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Prevention of Invasive Alien Species: Tasks and Issues

This scoping document outlines the tasks and issues related to preventing the intentional release and containment of invasive alien species (IAS). It covers topics such as regulating priority species, pathways, risk analysis, financing, liability, and communication. The document aims to frame the discussion, seek expert input, and formulate tasks to address these challenges.

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Prevention of Invasive Alien Species: Tasks and Issues

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  1. Invasive Alien Species Working Group 1 - Prevention Tasks and issues 8 December 2010

  2. Scoping document Introduction • Scoping document based on: • 3 September stakeholder consultation debate • written input from stakeholder • study Shine et al. (2010) • The aim of the scoping document: • Frame the discussion • Outline areas where expertise sought • Formulate tasks

  3. Scoping document Tasks • Task 1 – priority species • How to regulate intentional release of IAS in natural environment? • How to regulate contained holding of IAS? • How to anticipate future IAS risks? • Task 2 – priority pathways • How to regulate priority pathways? • Task 3 – risk analysis • How to organise risk analysis? • Task 4 – financing and liability: • How to finance an IAS instrument? • How to establish liability? • Task 5 – communication and awareness raising: • Whom should be the target groups? • What tools can be used?

  4. Tasks 1- priority species

  5. Some suggested scenarios Black list for release + Black list for holding White list for release + Black list for holding White list for release + Black list for holding + White list for holding on islands White list for release + Black list for holding + White list for holding of specific species groups White list for release + Black list for holding + White list for holding on islands and for specific species groups Other… Tasks 1- priority species

  6. Release into the natural environment What is release in the natural environment? Considering species? Populations? Varieties? Clear definition needed On what criteria are species prioritised? Consideration of priority habitats (or ecosystems)? White list? Feasible? What species? Consequence of listing? Permits for non-white listed species? How to organise liability? How to define the list? Risk assessment? Black list? Separate list for release and for contained holding? Consequence of listing? Permits for black-listed species? How to organise liability? How to define the list? Risk assessment? Unidentified species? Tasks 1- priority species

  7. Contained holding Black list? How to define the list? Risk assessment? How to differentiate between levels of risk? Consequence of listing? Permits for black-listed species? How to manage transitional phase? Pet owners allowed to keep their black listed pet? Avert risk of unlawful release of illegal pets? How to treat unlawful intentional release of animals not intended for release? How to organise liability? Unidentified species? WTO compatible? Other options: White list for specific areas/habitats (e.g. outermost regions)? White list for species belonging to specific groups? Tasks 1- priority species

  8. Future IAS risks Alert lists (not yet present)? Grey lists (already present)? If so what species? Consequence of listing? Precautionary measures? How to select the species? Quick screening/horizon scanning? Tasks 1- priority species

  9. Some horizontal questions Listing at EU-level – per biogeographic region – at MS-level? Feasibility of biogeographic approach? Responsibilities at EU – MS-level? How to organise enforcement? Transitional measures (for those possessing illegal species) after lists enter into force? How to build on animal/plant health structures? How to cooperate with border control, veterinary and phytosanitary services? Which MS can contribute their experiences? How to organise cost-recovery? Tasks 1- priority species

  10. Main pathways: Main pathways include: Release Escape Disposal of contaminated commodities Transport of contaminated commodities Stowaways in transport vectors Infrastructure Natural migration pathways What criteria should be used to prioritise pathways? Could non-priority pathways be addressed through “soft” measures, e.g. codes of conducts? Define priority pathways for different habitats? For different taxonomic groups? Tasks 2- priority pathways

  11. Trade Species trade Contaminated commodities and contaminated packaging Standards? Risk mitigation? Liability? How to regulate? Transport Stowaways in transport vectors (hull fouling, ballast water), recreational water activities Standards? Risk mitigation? Liability? How to regulate? Infrastructure Man-made corridors Integrate IAS in EIA Directive? Waste Disposal of (dead) plants, plant parts, aquarium water, soil, etc. To be treated as release in the natural environment? Tasks 2- priority pathways

  12. Some horizontal questions Priority pathways to be regulated at EU-level – per biogeographic region – at MS-level? Responsibilities at EU – MS-level? How to organise sequenced risk management? How to organise enforcement? How to build on animal/plant health or IMO structures? How to cooperate with border control, veterinary and phytosanitary services? Which MS can contribute their experiences? How to organise cost-recovery? Tasks 2 - priority pathways

  13. How to organise species and pathway RAs? Common framework at EU-level: EU standards, definitions, guidelines Expectations? Prioritisation of RA What criteria? Quick screening (EPPO)? Organisation of RA RA at EU-level – per biogeographic region – at MS-level? Responsibilities at EU – MS-level? Uncertainties and emergencies How to treat unrestricted species where there is uncertainty over impact? Precautionary principle? RA in emergency situations Tasks 3- risk analyses

  14. Horizontal questions How to build on experiences in plant/animal health? Which MS can contribute their experiences? How to organise cost-recovery? Tasks 3- risk analyses

  15. How to finance the IAS-measures? Cost recovery for intentional introductions Charging system to vectors of unintentional introduction Levies – charges – penalties on IAS-related activities: to be paid in designated fund to support IAS-actions for that sector or pathway? Insurance? Mitigation banking? Role of EU and MS? Special arrangements for specific areas or species groups? Which MS can contribute their experiences? Tasks 4 – financing and liability

  16. How to establish liability? Environmental Liability Directive – extension of Annex III? Environmental Crime Directive – adding IAS legislation in Annex A? General duty of care – threshold for assessing reasonableness / negligence Development of insurance products for specific IAS risks Which MS can contribute their experiences? Tasks 4 – financing and liability

  17. Target groups Socio-economic sectors Countries and regions: Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), Third countries General public: Consumers, Land owners, Animal keepers Decision-makers/governmental bodies NGOs/organisations/animal welfare orgs Associations/pet trade associations/pet owners associations/sport associations Land managers/practitioners on the ground Media Academia Tasks 5 – Communication and awareness

  18. Communication tools Non-binding codes of conduct, to be submitted to EU body for scrutiny Involvement of communication specialists? Baseline information from socio-anthropological studies ? Training tools/education for competent local authorities and decision-makers Education system – syllabus should include IAS issues Awareness campaigns: IAS Day/ IAS champions/awards/catchy messages Labelling schemes Messages about the role of the individual on the ground/ guidelines for identification of species (also relevant to WG 2 and 3) Tasks 5 – Awareness and communication

  19. Communication tools Involvement of the public: e.g. through reporting schemes Flagship species initiatives Identification of message multipliers Dissemination of relevant research/databases/IT tools/evidence/economic analyses Screening mechanism for information/sharing good practice Exchange of good practice/ sharing experience and best practice (e.g. LIFE+ projects, other relevant experiences) Toolboxes to facilitate communication (also relevant for WG2 and WG3) Incentives to discourage trade and use of alien species that could become problematic Tasks 5 – Awareness and communication

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