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A New Way of Looking at Training:. 2015 ( Strategic) Training Plan for Texas Wing. Commander’s Intent.
A New Way of Looking at Training: 2015 (Strategic) Training Plan for Texas Wing
Commander’s Intent Texas Wing has made heroic efforts over the past three years to obtain State funding. It does not appear that this will happen in the current political climate. Therefore, funding provided by NHQ for the training and proficiency of our members is critical to the operational readiness of this Wing. We are comfortable with the number of assets in our Wing but face critical issues with aging – many of our aircraft, vehicles and pilots are all reaching that critical stage when mechanical/physical problems are frequent and to be expected. We are making a significant push to recruit younger pilots into CAP but we will require NHQ assistance to upgrade our AC and vehicles. By percentage, Texas has less vehicles per member and older vehicles than the VAST majority of Wings in CAP. Our Wing needs one additional G1000 aircraft in the Houston area. We have identified an aircraft to give up to keep our numbers the same – we do not need more aircraft – we need better aircraft with updated equipment. We now have three gliders to support the three major population centers of the state. However, the number of glider pilots has not risen to meet additional needs. We need to cross train some of our younger powered pilots to fly gliders. We currently have adequate mission staff to support most of our needs. However, this force is aging and we have begun to seek younger members to fill the roles of the older members as they begin to slow down. We believe a 5% growth rate in all but the most specialized positions (IC1, CUL) will suffice to cover our losses and prepare us for large scale, extended duration missions.
CI (con’t) Texas Wing has attempted to engage the SDIS system on a number of occasions; because satellite access is unavailable we will not train to support this mission. Likewise, we currently have no access to GIIEP or ROVER so we will not expend volunteer hours for these assets. If NHQ provides that equipment to Texas Wing will update our Strategic Plan and our Training Plan to support the GIIEP mission. Conversely, we are still anticipating NHQ’s agreement to give us FLIR or some other similar technology that they are currently Beta testing – or that they will allow us to seek outside funding for such – in order to expand our mission capability. We do not consider CERT training to be critical to the missions we typically perform but we will continue to encourage members to obtain the training for the cross-coordination with local agencies that it provides. We do not have balloons nor have been provided with a winch so we will not encourage training in these areas until such time as we are provided the assets by NHQ.
Opportunities/Challenges FY 14 brought Texas Wing a number of new opportunities and also gave us a number of challenges that we have addressed as a part of our internal Strategic Planning. • We used the challenge presented to us for our Wing Led Exercise (WLE) to hone our SIMCELL concept. Through the leadership of a number of CAP members that do exercise planning as a part of their livelihood and others that have that intrinsic skill set we plan to use the SIMCELL in no less than 30% of our exercises next fiscal year. (Wing Goal #1) • As the number of ELT missions decrease we have been training to prepare ourselves for the new opportunities that have presented themselves. Texas has a shortage of qualified search personnel that are able to prosecute lost person missions. Our CAPSAR Teams have been forming and training for almost two years. We presently have enough NASAR – trained members on each team to begin deployment of this asset in FY 15. We will expand the NASAR GT training and offer NASAR Managing the Lost Person Search to develop the skill set in our Incident Commanders. Texas Wing will coordinate with Arizona Wing Advanced Ground Teams to share resources for training. (NHQ Goal #2) (Wing Goal #2) • Through our efforts in FY 12-14 all seven Groups in Texas Wing have incident commanders and all can sustain missions for various periods – certainly until we can move personnel across the state to fill the gaps. We will continue to train mission staff using the ACE (Area Command Exercise) concept at one third of our planned SAREXs. We will invite neighboring Wings to participate with us under the ACE system to exercise the system most likely to be used in a large multi-wing disaster. (NHQ Goal #1 and 2) • We currently stand at 98% of our AC having a camera assigned to them and three of our CAPSAR teams have cameras assigned. We will put an emphasis on aerial and ground assessment photography training for all SAREXs. (Wing Goal #3)
Opportunities/Challenges • Through LoneStar Emergency Services Academy we cross train with members from throughout SWR (and other Wings). We will continue to make that training an emphasis item for all Texas Wing members and will expand the Texas Wing participation in LESA by 2%. (NHQ Goal #1 and 2) • Through the DSAREX concept we will focus on training pilots locally in a more cost efficient format. One third of our planned SAREXs will be distributed to encourage higher participation close to home. • As border operations become more critical to the safety of our nation we anticipate that our participation in these long-term missions will increase. We will increase the number of CD qualified members by 10% in FY 15 (Texas Wing Goal #3) • Although the MQ1 predator mission did not happen as planned we will continue to train in anticipation of the same mission when the MQ 9 arrives. To that end we will facilitate Over Water Training opportunities for aircrews across the state. (Texas Wing Goal #4)
Opportunities/Challenges • Our IG program is fully operational and all SUIs/USAs are currently up to date or being tracked. As we transition into the new system we anticipate an even more streamlined evaluation program. Although we have a relatively calm investigative load, occasionally things can be expected to require resources from various locations around our very large state. We will need additional funding to cover these rare occurrences and request NHQ and CAP USAF cooperation when these requests are presented. (NHQ Goal #3)
Requirements A table was completed that showed current assets (Mission Pilots, Ground Team Leaders, Balloon Pilots, CERT trained members, etc) Each of these categories were analyzed and our requirements were based on a “best guess” of what we will need for our missions in 2015. Obviously we will not need Balloon Pilots or Winch Operators but we will need more CULs and MPs.
Goals and Objectives • National Headquarters goals and objectives are VERY lengthy. If you are interested go to the NHQ webpage and look at the Strategic Plan. • Southwest Region has one goal: Do at least one multi-Wing exercise per year.
Texas Wing Goals and Objectives (Goal) 1. (Goal) Through the leadership of a number of CAP members that do exercise planning as a part of their livelihood and others that have that intrinsic skill set we will use the SIMCELL in no less than 30% of our exercises next fiscal year. a. (Objective) In spite of the current financial constraints on CAP-USAF and Reserves, Texas Wing must maintain its ability to perform missions in a professional and effective manner AND demonstrate this under the conditions set up in a SAREVAL. i. (Task) The SIMCELL will choose one ACE, one D-SAREX and one other exercise to evaluate during FY 15. ii. (Task) In anticipation for these exercises the SIMCELL will meet to train and prepare evaluation packages. b.(Objective) Maintain and grow the pool of SIMCELL volunteers to ensure that this concept can progress to the point where all exercises are evaluated and we are assured that training dollars are used for effective training. i. The DOS will set up a training session where the SIMCELL can plan and train. ii. This will be done in coordination with a planned SAREX in order to consolidate logistics and funding.
Goals and Objectives (Con’t) (Goal) 2. (Goal) Our CAPSAR Teams have been forming and training for almost two years. We presently have enough NASAR – trained members on each team to begin deployment of this asset in FY 15. a. (Objective) We will expand the NASAR training schedule and expand the locations of training across the state. i. (Task) Regular training will be coordinated in conjunction with scheduled SAREXs. ii. (Task) We will continue to develop our internal cadre of NASAR Evaluators in order to expand the training more rapidly around the Wing. b. (Objective) We will offer NASAR Managing the Lost Person Search to develop the skill set in our Incident Commanders to manage these incidents. i. (Task) We will bring in instructors from NASAR and ultimately will develop our own cadre within two years. ii. (Task) We will offer the course twice a year once to coincide with Wing Conference. c. (Objective) Texas Wing will coordinate with Arizona Wing Advanced Ground Teams to share resources for training.
Goals and Objectives (con’t) Goal) 3. (Goal) We will put an emphasis on aerial and ground assessment photography training at all SAREXs. a. (Objective) Texas Wing must maintain and grow the number of trained photographers. i. (Task) Prepare aircrews and ground teams for disaster missions during regularly scheduled SAREXs. ii. (Task) Encourage training at the local level with both funded and unfunded opportunities available.
Now the important part… DATES AND NUMBERS