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Operation Saber Strike, Fires Cell. Guidance for Lethal Fires:
Operation Saber Strike, Fires Cell Guidance for Lethal Fires: Indirect Fire Support (FS) Assets will provide area and precision fires in support of CJTF operations to restore the International Border Line (IBL) and remove any remaining Southlandian Forces. Non-lethal operations will reinforce the National Government’s legitimacy to restore the IBL. Lethal and non-lethal methods will be coordinated to de-synchronize the Southlandian and SIMM efforts. **The FSO must know when and where the commander wants fire support, He must fully understand what the commander wants in the way of effects, duration, and timing. To truly understand the commander’s intent, the FSO must know why the commander wants support. He must also understand how the unit direct fire assets are to be used so he can supplement, not interfere with, their employment. The FSO must seek and understand the commander’s guidance and intent and be prepared to recommend the integration of available fire support. POC is MND Effects Coordinator: CPT Matt Swartzell at matthew.swartzell@us.army.mil
Effects Coordinator Duties & Responsibilities FSO: - Keep the brigade commander informed of the fire support assets, their capabilities and limitations, and their tactical missions. - Help the commander develop his estimate of the situation and war-game possible courses of action, resulting in the creation of the decision support template. - Ensure battalion FS0s plan fires in accordance with the brigade commander’s guidance, and establish priority of fires. - Coordinate requests for additional fire support from battalion FSOs when the fire support means available at company or battalion level are inadequate. POC is MND Effects Coordinator: CPT Matt Swartzell at matthew.swartzell@us.army.mil
Effects Coordinator Duties & Responsibilities Plans/Targeting Officer - Help provide staff supervision of the target assets attached or organic to and under operational control of the brigade. - Develop, recommend to the commander, and disseminate the attack guidance matrix to the FS cell, CP, and subordinate elements. - Determine, recommend, and process time-sensitive high-payoff targets to the fire support element. - With the brigade S2, produce a target selection standards matrix for TA assets working for the brigade. POC is MND Effects Coordinator: CPT Matt Swartzell at matthew.swartzell@us.army.mil
Targeting Decision Process POC is MND Effects Coordinator: CPT Matt Swartzell at matthew.swartzell@us.army.mil
Targeting Process (D3A) Decide, Detect, Deliver, and Assess
FIRESRUNNING ESTIMATE • MND - Assets AVAILABLE: • CAS: • MND_V will have 6 Sorties / Day • AWTs are Available; must be requested through • CJTF A2C2 • NGF: • NGLO located at CJTF; Limited Fires during all • Phases of the Operation • 5” Gun Available from CG-61 • MLRS: • Must be coordinated and approved at CJTF FACTS / ASSUMPTIONS; (F) Counter Battery Targets will only be identified if Battalion or higher (F) MNB-V has Priority of Fires through all Phases of Operation (A) Weather and light data will not interfere with Accurate and predicted fires. Constraints/Limitations/Restrictions: (C) Maneuverability of FS Assets IOT be within range. (L) MNB-V Units can fire up to 35% of their UBL (L) Fire Support Coordination Measures (R) CJTF is Approval Authority for any FASCAMs MND- Essential Fire Support Tasks: • T1: Surface to Surface Fires will be used to attack Southland’s ground force • P1: Degrade the Enemy’s capability to conduct offensive and defensive operations within Vironia • T2: Destroy All Enemy ADA and FS Assets in Zone • P2: Obtain Air Superiority and allow friendly freedom of movement ISO of the Counter Attack. • T3: Utilize Air to Ground Interdiction to Attack HPTs and assist with TIC • P3: Assist in minimizing collateral damage • RECOMMENDATIONS: • Minimize Collateral Damage! • NGF is for self-protection of MNB-V Units and to utilize it’s • ADA Assets ISO EFST 2.
D3A 1. Decide and prioritize what detection assets are responsible for finding the target and triggering attack. 2. Decide where you will find the target, trigger its attack, and attack the target. 3. Decide what delivery means will be used to attack each target and the effects desired. 4. Decide when you will attack each target. 5. Decide and prioritize what detection assets will assess effects on the target, from where they will do so, and by when the information must be obtained. 6. Decide re-attack criteria and necessary actions
Targeting Process (D3A) - - Decide Decide: The maneuver commander’s most critical role at every echelon in Targeting is in the decide phase. - Situation Developmentincludes the processing of all-source data to support battle management. **IPB - Target Development based on the commander’s target selection and attack criteria. **High Payoff Target List - Collection Management based on thecommander’s intent, concept of operation, guidance on what targets should be acquired, and/or attacked, and target selection standards, the G2 formulates his collection plan (where and when should targets be found and who can find them?) POC is MND Effects Coordinator: CPT Matt Swartzell at matthew.swartzell@us.army.mil
Targeting Process (D3A) - - Detect Detect: During MDMP a key resource for fire support planning and targeting is the intelligence generated through reconnaissance and surveillance. The synchronization of reconnaissance and surveillance link acquisition assets to finding specific enemy formations or required information to answer the commander's information requirements. Named areas of interest and target areas of interest are focal points particularly for the surveillance effort and are integrated into the collection management plan. - FM 3_09, page 52 POC is MND Effects Coordinator: CPT Matt Swartzell at matthew.swartzell@us.army.mil
Targeting Process (D3A) - - Deliver Deliver: - This primarily occurs during execution, although some targets may be engaged while the supported unit such as a BCT is preparing for the overall operation. - Synchronization of Assets in crucial in this phase of D3A. Integrate the Concept of Fire with Manuever. POC is MND Effects Coordinator: CPT Matt Swartzell at matthew.swartzell@us.army.mil
Targeting Process (D3A) - - Assess • Assess: • This primarily occurs throughout the operations process. Targeting is continuously refined and adjusted between the commander and staff as the operation unfolds. • Decide who will report your Battle Damage Assessments and follow up POC is MND Effects Coordinator: CPT Matt Swartzell at matthew.swartzell@us.army.mil
Targeting Briefs Mission: Training Meetings focus and synchronize the unit's combat power and resources toward finding, tracking, attacking, and assessing HPTs. End-State Tasks: Verifies and updates the HPTL, allocates delivery systems/assets, synchronizes lethal and non-lethal actions including IO Recommended Possible Attendees: - Brigade CDR, XO, FSCOORD, Targeting Officer, S3, S2, ALO, IO, S4, Engineers, CIMIC, At Minimum Required Attendees: - CDR, S2, S3, FSO POC is MND Effects Coordinator: CPT Matt Swartzell at matthew.swartzell@us.army.mil
Targeting Meeting Agenda • The S2 provides an intelligence update. • Briefs the enemy situation. • Reviews the current collection or R&S plans. • Provides battle damage assessment of targets engaged since the last targeting meeting and the impact on the enemy course of • Provides an analysis of the enemy's most probable courses of action and locations for the next 24-36 hours (possibly projecting out 72 hours for targets subject to attack through ATO nominations) • Recommends changes to the PIR for the commander's (if present) approval, or review by the battle staff. • The S-3 provides a friendly situation update. • Summarizes the current tactical situation; including new requirements. • Informs on the status of available assets (combat power). • If the commander is not present, briefs any particular guidance from the commander and changes to his intent. • Briefs planned operations during the period covered by the targeting meeting. • The FSCOORD or FSO provides an update on fire support. • Reviews the current TSM (or other targeting products). • Reviews status of FS assets. • Reviews approved preplanned air requests for the period and those planned for the next two ATO cycles (this may be briefed by the ALO) - normally done in 24-hour increments. • Presents a proposed HPTL with locations for the (commander's) staffs concurrence and refinement. • Recommends ICW the ALO changes to the working preplanned air requests and nominations for the planning cycle.
Targeting Meeting Effects • The more effective the Targeting Meeting is, the better the Fire Planning will be. • The Important Outputs from a Targeting Meeting are: • HPTL (If not already developed) *Decide • Attack Guidance Matrix *Detect • Fire Support Execution Matrix *Deliver • Target Sync Matrix *Deliver • ESSENTIAL FIRE SUPPORT TASK • These annexes are vital to disseminate as quickly as possible in order to provide guidance to the subordinate units in fire planning.
Fire Planning • Shaping, Offensive, Defensive, Movement, Actions on the Objective • Fire planning is a continuous process of planning and coordinating fire support requirements. It is usually top-down driven or initiated (exception being a quick fire plan). Central to the process is the development and execution of EFSTs. Conceptually, a fire plan is the logical sequence of executing EFSTs to support a concept of operation. A fire plan at any level is normally the sum of fire support tasks you receive from higher (these are almost always essential to you), EFSTs you develop, and fire support tasks requested by your subordinates. POC is MND Effects Coordinator: CPT Matt Swartzell at matthew.swartzell@us.army.mil
References Field Manuals: 3-09.31; Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for The Combined Arms Commander. 3-09.32; JFIRE: Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for The Joint Application of Firepower 6-20-10. Training Tactics and Procedures for the Targeting Process 6-20-40. Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for Brigade Operations (Heavy) STANAG 2934. Artillery Procedures (AartyP-1, May 1994. POC is MND Effects Coordinator: CPT Matt Swartzell at matthew.swartzell@us.army.mil