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Innovation and Institutionalization of Technology Assessment (TA) in Japan: A Research Project Overview (2007-2011) International Workshop on Science and Technology Governance 2008 Tokyo, 2008.1.14. Tatsujiro Suzuki Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy The University of Tokyo
Innovation and Institutionalization of Technology Assessment (TA) in Japan: A Research Project Overview (2007-2011)International Workshop on Science and Technology Governance 2008Tokyo, 2008.1.14 Tatsujiro Suzuki Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy The University of Tokyo tatsu@pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp This research project is sponsored by Research Institute for Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). The project is coordinated by Science, Technology and Public Policy (SciTePP) Research Unit, Graduate School of Public Policy (GRASPP), the University of Tokyo
Objective • To review and analyze the past and current practice of technology assessment, and identify the barriers of institutionalization of TA in Japan. • To develop an innovative TA technique applying the Problem Structuring Method and test its effectiveness through implementing TA for nanotechnologies. • To propose innovative approaches to, as well as techniques for, the TA that is appropriate for the 21st century and a recommendation for their institutionalization in Japan.
Research Approach (2)Development of an innovative TA methodology (1)Historical Analysis of so-called “TA” activities in Japan New methodology (3) Implementation of TA: Dealing with Nanotechnologies Conditions for “institutionalizing TA” in Japan Lessons learned from Implementation of TA (4)Recommendations for new TA methodologies and Institutionalization of TA in Japan
TASK 1: Institutional analysis on the past and current practice of “fragmented” TA in Japan • How "fragmented" TA was implemented in Japan? Why did it happen? What were the consequences of "fragmented" TA (instead of comprehensive TA)? • Why has TA never been institutionalized in the Japanese policy-making processes, while it could be in other countries? And what were the consequences of such "lack of institutionalization" of TA in Japan? • What were the experiences of TA in other countries, with regard to comprehensive TA and institutionalization? • What are the possible preconditions for institutionalizing TA in Japan?
TASK 2: Review and Development of Innovative Methods of TA • Need for new methodologies for TA • Dealing with “diversified” value systems and stakeholders • Uncertainties in both development paths and societal impacts of technology innovation • Review of innovative methods for TA in other countries; • Explore and identify key conditions of new TA; and • Develop a new method of TA by incorporating Problem Structuring Method;
TASK 3: Applying the newly developed TA techniques to nanotechnologies (1)Select technology • Target Applications • Clinical testing/medicine • Energy conversion/storage • Food processing • Selection Criteria • High social needs。 • Relatively clear application。 • Near commercialization。 • TA Panel • Step by Step approach • Involving various stakeholders。 • Output • Lessons for Institutionalization (2)Select experts on Technology (3)Create ”Cognitive Maps” based on literature survey and interviews with stakeholders (4)Establishment of Technology Expert Panel (5)Re-organizing “Congnitive Maps” based on Panel Study (6)TA Panel: consisting of technology experts with other experts, NGOs, etc.l (Reflecting diversified values, opinions of stakeholders) (9) Participatory TA Panel (involving citizens) (7)Panel Conclusions (8)Networking among Stakeholders (10) Conclusions and recommendations
TASK 4: Proposal for Innovation and Institutionalization of TA in Japan • Based on the outcome of Task 1 to Task 3, we will make proposals and recommendations for innovation and institutionalization of TA in Japan • Recommendations for Social-decision making process • How to structuralize “comprehensive TA” with “fragmented TA activities”? • How to link and coordinate “government sponsored TA” with “voluntary, private-sectors’ TA activities”? • How to build up “partnerships in TA” among key stakeholders and institutions? • Recommendations for Institutionalization of TA and social infrastructure of TA • Who should implement TA? • Who should sponsor? How to develop TA expertise? • How to assure “independence” of TA? (with fragile financial resource and expertise)
III. TEAM MEMBERS(1) • A. Multidisciplinary Project Team (Leader: Tatsu Suzuki)Tatsujiro Suzuki (University of Tokyo/CRIEPI, Leader)Hideaki Shiroyamama, Ayako Kamisato, Masaru Yarime (University of Tokyo)Kotaro Kuroda (Nagoya University), Tomoko Tsuchiya (CRIEPI)Yoshinori Nakagawa (Kochi University of Technology) • B. TA Institutional Analysis Group (Leader: Hideaki Shiroyama)Hideaki Shiroyama (University of Tokyo, Law and Politics/GRASPP, Leader)Takashi Yamamoto, Makiko Matsuo, Yoko Hatanaka (University of Tokyo)Go Yoshizawa (Citizen's Science Initiative, University of Sussex)Ryoko Masuzawa (Tottori Environment University) • C. TA Technique Development Group (Leader: Tatsu Suzuki)Tatsujiro Suzuki (Univ. of Tokyo/CRIEPI, Leader)Hideaki Shiroyama, Takayuki Minato, Ayako Kamisato, Masahiro Matsuura (Univ. of Tokyo)Yaichi Aoshima (Hitotsubashi Univ.), Akifumi Ueda (Citizen's Science Initiative)Kotaro Kuroda (Nagoya University), Yoshinori Nakagawa (Kochi University of Technology)
III. TEAM MEMBERS(2) • D. Nanotechnology TA Implementation Group (Leader: Masahiro Takemura)Masahiro Takemura (National Institute for Materials Science, Leader)Yuji Miyahara, Yoshiyuki Uchida (NIMS), Tatsujiro Suzuki (Univ. of Tokyo)Yoshinobu Baba (Nagoya University), Koji Miyasaka (Powersystems Inc.)Akifumi Ueda, Go Yoshizawa (Citizen's Science Inititative)Kikuko Tatsumi (Association for Advisor Consulting for Consumers)Masashi Tachikawa (Policy Research Institute for Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries), Manabu Ichihara (Nagoya University)Masao Watari, Akio Yanashita (Business Council for Nanotechnologies, Japan) • Oversea Advisors • Michael Rogers (UK, formerly with EU) • Arie Rip (Netherland) • Chirstopher Hill (US) • Philip Vergragt (US/Netherland)
Schedule 2007.4 2008.4 09.4 10.4 2011.4 (1)Historical Analysis (2)New TA Methodology (3)TA on Nanotechnologies (4)Recommendations 24 mos 24 mos 36 mos 18 mos ☆ ★ ★ International WS International WS Final Symposium