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An Overview of Computer System & Computer Network (KU1072 – week1). KU1072 Introduction to IT B, ITB. Saiful Akbar Data & Software Eng. Research Division School of Electrical Eng. & Informatics. Topics. Computer System (ch. 2-4) Computer Network & Internet (ch. 8-9).
An Overview of Computer System & Computer Network (KU1072 – week1) KU1072 Introduction to IT B, ITB Saiful Akbar Data & Software Eng. Research Division School of Electrical Eng. & Informatics SA/DSE
SA/DSE Topics • Computer System (ch. 2-4) • Computer Network & Internet (ch. 8-9)
SA/DSE Social & Ethical Issues Referensi • Bahan presentasi ini diambil/dimodifikasi dari : • G. Beekman & M. J. Quinn, Tomorrow’s Technology and You (Ch 2-4, 8-9) • William F. Slater III, Internet History and Growth, Chicago Chapter of the Internet Society, September 2002
Computer System SA/DSE
SA/DSE Computer System Computer System - Objectives • Bagaimana komputer menyimpan dan memanipulasi informasi • Struktur dasar dan organisasi komputer • Fungsi dan interaksi komponen internal sistem komputer • Beberapa contoh alat masukan dan bagaimana alat-alat tersebut memudahkan untuk memberikan data/informasi dengan jenis berbeda kepada komputer • Beberapa contoh alat keluaran dan penjelasan bagaimana alat-alat ini membuat komputer menjadi lebih bermanfaat • Tiga kategori perangkat lunak dan saling keterkaitannya • Peranan sistem operasi pada sistem komputer modern
Computer System Basic Functions & Components • Input-Process/Store-Output • Input devices • Keyboards and pointing devices (mouse) • Output devices • Display or video monitor • Printer • Speakers • Central Processing Unit (CPU) • Memory & Storage devices SA/DSE
SA/DSE Computer System The CPU: The Real Computer Merupakan suatu kumpulan sirkuit elektronik yang rumit dan ‘luar biasa’ Menginterpretasi dan mengeksekusi perintah-perintah yang ada dalam program Dirakit/ditempatkan dengan ‘chips’ dan komponen elektronik lain pada motherboard
SA/DSE Computer System The Computer’s memory RAM (random access memory) memori yang dapat diakses secara acak Digunakan untuk penyimpanan sementara (temporer) program dan data Mempunyai alamat yang ‘unik’ dan data dapat disimpan di lokasi yang manapun Dapat ‘mengambil kembali’ informasi yang disimpan secara cepat Bila komputer di-’off’-kan semua data dan program yang disimpan pada memori komputer akan hilang ROM (read only memory) Flash memory Used for phones, pagers, portable computers, handheld computers, and PDAs
SA/DSE Central Processing Unit Control Unit Internal storage unit Algorithm and Logical Unit Output unit Input unit ROM Working area Pengatur output RAM External storage unit
SA/DSE Computer System Buses, Ports, and Peripherals Lalulintas informasi antar komponen pada ‘motherboard’ yang dilakukan menggunakan sekumpulan kabel disebut system buses, atau buses.
SA/DSE Computer System Buses, Ports, and Peripherals Buses Typically have 32 or 64 wires Connect to storage devices in bays Connect to expansion slots Connect to external buses and ports Slots and ports Make it easy to add external devices, called peripherals.
SA/DSE Computer System Input: From Person to Processor • Keyboard
SA/DSE Computer System Input: From Person to Processor • Pointing Devices Touch Screen Graphics tablet
SA/DSE Computer System Input: From Person to Processor • Reading Tools Handwriting Recognition SW Pen Scanner OMR PDA Barcode Reader (Optical Mark Reader) (Personal Digital Assistant)
Computer System Input: From Person to Processor • Others SA/DSE
Computer System Output: From Pulses to People SA/DSE
Computer System Storage Devices: Input Meets Output SA/DSE
Computer System-Software Software Topology • System Software • Operating System • Utility • Device Driver • Compiler & Software Development Tools • Application Software SA/DSE
Computer System-Software Operating System • Supports multitasking • Manages virtual memory • Maintains file system • Responsible for authentication and authorization • DOS, Windows, Mac OS, Unix, Linux SA/DSE
SA/DSE Computer System-Software Utility Programs • Serve as tools for doing system maintenance and repairs that aren’t automatically handled by the operating system • Make it easier for users to: • Copy files between storage devices • Repair damaged data files • Translate files so that different programs can read them • Guard against viruses and other potentially harmful programs (as described in the chapter on computer security and risks) • Compress files so they take up less disk space • Perform other important, if unexciting, tasks
SA/DSE Computer System-Software Utility Programs • Symantec Norton Utilities: recovering damaged files, repairing damaged disks, and improving disk performance.
SA/DSE Computer System-Software Language & Compiler • The Language of Computers • Machine Language: numeric codes that represent data (& instructions) • Low-level language • Assembly • High-level language: falls between machine language and natural human language (English oriented) • Pascal, C, C++, Java, C#, Fortran, Basic, Ada, Prolog, LISP, Phyton, Perl • Compilers translate high-level language into machine language.
Computer System-Software Software Development Tools • Environment for building a program: editor, compiler, library • MS Visual Studio, JDeveloper, Eclipse, Gambas, etc SA/DSE
SA/DSE End User Applications • Word processing and desktop publishing • Spreadsheets and other number-crunching applications • Databases • Computer graphics and digital image processing • Digital audio, digital video, and multimedia • Entertainment • Customized problem-solving (MIS, ERP, CRM) • Artificial intelligence
Computer Network & Internet SA/DSE
SA/DSE Computer Network & Internet Objectives • Describe the nature and function of local area networks and wide area networks. • Describe the component’s of computer network & communication model • Discuss the uses and implications of email, instant messaging, blogging, teleconferencing, and other forms of online communication. • Explain how and why the Internet was created. • Describe the technology that is at the heart of the Internet. • Describe the internet applications and web applications
Computer Network & Internet Basic Network Anatomy • A computer network is any system of two or more computers that are linked together. • Anatomy: • LAN: wired-LAN, wireless (local area networks) • MAN (metropolitan area networks) • WAN (wide area networks) SA/DSE
Computer Network & Internet Components of Computer Network • Cable: UTP, coaxial • Fiber optic • NIC (network interface card), Modem (modulator/demodulator) • Router • Server: File Server, Web Server, Email Server • Client • Protocol: TCP/IP (Transmission Control protocol/ Internet Protocol),FTP (file transfer protocol), HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) • NOS (network operating system) SA/DSE
SA/DSE Computer Network & Internet Communication model • Client/server model • One or more computers act as dedicated servers and all the remaining computers act as clients. • Peer-to-peer model • Every computer on the network is both client and server. • Many networks are hybrids, using features of the client/server and peer-to-peer models.
SA/DSE Computer Network & Internet Internet • History • ARPAnet • DoD • 1969 (ARPAnet), 1980 (P2P), 1990 (HTTP) • The Internet: an interconnected network of thousands of networks using TCP/IP protocol
SA/DSE Computer Network & Internet Internet Growth The Internet was not known as "The Internet" until January 1984, at which time there were 1000 hosts that were all converted over to using TCP/IP.
SA/DSE Computer Network & Internet Internet Protocol, Address • TCP/IP Layering Protocols • IP Address • Routing • Domain Name & DNS (domain name system) • Top-level domains include: • .edu - educational sites • .com - commercial sites • .gov - government sites • .mil - military sites • .net - network administration sites • .org - nonprofit organization sites
SA/DSE Computer Network & Internet Email Address • An email address includes: username@hostname.sub.dom • username is the person’s “mailbox” • hostname is the name of the host computer and is followed by one or more domains separated by periods: • host.domain • host.subdomain.domain • host.subdomain.subdomain.domain
SA/DSE Computer Network & Internet Network Applications • Email • Mailing List • Newsgroups • Instant Messaging • Voice Mail • Internet Telephony • Massive Multiplayer Online Game • Search Engine, Web-Robot Indexer/Web Crawler/Spider • Specialized Search Engines: Google Maps, Froogle, and others
SA/DSE Computer Network & Internet ResourceFile Domain Name US.html Protocol for Web pages Path http:// satellite/vis/1k/ weatherunderground.com/ World Wide Web, Web • Protocol HTTP, Web Server, Web Client/Browser • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) • Beyond HTML: Scripting Language, XML, XHTML, VRML, Applet • Web Address:
SA/DSE Computer Network & Internet Web Applications • simple data-processing tasks • Most Web applications take advantage of the Web’s connectivity. • Search Engine • online business transactions (e-bay, amazon, paypal,…) • News-oriented Web applications • Other Web applications support a more traditional form of information broadcasting.
SA/DSE Discussion
SA/DSE ISTILAH-ISTILAH DALAM BIDANG KOMPUTER • User : orang yang menggunakan komputer • Programmer : orang yang membuat program komputer • System analyst : orang yang bertugas memilih komputer yang baik dan cocok untuk digunakan (biasanya untuk keperluan suatu perusahaan) • System administrator / manager : bertugas untuk meningkatkan efisiensi kerja bagi keseluruhan sistem komputer yang digunakan di perusahaannya
SA/DSE ISTILAH-ISTILAH DALAM BIDANG KOMPUTER • Bus : media berbentuk (rangkaian) kabel untuk lintasan elektronik yang membawa sinyal dari satu komponen ke komponen lain dalam komputer • RAM (Random Access Memory) : memori utama yang bekerja pada komputer, tersusun dari sejumlah sel yang masing-masing diberi nomor dan alamat (setiap sel menampung 8 bit/ 1 byte) • Bit : binary digit (dijit biner) • Sistem operasi (operating system) : program pertama yang dieksekusi ketika komputer dinyalakan. Disimpan dalam ROM dan external memory • Network : suatu jaringan komputer • Internet “ inter-connecting network ” jaringan komputer yang saling terhubung
SA/DSE ISTILAH-ISTILAH DALAM BIDANG KOMPUTER • Domain : setiap jaringan yang membentuk internet • User : masing-masing orang yang menggunakan sebuah jaringan • Telnet : fasilitas yang memungkinkan orang ‘log-in’ (berkoneksi) ke komputer lain dan / atau menggunakan komputer lain • Account : nomor sebagai tanda anggota jaringan • ISP (internet access provider) : penyedia akses (lokal) ke internet sering disebut sebagai ‘provider’ saja • E-mail : electronic mail / surat elektronik yaitu surat/pesan yang dikirimkan secara elektronik melalui jaringan komputer • (internet) host : pengkoneksi ke internet
SA/DSE ISTILAH-ISTILAH DALAM BIDANG KOMPUTER • FTP ( file transfer protocol ) : program yang memungkinkan dilakukannya penyalinan file antar host • HTTP ( hypertext transfer protocol ) : program yang memungkinkan pemindahan gambar grafis, suara, bahkan video antar host • WWW ( world wide web ) : adalah sekumpulan dokumen multimedia yang dihubungkan dengan jalur hypertext • URL ( uniform resource locator ) : alamat yang mengidentifikasikan lokasi sesuatu di halaman world wide web
SA/DSE ISTILAH-ISTILAH DALAM BIDANG KOMPUTER • Browser : program yang memungkinkan kita untuk melihat dokumen www • Client : program yang bekerja pada PC kita, sehingga kita dapat melakukan banyak hal di internet • Cyberspace : istilah yang umum dan banyak digunakan untuk menyebut internet gabungan seluruh aktivitas dan informasi yang ada di dunia komputer, khususnya komputer yang terhubung ke internet
SA/DSE ISTILAH-ISTILAH DALAM BIDANG KOMPUTER • Cybernaut : orang yang menggunakan internet • Downloading files : menyalin/mengopy file dari internet ke komputer yang kita gunakan • HTML ( hypertext mark-up language ) : format yang digunakan untuk membuat dokumen world wide web • MPEG (moving photographic experts group) : format file grafis untuk video atau film • Modem ( modulator/demodulator ) : perangkat yang digunakan untuk mengirim file dan pesan melalui saluran telepon dikonversikan ke dalam bentuk suara