Evolve your own Yoga by knowing Yoga Symbolism and Dynamics of Life System by YerramsettiGiridhar giridhary@rediffmail.com
Main Index – Slide No • 1. Precursor on Presentation - 3 • 2. Knowledge, Wisdom and Maya - 4 • 3. Tantra, Kundalini, Yoga and ‘goals’ / ‘problem spaces’ - 8 • 4. Advanced Application of Yoga - 23 • 5. Chakras (Wheels) in Human and Prajna(Caliber) Yoga - 32 • 6. Yang – Yin forces of working systems -42 • Meta-physics of life existence - 47 • Modern Science of Energy Harvesting by • Species - 60 • 9. Cosmic model of Life Science - 72 • 10. Yoga and Health - 84 • 11. Examples of Hard Real World situations - 97 • 12. Additional Yoga Terminology - 107 • 13. Conclusion based on Hindu Sastra - 109 • Post-cursor on Presentation - 155 • References - 156 • 16. Pranamams to MaharshiPatanjali - 157 Yoga Symbolism Lady in welcome gesture • 2/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Precursor on Presentation • This presentation covers more of • laukika(physical) aspects, and possibly some alaukika(attained by your experience) aspects for evolving your own Yoga. Main objectives are as follows: • a: How to treat Meditation (Dhyanam) as flow fullness; not as stillness or emptiness. • b: Peace, Harmony and Tranquility can not be achieved by static conditioning or stillness (by creating curfew like situation both mentally and bodily). Then, what is its dynamic condition? • Symbolism: Representing things with • symbols. A symbol is an object or • idea representing something other • than itself. Vibrant portrayal of Damayanti symbolizing Harmony by painter Raja Ravi Verma, 1908AD • 3/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Knowledge, Wisdom and Maya • 2nd Sub Index - Slide No • Hindu Sastra(Science) of Knowledge - 5 • Hindu way of Knowledge Acquisition • and Application - 6 • Rational way of Knowledge Acquisition • and current misuse - 7 Lady in welcome gesture • 4/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Hindu Sastra(Science) of Knowledge • Human Knowledge (Jnana) has no unique form of • existence. It can be preserved, altered or lost. Hindu • NyayaSastraidentified totality of Knowledge with • following components called pramanas: • Components of knowledge (pramana): • Perceptionby ordinary senses (laukika) • and by attained experience (alaukika). • Inference (anumāna), needs investigation • to resolve. • Comparison (upamāna) or analogy or • equivalenting with known objects. • 4. Testimony (past records and witness). • Therefore, Knowledge has life element • (personalized perception may be lost with person) • and time dependency (testimony/memory may be • available or lost). Hence, one should, on his own • perceive the dynamics of nature, all the time to • regain the ever-changing nature of Universal. 1.Goddess Saraswati as source of Knowledge, Art and Wisdom. 2. Hindu Sastrawas developed from life experience, to prove that there is manifold (slide no:128) which is same for all living and nonliving substances. • 5/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Hindu way of Knowledge Acquisition and Application As stated by Hindu Philosophy: Acquiring true knowledge (DivyaJnana) is always unrelenting painful journey in the myriad of fallacy manifestations called Maya (unclear barriers). Therefore, one should not compromise or delimit himself in reaching divine goals (Ex: wisdom on social objectives, morals, serving the needy, etc). Humanity and environmental protection (Ahimsa) has to be absorbed in ever individual as an order. As Yama (under effect of Maya) doesn't know the life span of Markandeya, Lord Shiva protecting Markandeya from death. • 6/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; • giridhary@rediffmail.com
Rational way of Knowledge Acquisition and current misuse By Rational Philosophy : Uses well qualified Logics and definitions derived from all doctrines , but its application is limited to machines and production plants, government, legal system and police, etc. It has no contribution to any doctrine or to itself. At times, the decisions and actions may be self serving rather then truth seeking. 4. It need not depend on morals and values, may yield to the pressures and forces, and neglect the disadvantage groups and environmental protection. It has cultivated a wild culture of donating organs, hiring of an human womb as a reproduction plant, and also, it is advocated as a possible commercial option between the poor and needy. Stanford Diagram Action may be direct consequence of desires. Such rationality may harm others and Environment as Himsa(violence) Rationality may become irrational, without applying morals and values. Take note that, Morals and Value Systems were evolved by religion system at the inception of human knowledge. • 7/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Tantra, Kundalini, Yoga and ‘goals’ /‘problem spaces’ • 3rd Sub Index - Slide No • Understanding TantraShakti& KundaliniShakti - 9 • How to enhance effect of KundalinibyTantra? - 10 • The Tantra, when the objectivity is divine seeking - 11 • Understanding Yoga as Harmonized Union - 12 • Swatanta-Paratantra Union, Text and Diagram - 13 • Yogic Procedure and MaharshiPatanjali - 15 • Various ‘goals / problem spaces’ that can be succeeded - 17 • More about Meditation (Dhyanam) -18 • Raja YogaDhyanam– the Quantum of Solace • (Samtrupti) - 19 • 11. Shakuntal story;Pratyahara, 5th step of yoga - 20 • 12. Dharana , 6th step of Yoga and Visualization - 21 • 13. Sunyata: by AcharyaNagarjuna, Andhra 250AD - 22 Lady in welcome gesture • 8/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Understanding TantraShakti& KundaliniShakti; TheseShakties(Powers) are survival for all living Species including Human • Tantra: • Tantra(Aligned force) is process of generating different body • forces, than aligning and conduiting to the destination point. • The destination point may be the mind, body part or any • peripheral end of the body, which includes the tools or • any articles held. • Tanta means creating useful bodily forces, Yoga is its procedure. • Kundalini: • Kundalini(relief) provides continues relieving power to suffered • body, mind and psychic; it exists perennially from birth to death. • The kundalini is the healing power or vitality, perennially works • on the suffered body, mind and psychic. Suffering is experienced by • physical or mental means or both, due to the influence of internal • and external forces. Suffering also effects the psychic. • 9/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
How to enhance effect of KundalinibyTantra? • Kundalini(vitality) always exist in the body, • and its healing effects can be enhanced with • proper exercises and yogic way. • Tantrapractice which is an integral part of • yoga procedure, and it is meant to enhance • kundalinieffect against suffering. • Tantrapracticealsomeans improving • efficiency and easiness in forming tough • jobs. It is discussed as Prajna, (slide no: 17). • Kundalinidevelopment is important for • short period extreme performances or • for long period continues performance • which could be physical, mental or both. Graphical Depiction of Tantraas flexibility • 10/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
The Tantra, when the objectivity is divine seeking • The Tantra is based on Samkhya Yoga, which isaDvaita(dualistic) theory. • SamkhyaYoga, says Purusha (Divine) and Prakriti(ever changing nature) are • initiating the Jeeva(for living). • But, due to desires, the individual is continued to be in bondage or attachment • to the surroundings; which results in suffering to Jeeva. • The divine goal is to overcome the bondage by attaining Moksha(Emancipation). • Moksha means Jeeva is liberated to be with Divine. • The process of liberating Jeevais called Swatantra – ParatantraUnion, • explained in slide no:13. • SamkhyaYogawas narrated in BhagavadGita, by Sage VedVyasa (500BC). Sadhu performing Panch-agniTapasya. A Hard way of attaining Moksha • 11/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Understanding Yoga as Harmonized Union Yoga is process of harmonizing (Saman’vaya) the body, mind and individual’s self with external environment and then try to attain Universally Stable Knowledge (Vijnana)aboutever changing Prakruti(Nature). The attained Vijnana need to be taught to others. The passing of Vijnanato the others is also possible with Swatantra-ParatantraUnion, and explained in slide no:13. Dancing hands of Apsaras; Harmony in complexity • 12/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Swatantra - Paratantra Union TantrameansAligned force with unbroken continuity. 2. The state of Swatantrameans being independent with knowledge of ever changing Prakruti(Nature). Knowing Prakruti means knowing Divine. Acquisition of knowledge on ever changing Prakrutiis possible with tantra practice, in which combined forces of body are aligned with mind, individual’s self and then spreads into the external environment for understanding the Prakruti(nature). The external environment has its own divergent (all angle, all direction), and conflicting forces. The individual, the other contemporaries and the external environment are all part of ever changing Prakruti, which are very divergent and conflicting. Paratantrameans Aligning with external forces. Swatantra – ParatantraUnion means the realized individual (or say realized Jeeva) can pass the knowledge and wisdom to other individuals (or say other Jeevas) perennially, for social benefit and Ahimsa (Environmental protection). 8. Swatantra – ParatantraUnion is the process of aligning himself with other Jeevas, and then drawing their attention to realize themselves perennially. • 13/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Swatantra-Paratantra Union, Diagrammatic Depiction 1. Usual unrealized human society; very egoistic and flutter. Purusha (Divine) Prakruti (Ever changing nature) Jeevas(particularly human) are effected by Maya (unclear barriers) and suffer from ego 2. Realized individual can reorder the human society for social benefit for generations together, with the help of Swatanta-Paratantra Union. Purusha (Divine or cause slide no:56) appear as Swatantra force Prakruti (Ever changing nature) is the Paratantra Prakruti Knowledge Realized individual or Maharshi, Mahatma, Immortal, Prophet, Saint, Messiah, Sage, etc. Communication of Knowledge and Wisdom Human societies are organized for benefit of future generations and environmental protection (Ahimsa) • 14/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Yogic Procedure and MaharshiPatanjali Sage Patanjali (250BC) formalized the yogic life (noble living with purpose) as eight fold path. Yama: Purposeful social behavior and actions (Ahimsa), which do not cause harm to self, society and environment. Niyama: Self-discipline with satisfaction. Yogasana: Proper posture to harmonize the body and mind. Pranayama: Rhythmic breathing by lungs, muscles and bones for purifying the body and remove mental distractions. Sage Patanjali • 15/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Yogic Procedure and MaharshiPatanjali Pratyahara: Rightly manage all the senses and mental reactions for proper concentration. Dharana: Conceptualize the ‘goals’ /‘problem space’, both in physical and mental world. Dhyana: Achieve heightened awareness and performance in solving the ‘problem space’. Samadhi: Take proper rest to assimilate (an’vaya) the experience of earlier 7 steps; thus gain fresh knowledge and energy. Bahubali • The ‘goals’ / ‘problem space’ are of various kinds, explained in the slide no:17 • One should not enter in to Samadhi without adopting to the eight fold • path. Such Samadhi end in wasteful sleep, cause laziness. • 16/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Various ‘goals / problem spaces’ that can be succeeded Prajna(Caliber) Yoga: In this Yoga, theDharana(6th step of Yoga) is for development of caliber & skills required to perform profession, sports and arts. It is the first yoga to be imparted to the youngsters. 2. KarmaYoga: In this Yoga, the Dharana (6th step of Yoga) is for discharging the duties, which are obviously form social system. 3. BhaktiYoga: In this Yoga, in Dharana (6th step of Yoga), one conceptualizes the divinity in a attributed form and concentrates. Jnana Yoga: In this Yoga, in Dharana (6th step of Yoga), one conceptualizes the divinity along with Prakruti (ever changing nature) as a philosophy and assimilates (an’vaya) it to communicate with others, in an orderly form. Raja Yoga: It is the New Age Yoga intended for solace(Samtrupti) from work stress and mental tensions. Under this yoga, the Guru need to continuously assist the individual to reach the goals as intended by the Guru. • 17/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
More about Meditation (Dhyanam) Meditation (Dhyanam) without Dharana, the 6th step of Yoga is hollow. It is like wandering in the dark tunnel with out objectives. Dharanais essentially owning and absorbing into the ‘goals’, as perceived by the individual. The ‘goals’ need to spread whole of mind and body (anu’anuvu; atom to atom). It means ‘goals’ are for long term benefit. List of the subjects that can be owned as Dharana: 1. Caliber, skills and talent(Prajna): For bread earning and leading daily life with dignity. 2. Devotion (Bhakti-bhav): For acquiring divine knowledge on Ishtadeva(Deity liked by devotee) and narrate it in some art form / philosophy. 3. Self realization (Tanmaya) : For attaining divine experience. It is also known as Kaivalya. 4. Self realization (Jna’nodaya): For social upliftment and environmental protection (Ahimsa), by moderating societies . • 18/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Raja YogaDhyanam– the Quantum of Solace (Samtrupti) Raja Yoga and it derivatives like Sahaja Yoga,PurnaYoga, Kundalini Yoga, Chakra Yoga, Kriya Yoga, SudarsanaKriya, Bihar Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, etc. are referred as New Age Yoga, intended for solace from work stress and mental tensions. 2. In Raja Yoga, the individual is presumed to be suffering due to the Karma out of works imposed on him. Karma means fate, not Karma Yoga. 3. In Raja Yoga, Guru’s guidance help the individual to reach the goals, which can be stated as Quantum of Solace (Samtrupti): 4. One can experience different quanta’s as: 1. ‘Clear light continuum as Absolute’ 2. ‘Intuition with illuminated mind’ 3. ‘Transcendental being in the realm of pure light’ 4. ‘Subtle state of super-consciousness’ 5. ‘Universal consciousness of illuminated soul’ 6. ‘Universal mind that has access to infinite power of Supreme’ 7. ‘Spiritual journey through inner universe’, etc. • 19/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Shakuntal story Pratyahara, 5th step of yoga • Sage Vishwamitra is in meditation. • Menaka is distracting the sage • by offering a fragrance flower. • Pratyahara, 5th step in yoga • emphasizes on control of bodily • senses and mental reactions to • over come distraction. • 20/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Dharana , 6th step of Yoga andVisualization • Dharanais translated as visualization by western by seeing the art forms. • Its true meaning is instantiation and conceptualization of ‘goals’ / • ‘problem space’ into the mind and body. It is also known as Bhavana • (contemplation). • Bhavanahas many art forms in the name of Gods & Goddess, Deities • and Mandalas (Yantras). Mandalum (Yantram) Never ending Orbit or Cycle Qwan Yin, Deity Tara, Deity • 21/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Sunyata: by AcharyaNagarjuna, Andhra 250AD • It is not zeroing or emptiness nor stillness of mind. • Sunyatameans relatively originated or dependently originated. It is the • ‘Free Flow Queue’ in Engineering terminology. • State of Sunyata can be achieved by repeatedly doing Yogasana and • Pranayamam (3rd and 4th step of Yoga). • The state of Sunyatais the proper initial condition for 6th step of Yoga • Dharana. First try with Prajna(Caliber) Yoga. • Kalpana (slide no: 28) on ‘Goals / problem space’ (slide no: 17&18) is • possible in the 7th step of Yoga Dhyanam. • Kalpana is conscious way of solving when mind is awake, where as • dream comes sub-consciously and lost on wakeup from sleep. 1. Practicefor state of Sunyataby Yoga only toremove mental blockade of the past or ego. State of Sunyata ensures mind immeasurable, means it is clean and lot. 2. Dependently originated meansnew thoughts replace the old, and old thoughts are delivered as action or memorizes. Sunyatadepicted in an Art form • 22/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; • giridhary@rediffmail.com
Advanced Application of Yoga • 4th Sub Index - Slide No • DoesBramhacharyamneed Yogic practice? -24 • Yogic path for Bramhacharya(Celibacy) - 25 • Difficulties with Samsara - 26 • Meditation / Dhyanam for inner strength - 27 • Meditation / Dhyanam for Kalpana - 28 • Meditation / Tapasyafor Attracting power - 29 • Meditating & attaining Siddi(miracle) - 30 • Yogic achievement and Social influence - 31 Lady in welcome gesture • 23/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
DoesBramhacharyamneed Yogic practice? • Bramhacharyam(Celibacy): Itis a practice of diverting lust (moha) energy into compassion, which should socially help and adhere to divine objectives. • Hinduism: • Sadhus and Sadhvis are completely devoted to theism (bhakti). • Christian: • Brothers and sisters are devoted to prayers and social work. • Chinese: • Monks and Nuns concentrate on martial arts and yogic life • for social help. • How the Yogic practice help in Bramhacharyam? To understand it, Chinese word Yang Yin (dipole in modern science) introduced in slide no: 42. Bramhachariis surrounded by distracting heavenly and earthly forces • 24/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Yogic path for Bramhacharya(Celibacy) • Bramhacharyam in practice is possible only by • keeping Yang (Masculine) and Yin (Feminine) forces • balanced at ever instant and at highest possible vitality. • It is possible by Yogic practice which includes Yama • (Ahimsa),Niyama(discipline)andDhyanamon divinity. • Also, by Yogic Tantra practice, one can effectively • reduce body needs (food, comfort, lust etc) to • minimum. By virtues of it, Bramhacharyam(Celibacy) • can be made possible. • The Bramhacharihas to follow five Sadhanas(tools): • 1. Karma (Performing socially oriented duties) • 2. Vidya (Knowledge acquisition) • 3. Upasana or Dhyanam (meditation on divine) • 4. Prapatti (surrender to divine as true devotee) • 5. Gurupasatti(following and loyalty towards Guru) Hanuman in Dhyanam. He is the symbol of Bramhacharyam for Hindus. • 25/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Difficulties with Samsara • Samsarameans bondage and suffering due to attachment. Only way of • overcoming suffering is to be in a coherent state. It is possible by • changing phase of vital (Potential) energy ofBramhacharyainto • CoherentKinetic energy (slide no:65). • By practicing Karma yoga , Bhakti yoga and Jnana yoga,one can • remove attachments. Wheel of Samsara, means difficulty to run Budhist depiction of overcoming Samsara, by raising inner strength or Potential. Hindu depiction of overcoming Samsara, by being coherent. • 26/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Meditation / Dhyanam for inner strength Human can meditate for improving inner strength Yogic Master Sri Krishnamacharya using Hatha Yoga for nerve control and command in a demonstration of Yoga-vinyasa. Sri Swami Vivekananda is assimilating (an’vaya) the Vedanta in Dhyanam, and later narrated to global audience. 3. Young boy by name Balaji is in contemplation with proper Yogasana(posture). • 27/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Meditation / Dhyanam for Kalpana Gods are presumed to be meditating for universal creation by Kalpana (creation using new set of rules all the time, so that future is not known) Sri Krishna meditating Vishu meditating Shiva meditating • 28/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Meditation / Tapasyafor Attracting power 1. Tapasyapresumed to be performed for external influence. 2. Tapasyapowers, so attained resembles the Gravitational pull of Stars. Bhagiradha Tapasya for river Ganga Parvati'sTapasya for Lord Shiva Qwan Yin Tapasya for peace and harmony • 29/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Meditating & attaining Siddi(miracle) Qwan Yin creating medicine for suffering people. With Siddi Powers, one can offer relief to sufferers. Dattatreya (1200AD) offering salvation (overcoming cycle of rebirth) to Domestic animals as they were bonded. Buddha says attaining salvation is not possible for creatures other than human. • 30/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; • giridhary@rediffmail.com
Yogic achievement and Social influence Ex: Manu, Kapila, Vyasa, Valmiki, Kautilya, Buddha, Mahaveer, Asoka, Democritus, Euclid, Descrates, DaVinci, Galileo, Fascal, Newton, Euler, Avogadro, Bernoulli, Joule, Clausius, Gauss, Coulomb, Faraday, Maxwell, Kelwin, Boltzmann, Planck, Einstein, Noether, von Neumann, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr, Lewis, Feynman, Darwin, Karl Marx, Gandhi, Edison, Cray(Computer), Samuel Hahnemann (Homeopathy), etc. Path of enlightenment Maharishis&Mahatmas For Generations together, into the future Jnana Yoga Philosopher Societies Devotional Artist BhaktiYoga Communities Karma / Prajna Yoga Specialist Individuals Yogic path for normal human Human state Level of Influence • 31/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Chakras (Wheels) in Human and Prajna(Caliber) Yoga • 5th Sub Index - Slide No • Understanding Chakras (Wheels) in Human - 33 • Chakras (Wheels) depicting - new age Sadhu‘s view - 34 • Chakras effect gunas(characteristic function of Human) and Prajna(Caliber) Yoga -35 • Chakra’s wrong move and Criminal gunas-36 • Demons are not to be worshiped - 37 • Chakras depiction in Art - 38 • Meditation and energizing the Chakras -39 • Chakras and Common Sense (Consciousness) - 40 • Chakras and Key difference between Human and Species - 41 Lady in welcome gesture • 32/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Understanding Chakras (Wheels) in Human • Chakras (Logical Wheels within the human body): • Ancient sages identified existence of seven chakras • in the body, other wise known as ‘energy centers’ is told • by new age gurus. • These are Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipuraka, • Anahata, Visuddha, Ajnaand SahasraraChakras. • These chakras exist on the front half of body and • connected in series. • The spinal cord, neck and front face act as the conduit • to transport the energy from one chakra to other chakra. • Tantrapractices are important to generate force at the • chakras and then transport and deliver in recognizable • form (Prajna). This is how one become more efficient in • performing caliber jobs (PrajnaYoga) by Tantrapractice. • Tantrapractices treat Chakras as ‘energy centers’. • 33/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Chakras (Wheels) depicting - new age Sadhu‘s view Main energy radiators Major energy producers • 34/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Chakras effect gunas (characteristic function of Human) Chakra’s right move and associated Professionals (possible by PrajnaYoga) Sahasrara chakra Wheel of Universal Knowledge Rushi, Visionary, Prophet, Sage, etc. Ajna Chakra Wheel of Intelligence Doctor, Judge, Philosopher, Cartoonist, Chess player, Poet, Planner, etc. Visuddha Chakra Wheel of Communication Singer, Orator, Priest, Teacher, etc. Majority of sports, Dancer, Music Artist, Instrument / Machine maker, Skilled worker, Donor / Social worker, etc. Anahata Chakra Wheel of Compassion Manipuraka Chakra Wheel of Will power Weight lifter, Ruler, Businessman, etc. Gymnast, Circus/Stuntman, Warrior, Martial arts, Club dancer, etc. Svadhishthana Chakra Wheel of Life power Muladhara Chakra Wheel of Stability Laborer, Football player, Sprinter, Cycling, Swimming, etc. • 35/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Chakra’s wrong move and Criminal gunas Sahasrara chakra Wheel of Universal Knowledge Demon Ajna Chakra Wheel of Intelligence White collar cheater Visuddha Chakra Wheel of Communication White collar cheater Anahata Chakra Wheel of Compassion White collar cheater Manipuraka Chakra Wheel of Will power Harassment and nuisance creator Svadhishthana Chakra Wheel of Life power Thief, rowdy, Drugs, bad habits, etc. Corruption, Trouble maker, Pestering others for benefits, etc. Muladhara Chakra Wheel of Stability • 36/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Demons are not to be worshiped Demon Ravana at his peak of evil desires Roman Demons demonstrating wild powers • 37/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Chakras depiction in Art Sadhu& chakras Andal & chakras Chakras and Nabhi Chinese version • 38/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Meditation and energizing the Chakras Prajna (Caliber) is possible only with the help of Muladhara Chakra. Hence children are first made to play and do sports and arts for developing Muladhara Chakra. • Sadhuconcentrates only on Muladhara Chakra, so that all other • chakras are activated by it self. It is only depiction in art form. • The actual practice is given indirectly in NatyaSastra, Hatha • Yoga, YantraYoga, Kung fu, Tai chi, Karate, Kerala Hindu Art, • Sports and Art etc. • Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability) ensures assimilation • (an’vaya) and delivery of knowledge and experience for life time. • Raja yoga and derivatives, at times suggest to activate higher • Chakras directly, which can help in Quantum of Solace (Samtrupti) • 39/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Chakras and Common Sense (Consciousness) Chakras were first described in the Hindu Vedas (3000 BC). 2. As per the Vedic sages, Chakras are centers of consciousness in the body, otherwise known as ‘Common Sense’. In fact, even single Cell creature like Ameba need to have all seven Chakras for life to be supported in the body. The life functions of Chakras are as follows: 7. Sahasrara chakra (Wheel of Universal Knowledge) surrounds the body as Shield and protect the body from other creatures invading. 6. Ajna Chakra (Wheel of Intelligence) is the foresight to have knowledge of ever-changing environment for the purpose of preparing for the future situations. 5. Visuddha Chakra (Wheel of Communication); one need to communicate /interact with others, creatures, species and also sense environment. JC Bose(1902) had scientifically proved that plants do communicate with others. 4. Anahata Chakra (Wheel of Compassion); one need to be compassionate to leave the resource to others. Ex: Lion leaves the herd, when it is not hungry. Anahata Chakra is against principles of hiding the resource. 3. Manipuraka Chakra (Wheel of Will Power); one need to have will and perform to be first among others. 2. Svadhishthana Chakra (Wheel of Life Power); one need to take risk of competition, when resource is scare. Also, one has to protect from predators. 1. Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability); one need to stable for all circumstances. • 40/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Chakras and Key difference between Human and Species All Species as well as Human raise their offsprings as a continuity of life. In Species, the just burn offspring need to exhibit steadiness (or standup on their own) to get their food. In the Elephant-baby photo, the mother elephant offers udder to the baby elephant to suck the milk, only in the standing position. However, the baby elephant has to standup on its own to suck the milk. Any failure of baby elephant in standing-up, may lead to abandoning the baby by the mother. It means, the ability to stand-up is nothing but proper functioning of Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability). For all species, on birth, the proper function of Muladhara Chakra is essential for survival. All other chakras do graduate in due course. On birth, the baby whale won’t get full protection from mother whale, as the mother goes into sleep daily. However, the tender baby whale continue to be ‘awake’ (Jagratslide no:53) far a month without sleep. Baby whale Muladhara Chakra (Wheel of Stability) enable it to be in Jagratstate, and has to be alert against predators, by itself. 6. For Human, the baby, at birth cries to get the attention of mother. Here, Human baby is born with Manipuraka Chakra (Wheel of Will Power) to survive, by seeking attention of mother. Again, like any other species, all other chakras do graduate in due course. Elephant baby Baby whale with mother feed Human baby • 41/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Yang – Yin forces of working systems • 6th Sub Index - Slide No • Yang – Yin forces - 43 • Yang - Yin (as spring system) - 44 • Yang yin is Shivashakti in Hindu by analogy - 45 • Shivashakti is the Symmetry of all working systems - 46 Lady in welcome gesture • 42/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Yang – Yin forces Yang yin (Chinese): Itis defined as two opposite forces but complementary in nature, 1. seen (Masculine) and 2. unseen (Feminine) interact within a dynamic system for its own balance and survivability. Consumer (yang/seen action) Relationship between Consumer and Producer is Yang Yin (yin/unseen action) Photosynthesis process in plants produces food (sugar) is Yang Yin Producer • 43/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Yang - Yin (as spring system) Spring is a single element which can expand (yang) and contract (yin) Body contraction (yin/unseen action) Body stretching (yang/seen action) • 44/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Yang yin is Shivashakti in Hindu by analogy Shivashaktirepresents always balanced complementary opposite forces Well balanced state, should be aim of Bramhacharyam (slide no:24 & 25) Radhakrishna, Well balanced but bodies are separate, should be aim of Samsara, (slide no:26) Imbalanced; depicted relevant animals on either side Ardha’nareeswari form of Shivaparvati • 45/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Shivashakti is the Symmetry of all working systems • Other equivalent words for Shivashakti: • Bhed-abheda: Divine and Jeeva(living) are Different yet • there is no Difference. • Pravruthi- Nivruthi: Material knowledge yet it is • Divine knowledge. • Sakala-Nisakala: Divinewith Attributes yet • without Attributes. • Rup-nerup: DivinewithGesture yet without Gesture. • Yang-yin (China): Divine is seen yet unseen • Dipole (modern science): Single Pole with two polarities. It appears positive (emitting) at one side and negative (absorbing) at opposite side. • Photon(modern science): Particle yet wave, It is the Matter, but at the same time Energy. • The symbols shown on lift side are symmetrical, • representing the associated systems are harmonious • and balanced. • Yoga practice makes the Human to be balanced and • sturdy, under favorable or adverse influences. Hindu Symbol Budhist Symbol Taoistic Symbol Traffic Symbol • 46/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Meta-physics of life existence • 7th Sub Index - Slide No • Basic Laws of existence - 48 • Some Important Sutras (Notion) about Jeeva - 49 • Metaphysics of existence of life – Modern view - 50 • Metaphysics of existence of life – Vedic view - 51 • Primary food creation by Single Cell Algae, also by Plants - 52 • Normal Human and Plant state; Jagrat, SwapnaandSushupti - 53 • State of Sushupti(cont..), and special human state Epiphany - 54 • Special Yogic States Chaturiyaand Turyalita - 55 • Special human state; Kindalini Awakening - 56 • Notion of Time and Clock - 57 • Fortune telling and Principle of Uncertainty - 58 • Mayaand Uncertainty - 59 Lady in welcome gesture • 47/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Basic Laws of existence • For every action, there is equal and • opposite reaction, which happens • at same time and in the connected space. • It is valid for all Static & Dynamic • conditions of both living and • non-living substances. • - Taoistic law 1100BC – China • Taoistic view of universal existence • (Yang Yin) is also well stated in the • Hinduism ( Ex: Vamana Avatar, Bali’s • DivyaJnana (True knowledge) vs • Power of Vishnu; At the end of the story, • both were existing, one could not • destroy other). • Sri AdiSankaracharya (789AD) • explained co-existence and • inseparable nature of Purushaand • PrakrutiinAdvaita (non-duality) • Philosophy. Prahalada explaining existence of Purusha(divine) to his father, in anu’anuvu(in ever atom) • 48/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; • giridhary@rediffmail.com
Some Important Sutras (Notion) about Jeeva • All living species and individuals are • independent and no union (fusing) is possible. • All livings cell will either divide or die, • except for seed cells, fuse to form a new cell. • This process constitutes life energy. • But, the word Jeeva is know for living. • The new English translation for Jeevais ‘alive’. • There is no identified governing force • that let to existence of Jeeva. • Jeevanew its past, knows completely its • surroundings, environment and • circumstances it exists. It has its own ‘kalpana • (slide no: 28) of living by virtue of its ego’. • Scientists found Spores (tiny living substance) • of 40 million years old, still waiting for proper • living condition to reproduce. Identify Jeeva between seed and seeding! • 49/157, Yoga Symbolism by YerramsettiGiridhar; giridhary@rediffmail.com
Metaphysics of existence of life – Modern view Strong force (Shakti) Gravitational force (Shiva) Weak force (Bramha) Field force (Vishnu) Matter (seen) Jeeva (unseen) 1. ‘Outside’ territory of Jeeva as rest of Universe 2.Universe has countless Jeevas. 3. All Jeevas do have Birth and Death. Body (seen) Tantra (force function) (seen/unseen) Kundalini (healing function) (unseen) ‘Interface’ Mind (unseen) ‘Own’ territory of single Jeeva Self (seen/unseen) • 50/157, Yoga Symbolism • by YerramsettiGiridhar; • giridhary@rediffmail.com Destiny (known/unknown)