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SPhN – Service de Physique Nucléaire

SPhN – Service de Physique Nucléaire . Our goal : to understand all states of strongly interacting matter ( partonic , hadronic , nuclear) and to discover new ones, while active in key applications of our science. ALICE. AGATA. CLAS12. GEEL. VAMOS. COMPASS.

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SPhN – Service de Physique Nucléaire

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  1. SPhN – Service de Physique Nucléaire Our goal : to understand all states of strongly interacting matter (partonic, hadronic, nuclear) and to discover new ones, while active in key applications of our science. ALICE AGATA CLAS12 GEEL VAMOS COMPASS

  2. ResearchthemesatSPhN Nuclear structure Nucleon structure Quark-gluon plasma Nuclearreactions& applications withother divisions of Irfu: SEDI, SIS, SACM, SENAC, SPP

  3. SPhNresearch staff andorganization • - 41 physicists active in 7 research groups • - 1 physicist on leaveat IPNO • 2 physicists as directors • 2 (retired but active !) senior advisors • - 15 post-docs • - 14 PhDstudents • CSTS (Scientific and TechnicalCommittee) • meets once or twice a year : • - 6 external, appointedmembers, • - 6 internal, electedmembers, • - Head of Irfu and Head of SPhN.

  4. SPhNorganization: 4 researchthemes / 7 groups M. Garçon F. Auger 2 adm. assistants 2 technicians ALICE / QGP 6 physicists A. Baldisseri CLAS 4 physicists J. Ball Nuclear Structure 12 physicists W. Korten MNM 7 physicists F. Gunsing COMPASS 8 physicists + 1 F. Kunne Spallation 3 physicists S. Leray Hadron Theory 1 physicist + 1 P. Guichon also host to ESNT : common structure for nucleartheory within CEA – DSM/Irfu, DAM/SPN and Ganil (no permanent staff)

  5. SPhNorganization: 4 researchthemes / 7 groups + 1 lab. M. Garçon F. Auger 2 adm. assistants 2 technicians ALICE / QGP 6 physicists A. Baldisseri CLAS 4 physicists J. Ball Nuclear Structure 12 physicists W. Korten MNM 7 physicists F. Gunsing COMPASS 8 physicists + 1 F. Kunne Spallation 3 physicists S. Leray Hadron Theory 1 physicist + 1 P. Guichon LENAC 4 phys. + 3 eng. + 1 techn. + 1 adm. V. Blideanu andsoon to incorporate a laboratory withnuclear expertise on conception and dismantling

  6. Nuclear structure Heavy and superheavy nuclei GANIL JYFL  SPIRAL2 The nucleus and all its shapes GANIL/SPIRAL MSU, LNL, GSI  SPIRAL2 + Nuclear theory protons Shell evolution toward drip lines GANIL/SPIRAL  SPIRAL2 MSU, RIKEN GSI  FAIR neutrons

  7. Nuclear structure : somerecenthighlights • ERC startinggrant: MINOS (for future exptsat RIKEN & GSI) / Alexandre Obertelli • A good part of the funding for the base spectrometer S3 granted : « Equipex » • First experimentswith AGATA DemonstratoratLegnaro • 24O studiesat RIKEN (inelasticp,p’ with MUST2) • Collisions of actinides (TDHF) : Lifetime of heaviest nuclear systems • available on earth: 2 uranium nuclei in contact during a few zeptosecondes • (10-21 s) • Systematic studies over 500 nuclei with realistic NN + NNN forces • (in progress). preliminary

  8. γ Nuclearreactions & applications Neutrons nTOFCern & IRMM-Geel Fission at NFS and ILL Photons – PhotoNuc Retardedemissions Bruyères-le-Ch. Protons and ions spallation GSI & modélisation Neutrinos oscillations, non-proliferation Double Chooz & Nucifer

  9. Recenthighlightwith neutrinos • 2 highly visible publications fromSPhN-SPP-Subatech): • the most « exact » calculationstodate of neutrinos spectrafromnuclearreactorsarXiv:1101.2663 • consequences for neutrino physics compatible with the hypothesis of a « sterile » neutrino arXiv:1101.2755 • Experimentalchecksproposed

  10. Nucleon Structure : CLAS, COMPASS & LQCD Atstake: Quarks and gluons in the nucleon, Origin of hadron mass and spin (Generalized) parton distributions Understanding confinement Hera … EIC/ENC Compass JLab 10-1 x 1 10-3 10-2 gluons and sea quarks valence quarks

  11. Nucleon Structure : somerecenthighlights • COMPASS proposalapproved by SPSC, • 5-year plan endorsed by CernReseachBoard: DVCS/GPD, Drell-Yan, … • Fabienne Kunne new co-spokesperson of COMPASS • Increasedprecision on spin structure functions • → betterdetermination of • polarized parton distributions Δu, Δd, … • → indirect constraints on ΔG • COMPASS and RHIC agree for a small value of ΔG • Original Micromegascylindricaltrackerunder • construction for CLAS12 • - CLAS, COMPASS, Global DVCS analyses within HP3 • - (Modest) GPU cluster installed for specific LQCD • calculations (ETMC collaboration).

  12. QGP & ALICE Evénement dimuon à √s = 7 TeV • Irfuconcentrates on muon spectrometer: • study of heavyquarkonia (J/Ψ, Υ, …) formation and attenuation in dense matter • From proton-proton to lead-lead collisions Di-muons invariant mass

  13. SPhNtowardsitsfifth dimension: Lenac • Nuclear expertise in conception and dismantling • SPhNincreases the span of itsactivities, • reaching over fundamentalresearch to engineered applications of nuclearphysics Commercial cyclotron for medicine S3 beam dump activation Reactordismantling in Cadarache Acceleration by laser

  14. SPhNatIrfu(CEA-Saclay) • Present and active on (nearly) all main sub-fields of our discipline • Key role of ourphysicists in various collaborations • Synergywithengineers and techniciansatIrfuallows for significant impact on hardware and software projects. • Open to key applications of our science (nuclearenergy and engineering, space, medicine,…) • Though not formallyconnected to universities (and « Grandes Ecoles »), involved in teaching and lab training of students • - Communication at large (exchange betweenjournalists and physicists, film underpreparationat DSM,…)

  15. Irfu: the largest institute of CEA CEA ~15 000 Defense Matter Sciences Nuclear Energy Technology Life Sciences Irfu ~ 630

  16. Irfu: research & technology CEA ~15 000 Defense Matter Sciences Nuclear Energy Technology Life Sciences Irfu ~ 630 Institute of Research into the Fundamental laws of Universe Astrophysics Space technologies Accelerators, SC Magnets Nuclear Physics Detectors, electronics, computing Particle Physics Systems engineering IFMIF EVEDA Nuclear expertise

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