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Girling Law Firm, PLLC having experienced eviction lawyers and known as a boutique landlord real estate law firm in Texas. Our services include eviction representation, property shelters/anonymity trusts, customized lease agreements, tenant background checks, and general litigation for independent landlords and apartment communities. For more details contact the landlord real estate attorney at Girling Law Firm, PLLC at 469-526-4588.
TEXAS EVICTION LAWYERS Girling Law Firm, PLLC is a boutique landlord real estate law firm in Texas. They represent real estate investors, independent rental owners, and apartment communities. Independent rental owners and apartment community managers in Texas face a wide range of legal challenges. And problem tenants are often the source of these challenges. Girling Law provides both responsive and preventative legal representation to Texas property investors and managers. As a Landlord, Girling law has the experience you need on your side to ensure the property is back in your possession ready to make money for you. Call us before mistakes are made that will keep a non-paying tenant in the property longer than necessary! WE ARE HERE 6340 DAVIS BLVD #100, NORTH RICHLAND HILLS, TX 469-526-4588 SERVICE.GIRLING@GMAIL.COM H T T P S : / / G I R L I N G L A W . C O M