. Banner ads allowed tracking of click through rates Arms race for people’s attention led to increasingly intrusive ads (blinking banners, pop-ups, video ads, inline ads, etc.

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Semantic Advertising

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  1. Semantic Advertising Ame Wongsa INF 385T – Semantic Web

  2. Background – Online Advertising • Banner ads allowed tracking of click through rates • Arms race for people’s attention led to increasingly intrusive ads (blinking banners, pop-ups, video ads, inline ads, etc. • GoTo.com started pay-per-click-ads and keyword bidding • Google AdWords and AdSense network • Contextual Advertising • Behavioral Targeting

  3. Contextual Advertising • Google AdSense and Yahoo ContentMatch • Based on keyword scans of text of website or internet search • Misplacement of ads can occur due to keywords with various meanings • “If it bleeds, it leads” (not true on the web) • Filtering certain ads for certain context and editorial oversight • Focused and commercial content works well. Ex. Blogs • Other Problems: • Popularity increases competition and reduces ROI • Companies buy rivals keywords or rivals drive up cost of ads.

  4. Behavioral Targeting • Use individual browsing behavior (page visited, searches, purchase history) to select advertising to display. • Used with geography, demographics, content. • Uses cookies -- Privacy issues

  5. What is important to online advertisers? • Targeted advertising • Preventing negative associations • ROI – Return On Investment • Competition, brand protection • CTR – Click Through Rate • Pay per clicks (PPC), Cost per action (CPA), cost per thousand (CPM)

  6. Semantic Advertising Four Kinds: • Contextual advertising with semantic technology • Semantic search advertising • Dynamic advertising content • Advertising inside semantic data Source: http://www.chiefmartec.com/2008/09/semantic-advertising-of-4-different-kinds.html?cid=130782220#comments

  7. 1. Contextual Advertising with semantic technology • Use semantic technology as a competitive advantage to contextual advertising • Goal is to understand content of page to provide more targeted advertising • Peer93* • Base on proprietary algorithms for natural language processing and machine learning to understand page meaning and sentiment • iSense • taxonomy base system hand built by 40 linguists and lexicographers

  8. 2. Semantic search advertising • Semantic search engines try to provide people with better search experience • Advertising can provide a business model • May bid on concepts and relationships instead of keywords • Example of semantic search engines: Powerset, Hakia

  9. 3. Dynamic advertising content • Advertisers expose offerings in XML semantic data and agencies read data to dynamically change content of ad accordingly • Little coordination to update ads • Require standardized format of semantic data across advertisers • Ex. Dapper’s MashupAds platform • Dapper is a data extraction and API creation service and is used for semantic indexing.

  10. 4. Advertising inside semantic data • Ex. Yahoo! SearchMonkey • Allow developers and site owners to use structured data to make Yahoo! Search results more useful and visually appealing, and to drive more relevant traffic to their site • Structured data: microformats, RDFa/eRDF, atom feeds, web services • Example

  11. 4. Advertising inside semantic data (cont.) • Content providers can charge advertisers to provide semantic data • Semantic listing is more noticeable even if they have lower ranking and useful presentation can increase ranking • Search engine optimization • Ex. OpenCalais • Generates semantic metadata from content (text/HTML/XML) using natural language processing, machine learning and other methods. • Semantic advertising by adding sponsor’s metadata.

  12. Advertising and the semantic web • Semantic advertising is involved in improving experiences for users (who don’t care about technology) • Better advertising as a reward can create incentive for good semantic data.

  13. References: • Brinker, Scott. (2008, September). Semantic advertising: 4 different kinds. Retrieved October 1, 2008, from http://www.chiefmartec.com/2008/09/semantic-advertising-of-4-different-kinds.html?cid=130782220#comments • Glaser, Mark. (2005, July). The good, bad and ugly of contextual ads from Google, Yahoo. Retrieved October 1, 2008, from http://www.ojr.org/ojr/stories/050706glaser/ • Glaser, Mark. (2007, June). Your Guide to Online Advertising. Retrieved October 1, 2008, from http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/2007/06/your-guide-to-online-advertising178.html • Miller, Paul. (2008, October). Scott Brinker talks with Talis about Semantic Marketing. Retrieved October 1, 2008, from http://blogs.talis.com/nodalities/2008/10/scott-brinker-talks-with-talis-about-semantic-marketing.php

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