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Home Affairs Portfolio Committee Presentation. EASTERN CAPE MS S LUSU. 13 th September 2011. I NTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND.
Home Affairs Portfolio Committee Presentation EASTERN CAPE MS S LUSU 13th September 2011
INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND Eastern Cape is the second largest Province in the RSA in terms of surface area, covering 168 966km² of land, is ranked third in RSA in terms of population which stands at 7 497 981 It is vast, rural, has farming & mountainous areas, administrative areas, traditional authorities Most of the economic activity happens in the Nelson Mandela Metro & Buffalo City Metro, where the two IDZs, East London & Coega are & where the multinational motor companies Mercedes Benz SA in East London, VWSA, GMSA & Ford in the Nelson Mandela Metro are operating, thus a huge demand for permitting in the areas The Eastern Cape has a high unemployment & high poverty rates The capital of the Province is Bhisho & most of the economic activity happens in the Nelson Mandela Metro & East London, where the two IDZs, East London & Coega are & where the multinational motor companies Daimler Chrysler in East London, VWSA, GMSA & Ford in the Nelson Mandela Metro are operating, thus a huge demandfor permitting in the areas The Karoo interior is an important sheep-farming area & the challenge is that the Industry exploits Lesotho citizens for cheap sheep shearing. The Inspectorate component is closely monitoring this & the Corporate permits provided. Angora wool is also produced here The road infrastructure in the province is not too good & this leads to high rate of repairs to the mobile trucks that are overwhelmed by the gravel roads they have to travel on in order to bring services closer to the people
Mr GG Mabulu Provincial Manager Dr TR Johannes Director Finance & Support Services Alfred Nzo District District Manager Operations Vacant Joe Gqabi District District Manager Operations Vacant O R Tambo District District Manager Operations Mr T Mnunu Chris Hani District District Manager Operations Vacant Amathole District District Manager Operations Mr L Myataza Buffalo City Metro District Manager Operations Vacant CacaduDistrict District Manager Operations Vacant Nelson Mandela Bay Metro District Manager Operations Ms S Lusu Offices & Port Managers 7 offices 1 POE Offices & Port Managers 5 offices 1 POE Offices & Port Managers 12 offices 1 DMO Offices & Port Managers 10 offices Offices & Port Managers 12 offices Offices & Port Managers 6 offices 1 POE Offices & Port Managers 5 offices Offices & Port Managers 4 offices 1 Refugee Office 1 POE PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT & DEMARCATION – NEW OPERATING MODEL
SUMMARY OF THE CURRENT FOOTPRINT FOR THE EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE Overview of footprint per type of DHA service point (SP)
DHA FOOTPRINT Eastern Cape has 6 District Municipalities, 37 Local Municipalities & 2 Metropolitan Councils Out of the 37 Local Municipalities (Umzimvubu, Mbizana, Ntabankulu, Matatiele, Senqu, Maletswai, Elundini, Gariep, King Sabata Dalindyebo, Nyandeni, Port St Johns, Mhlontlo, Ngquza Hill, Great Kei, Amahlathi, Mbhashe, Mnquma, Ngqushwa, Nkonkobe, Nxuba, Camdeboo, Blue Crane, Ikwezi, Makana, Baviaans, Ndlambe, Sundays River Valley, Kouga, Koukamma, Lukanji, Emalahleni, Intsika Yethu, Inxuba Yethemba, Inkwanca, Engcobo, Sakhisizwe, Tsolwana) & 2 Metros (Buffalo City & Nelson Mandela Bay), the Department is present in 29 LMs & has 10 operational offices & 4 Ports of Entry in the two Metros There is no presence at all in 6 LMs (Great Kei, Nxuba, Ikhwezi, Baviaans, Sundays River Valley, Koukamma, Inkwanca & Tsolwana) Plans are at an advanced stage for Komga in Great Kei & Paterson in Sunday’s River In Inxuba DHA is part of the plans for the Thusong Centre In the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro, Motherwell District Office will open in September 2011 In Umzimvubu (Mt Ayliff), Elundini (Maclear), Sakhisizwe (Elliot), Senqu (Sterkspruit) Local Municipalities & Buffalo City Metro (King William’s Town) offices will relocate to new premises during 2011/12
DHA FOOTPRINT • According to footprint Tsolwana will have office in Tarkastad
DHA FOOTPRINT Komga in Great Kei needs assessment finalized awaiting confirmation of funds for procurement. Inxuba awaiting finalization of Thusong Centre in Adelaide by Provincial Government
DHA FOOTPRINT Sundays River Valley has Paterson & Kirkwood offices however have not been prioritized in the Financial Year
DHA FOOTPRINT • Nelson M&ela Bay will also have office in Njoli, Booysens Park, while in Buffalo City there will be offices in Zweliy&ila, Duncan Village
Accommodation at health facilities • The following hospitals have accommodation: Dora Nginza, Greenacres, St Georges, Port Alfred, Settlers, Kouga, Cuyler, Provincial • Mercantile Hospital – space has been identified, but not secured, therefore not connected but application forms are being collected. • Victoria Hospital – still negotiating accommodation • Network infrastructure challenges – Nompumelelo, Cala, Lady Grey, All Saints, Madwaleni, Willowvale & St Dominics Hospital • Region 1: 17 Centres – from the 11 connected only 2 are fully operational & 2 full-time staff deployed at Nelson M&ela & St Patricks Hospital
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (PARTNERSHIPS) • There is partnership between DHA & SASSA on anti-corruption – birth registration
HR MATTERS • When posts are advertised, people with disabilities are encouraged to apply but responses to the adverts not good at all • The Province had currently employed 8 officials with disabilities - 4 males & 4 females • With regard to gender, it is work in progress as the Province is at 65% females • In terms of race: • Africans are dominating at 93.5% • Indians are at 0.1% • Whites 3.1% • Coloureds at 3.3%
PROVINCIAL CAPACITY – FILLED & UNFILLED POSTS AS AT 30 JUNE 2011 • NB • July - filling 107 posts (FOC level 6) • September - filling 41 posts (27 CAC, 10 SAO Finance, 4 AC for hospitals) – recruitment process finalised awaiting approval of submissions for recommended candidates
PROVINCIAL FINANCES – REVENUE GENERATED 01 APRIL TO 30 JUNE 2011 • Alfred Nzo, OR Tambo & Joe Gqabi DMs - R1 929 355 • Cacadu & Nelson Mandela Bay Metro - R3 071 503 • Chris Hani, Amathole & Buffalo City Metro - R3 421 335 • Qacha’s Nek Port of Entry - R35 000 • Tellebridge Port of Entry - R25 500 • TOTAL - R8 482 693
ASSET REGISTERS & ASSET MANAGEMENT • The Provincial Asset Register is ONLY updated through the Director: Finance & Support Office • This ensures the relevant changes are effected & communicated to HQ from a central point • Quarterly asset verification will be undertaken to ensure assets are efficiently & effectively accounted for • Asset Management training will be conducted in-house to ensure all relevant role players are educated & kept up to date • Each Region has appointed Asset Controllers to ensure compliance with PFMA