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CHOIX parle d intimidation

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CHOIX parle d intimidation

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Presentation Transcript

    1. CHOIX.org parle d’intimidation This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    2. Cas d’intimidation This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    3. Reena Virk This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    4. Dawn-Marie Wesley This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    5. David Knight This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    6. RITES D’INITATION : Î-P-É This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    7. RITES D’INITIATION : Halifax This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    8. Comment définis-tu l’intimidation? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    9. L’intimidation peut survenir sous diverses formes : This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    10. 1 This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    11. Blesser quelqu’un en ayant recours à la force physique. Reena a subi le premier type d’intimidation, soit l’agression physique. This is a graphic slideThis is a graphic slide

    12. Peux-tu donner des exemples d’agression physique? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    13. 2 This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    14. Parler à quelqu’un ou parler au sujet de quelqu’un d’une manière méchante, menaçante ou blessante. Dawn-Marie a subi le deuxième type d’intimidation, soit l’agression verbale. This is a graphic slideThis is a graphic slide

    15. Peux-tu donner des exemples d’agression verbale? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    16. 3 This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    17. David a subi l’aliénation sociale (exclure ou gêner une autre personne) et la cyberintimidation (employer la technologie afin de blesser quelqu’un). This is a graphic slideThis is a graphic slide

    18. Peux-tu donner des exemples d’aliénation sociale ou de cyberintimidation? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    19. L’intimidation est-elle un problème à ton école? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    20. Dawn Marie Wesley « Si j’essaie d’avoir de l’aide, les choses ne vont qu’empirer. Elles cherchent toujours une nouvelle personne à battre et elles sont les filles les plus menaçantes. Si je rapportais ce qu’elles me font, elles se feraient suspendre de l’école et elles se vengeraient sûrement sur moi. Plus personne ne pourrait les arrêter. Je vous aime tous beaucoup. » This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    21. D’après toi, comment se sent la personne qui a été ou qui est intimidée? This is a graphic slideThis is a graphic slide

    22. Si on t’intimidait, en parlerais-tu à quelqu’un? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    23. Pourquoi crois-tu que certaines personnes intimident les autres? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    24. Myles Neuts This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a content slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    25. Pourquoi les gens n’interviennent-ils pas lorsque quelqu’un est victime d’intimidation? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    26. Comment peux-tu aider une victime d’intimidation? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    27. Comment peux-tu obtenir de l’aide si tu es victime d’intimidation? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    28. Comment peux-tu obtenir de l’aide si tu es un auteur d’intimidation? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    29. Que fait-on pour contrer l’intimidation au Canada? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    30. Que fait-on pour contrer l’intimidation dans ton école? This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    31. Tu veux un environnement libre d’intimidation? Consulte le site www.choix.org et nous te suggérerons divers moyens de t’impliquer dans ton école ou ta communauté. This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

    32. Pour en savoir plus, consulte: This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”This is a new category slide To create a new slide with the same formatting, right-click > “Duplicate Slide”

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