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Unleash students' curiosity through inquiry-based learning in the Imagine.It! Program. Explore universal topics and content units via research, investigations, and exploration, fostering deeper understanding and knowledge building.
Imagine It! Inquiry Compiled by Carrie Bunce
Inquiry • Research • Investigation • Exploration Forms the heart of the Imagine It! Program.
Purpose The purpose of the inquiry and research aspect of this program is to capitalize on students’ questions and natural curiosity by using a framework or structure based upon the scientific method. Rigor and Relevance are automatically addressed.
Inquiry • The idea of research is introduced as early as kindergarten. • Procedures for collaborative research formalized further in first grade. • Beginning in second grade and continuing through sixth grade, students are led, working individually or collaboratively, to pursue problems that interest them in the same manner that an adult would conduct research.
Inquiry To encourage students to understand how reading and writing are tools for learning, they are asked in each unit to use the content they are learning in the unit as the basis for further inquiry, exploration, and research.
Inquiry The unit information is simply the base for their investigations.
Why Use the Inquiry Process? Instruction in reading, writing, speaking, and listening is often fragmented and lacking in a coherent plan that allows students to work with knowledge. For example: Instruction often centers on themes, which are little more than topics covered in a superficial manner. Writing assignments focus on simple read-and-report activities rather than on ways to help students gain information they can use over time to construct an understanding of the world.
Inquiry Based upon common areas of interest, students conduct Inquiry in small collaborative groups and then present their findings to their classmates. In this way, students recognize the importance of sharing knowledge and gain much more knowledge of the unit theme than they would have simply by reading the selections in the unit.
Inquiry Students … • investigate concepts beyond the text, • expand their understanding of the unit theme, • build their knowledge, • ask questions, and • conduct research in search of answers to their questions.
Inquiry begins with the Unit Themes and builds • Unit Introduction • Using the Inquiry Planner • Support from the Concept/Question Board • Driven by student questions and discussion • Theme Connections
Inquiry The SRA Imagine It! Program has two types of units: • Units based on universal topics of interest such as friendship, kindness, and courage. • Content units that provide students with a solid base of information upon which they can begin their own Inquiry and research. (science/social studies)
Universal Topics Explore through reflective activities: • Writing • Drama • Art • Interviews • Debates • Panel Discussions
Content Units • While working in the science and social studies units, students are encouraged to use this framework to keep their research activities focused and on track.
InquiryHow Does the Inquiry Process Differ from Conventional Research Instruction? In conventional elementary school classrooms, research means collect information and prepare a paper. They conduct their “research” by following a procedure that usually involves a series of steps such as: • Select a topic • Narrow the topic • Collect materials • Take notes • Organize notes • Make an outline • Write the paper • Present the paper
Inquiry Although this procedure may result in the preparation of an adequate paper, it does not constitute research in any meaningful or useful sense.
Inquiry • Elementary students can do descriptive, historical, and experimental research that seeks answers to real questions or solutions to real problems. • To do this kind of work, however, students need a better research procedure than the one provided by the traditional approach.
Inquiry • The inquiry process is based on the assumption that students can do research that will result in the construction of deeper knowledge and the appreciation that research is a never-ending, recursive cycle. Like real-world researchers students can: • Produce their questions • Develop ideas or conjectures about why something is the way it is • Pursue the answers
Inquiry Conjecture- To form an opinion or judgment based on incomplete or inconclusive information. (estimation, guess, speculation, assumption, inference) Why is the term conjecture used? It seems to be an unnecessarily difficult term to use with young students. The term conjecture is used because: • It is the most precise term in context of the inquiry procedure. • It has a respectable place in the philosophy of science. • It is a good idea to use technical vocabulary with students when certain terms will be used frequently and when everyday language does not offer entirely adequate substitutes. The point to emphasize is that the goal of the research is to improve conjectures.
Inquiry To make the research productive, the following important principles are embodied in this approach: • Research is focused on problems or questions, not topics. • Questions and wonderings are the foundation for Inquiry and research. • Conjectures are derived from questions and guide the research: the research does not simply produce conjectures.
Inquiry • New information and data are gathered to test and revise conjectures. • Discussion, ongoing feedback, and constructive criticism are important in all phases of the research but especially in the revision of problems and conjectures. • The cycle of true research is essentially endless, although presentations of findings are made from time to time: new findings give rise to new problems and conjectures and thus to new cycles of research. • Using the inquiry process is an effective strategy to “teach forunderstanding.”
What Does the Inquiry Process Look Likein the Classroom? In the classroom, the inquiry process takes students through a recursive cycle that involves many steps. Students may go through these steps several times before they come to the end of their research.
InquirySteps of the Recursive Cycle of Research • Decide on a problem or question to research. • Formulate an idea or a conjecture about the problem. • Identify needs, and make plans. • Reevaluate the problem or question based on what has been learned. • Revise the idea or conjecture. • Make presentations. • Identify new needs, and make new plans.
InquiryStep 1: Decide on a problem or question to research. Students should identify a question or problem that they truly wonder about or wish to understand and then form research groups with other students who have the same interests. • My problem or question is ___________.
InquiryStep 1: Decide on a problem or question to research. When the procedure is first introduced, students may require some help in formulating problems or questions.
The Art of the Question--A question can either shut down or open up a conversation.
Have a rich discussion about the elements of good questions.
Inquiry Example: 3rd Grade classroom that is studying the third-grade unit Money.
InquiryStep 2: Formulate an idea or a conjecture about the problem. Students should think about and discuss with classmates possible answers to their research problems or questions and meet with their research groups to discuss and record their ideas or conjectures. • My idea/conjecture/theory about this question or problem is _______________________.
InquiryStep 3: Identify needs and make plans. Students should identify needs related to their conjectures and meet with their research groups to determine which resources to consult and who will perform individual job assignments. Students also should meet periodically with the teacher, to present preliminary findings and make revisions to their problems and conjectures on the basis of these findings. • I need to find out _____________. • To do this, I will need these resources___________. • My role in the group is _________________. • This is what I have learned so far:_____________. • This is what happened when we presented our findings:______________________.
InquiryStep 3: Identify needs and make plans. Identifying needs and making plans can proceed in two ways, depending on the students. Younger students might be encouraged to discuss questions that are related to the problem to be researched. Discussion can keep students from focusing on one key word and alert them to a wider range of relevant information. Older students, however, should begin by asking themselves what they need to know.
InquiryStep 4: Reevaluate the problem or question based on what has been learned. At this step, students gather new information, guided by their research problem, conjectures, information needs, and plans. Depending on the kind of research a student is conducting, she or he may obtain new information from all kinds of sources: print materials, videos, electronically stored data, experiments, observations, interviews, and consultations with experts. • My revised problem or question is_____________.
InquiryStep 4: Reevaluate the problem or question based on what has been learned. • Students should use the new information they obtain to change their conjectures or reformulate their problems. When students report their findings, they must be prepared to respond to the questions: • “What does this tell us that we didn’t know?” • “How does this information help us?” • Such questions should not be thought as negative criticisms but as legitimate queries.
InquiryStep 5: Revise the idea or conjecture. In research, everything is open to revision: problems, conjectures, plans, methods, and even previously accepted facts. Accordingly, the revision step of the cycle has no specific agenda. Revision should not be impulsive, students should have a reason for making changes. New facts, new insights, or new inferences may be a basis for revisions of various kinds. Because there is no specific agenda, it is difficult to provide much structure for the revision step. The important thing is that they have opportunities to meet and consider possible revision. This is where most of the real thinking and knowledge building will occur. Knowledge does not come simply from the acquisition of new information. It comes from reconsidering current beliefs and conjectures in the light of new information and trying to make sense of them in combination. • My new conjecture about this problem is_________.
InquiryStep 5: Revise the idea or conjecture. Discussions need to be focused in ways that will promote revision. If research has been going well, students will be eager for a chance to report what they have found and not so eager to dwell on what others have found.
InquiryStep 6: Make Presentations. In conventional research projects, everything is aimed toward the final product-usually a written or oral report, but sometimes a presentation in some other medium such as videotape, a demonstration, a model, or a poster.
InquiryStep 6: Make Presentations. These presentations all contribute to revision. They produce feedback and criticism from peers that may change the research or modify conjectures. They are occasions for the presenters to think through what they have done and what the implications are.
InquiryStep 6: Make Presentations. In the inquiry cycle, presentations are an offshoot of the revision step. Because revision steps are expected to occur frequently, ample opportunities arise for presentations of all kinds. The following is a list of some useful, informal presentation formats. Each is intended to take less than ten minutes, including a few minutes of discussion.
InquiryStep 6: Make Presentations. • Mini-debate- Group members who have opposing conjectures present them, along with supporting evidence and arguments, for class reactions. • Video/computer highlights- A research group presents and comments on short (one minute or less) segments of a videotape or Web site display that group members think will be of value to other research groups. • Book or article highlights- These are similar to video highlights, with the presenters reading excerpts and offering comments.
InquiryStep 6: Make Presentations. • Preliminary findings- A group uses graphs and other visuals to help communicate its findings more quickly. • Problem presentations- Groups that are not able to find relevant material or that have found something puzzling or inconsistent present their present their problem for suggestions. • Power Point Presentations- Groups can create a Power Point presentation that includes relevant pictures, charts, and graphs.
InquiryStep 6: Make Presentations. • Poster session- When not enough class time is available for all students who want to present their research, teachers can allot a certain amount of wall space to each presenter to put up whatever kind of display he or she wants-graphs and pictures with captions, summaries in large print, and so on. At the start of a poster session, each presenter may have one minute to announce the intent of the poster. Then the class is free to study the posters, with the presenters standing by to talk about them. This kind of presentation is common at scientific and research conferences.
InquiryStep 6: Make Presentations. These brief presentations are not intended to take the place of a final product (although they may). They should, however, take some of the emphasis off the final product and give students a better sense of research as a continuous process, with presentations as part of that process.
InquiryStep 7: Identify new needs and make new plans. • As stated earlier, the inquiry process views research as a recursive, never-ending process. Students should be encouraged to pursue problems or questions that interest them long after a unit of study is over. • Teachers may even let an inquiry unit continue for months if it is producing good learning. Some of the most successful inquiry research projects have lasted for almost an entire school year .
InquiryStep 7: Identify new needs and make new plans. • Based on what I found out, I still need to know_________. • To do this, I will need these resources________. • This is what I have learned:______________. • This is what happened when we presented our new findings:_______________________.
InquiryConclusion • Learning to read empowers students. Learning to learn enables them to use that power intelligently to direct their learning process and take charge of their lives. • Students must learn how to identify problems, ask different kinds of questions, confirm understandings, predict outcomes, interpret text, wonder about meaning, and compare ideas. In brief, they must have opportunities to engage in the kind of inquiry that prepare them for real-world thinking, decision making, and problem solving.