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PREAMBLE TO THE DECLARATION. The construction of a united world, without injustice or violence, will be possible only when all the nations and all the individuals join forces to promote in the entire world the rights and liberties of this Declaration. ARTICLE 1.
PREAMBLE TO THE DECLARATION • The construction of a united world, without injustice or violence, will be possible only when all the nations and all the individuals join forces to promote in the entire world the rights and liberties of this Declaration.
ARTICLE 1 • When human beings are born they are free and have the right to be treated in the same way. They all have reason and knowledge and must treat each other all in the same friendly way.
ARTICLE 2 • The rights established in this Declaration are valid for all. It does not matter if they are male, female, what color of skin they have, what language they speak, what they think, what religion they believe in, if they are more or less rich, to what social class they belong to, what country they come from. • Furthermore, there must be no distinction between people that live in a free country or those that live in a country that is not free.
ARTICLE 3 • All have the right to live and to live in freedom and in secure conditions.
ARTICLE 4 • No one has the right to treat you like a slave and you must not make someone your slave. ARTICLE 5 • No one has the right to torture you.
ARTICLE 6 • You have the rights to be protected by the law in the same way in all the parts of the world. ARTICLE 7 • The law is equal and must be applied in the same way for everyone.
ARTICLE 8 • When the guaranteed laws of your country are not respected you must be able to be helped by the law. ARTICLE 9 • No one has the right to arrest you, keep you in prison or send you away from your countryunfairly, or without a good reason.
ARTICLE 10 • If you must be taken to court, this must be done publicly. The people that judge youmust not be influenced by others. ARTICLE 11 • You have the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty. If you are accused of a crime you must always have the right to defend yourself. No one has theright to condemn you or punish you for something you have not done.
ARTICLE 12 • You have the right to protection if someone tries to damage your good name, toenter into your house, to read your mail, or bothers you and yourfamily without a good reason.
ARTICLE 13 • You have the right to move about your country freely. You have the right to leaveyour country, enter another and then return to your own country if you so desire.
ARTICLE 14 • If someone persecutes you, you have the right to go to another country to ask forprotection. You lose this right if you commit serious crimes and if you do not respect the principles written in this Declaration. ARTICLE 15 • You have the right to be a citizen in a country and, if you wish to, no one can stop you, without a good reason, to become a citizen of another country.
ARTICLE 16 • From the moment the law allows it, you have the right to marry and have afamily. In this, the color of your skin, the country from which you come or your religion should not prevent you from doing so.Men and women have the same rights when they are married and whenthey are separated. • No one has the right to force a person to get married. The government of each country must protect both the family and each person that makes up the family.
ARTICLE 17 • You have the right to have possessions and no one can take them away without agood reason.
ARTICLE 18 • You have the right to freely profess your religion, to change it and to practice iteither alone or with other people.
ARTICLE 19 • You have the right to think and say what you would like and no one can prohibit you from doing so. You have the right to exchange your ideas with people from othercountries.
ARTICLE 20 • You have the right to organize peaceful reunions and you may peacefully participate in one. It is wrong to force someone to join an association.
ARTICLE 21 • You have the right to participate in political matters in your country whether it be having a rolein the government or choosing politicians that share your ideas. • Governments must be elected with periodic elections and the vote must be secret. You have the right to vote and all the votes must have the same weight. You have the right to have access to public employment just like everyone else.
ARTICLE 22 • The society in which you live must help you to develop and help you use in the best way allthe possibilities (cultural, employment, social assistance) offered to you and to all the men andwomen of your country.
ARTICLE 23 • You have the right to work, to be free to choose your work, to receive a salary thatwould permit you to live and support your family. If a man and a woman do the samework, they must be paid the same wage. All the people that work have the right tounite and defend together their own interests. ARTICLE 24 • Work days must not be too long because all have the rightto rest and to take periodic and paid vacation.
ARTICLE 25 • You have the right to have all that you need to guarantee you and yourfamily: do not get sick, do not starve, have clothes and a home; to behelped if you are unemployed, if you are sick, if you are old, if your husband or wifedies, or if you are not able to earn a living for whatever reason that does notdepend on you. A pregnant mother and her expectant child have the right to special help. All children have the samerights, whether their mother is married or not.
ARTICLE 26 • You have the right to go to school and everyone must attend. Elementary school must be free. You must be able to learna profession or continue to study for however long you desire.At school, you must be able to develop your abilities and youmust be taught to get along with others,no matter what their race, religion ornationality. Your parents have theright to choose what you must be taught at school and in what way it is taught.
ARTICLE 27 • You have the right to participate in artistic and scientific activities in your community and to receive all the advantaged possible. Your works of art, writings or scientific work must be protected and you must be able to receive the benefits of them.
ARTICLE 28 • To make sure your rights are respected there must be an “order” that canprotect them. This “order” must be local and global. ARTICLE 29 • You have duties toward your community and only inside your community can your personalitybe fully developed. The law must guarantee Human Rights and must permit everyone to respect others and to be respected.
ARTICLE 30 • No society, no human being in any part of the world should takeit upon themselves to act in such a way as to destroy the rights established in this Declaration.