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ptrFR-Rtr^trr^rFnAR'ct. hioresources.com. PROCESS WATERON THE. IN. EFFECT SOAKING. OF. QUALITY WOODFORTRADITIONAL. OF. ACOUSTICAL. INSTRUMENTS. MUSICAL. Tajdini,u. Mehran Roohnia,u'* Scyed-FariborzHashemi-dizaji,^ Loic Brancheriau,bAj-g. u.

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  1. ptrFR-Rtr\^trr^rFnAR'ct . hioresources.com PROCESS WATERON THE IN EFFECT SOAKING OF QUALITY WOODFORTRADITIONAL OF ACOUSTICAL INSTRUMENTS MUSICAL Tajdini,u Mehran Roohnia,u'* Scyed-FariborzHashemi-dizaji,^ Loic Brancheriau,bAj-g u Amir-Hooman Hemmasi," and Negin Manouchchri of vibration coefficient the flrst mode in the longitudinal of The damping woodswas characterized findjustifications the for to mulberry walnut and in musicalinstrument industries water soakingof vr,nods traditional in lran. Visuallyclear and sound beamswere prepared from Morusalba and Juglansregia, and the dampingcoefficient the temporalfield was in evaluated before and after three continuouscycles of soaking of specimens distilledwater(24 hours,pH 7, and temperature "C). 50 in vibrationusing the with free longitudinal were conducted Experiments (LxRxT)dimensions. cycles Soaking free-free methodin 360x20x20 bar On coefficient bothspecies. in homogenized decreased damping the and is the basis of such results,the suitabillty water soakedspecimens of industries lran,takinginto in musicalinstrument discussed traditional in and sound velocity,modulusof elasticity, the accountthe longitudinal density affectingthe acoustic limits. These two series of testing bars for backs, and xylophone were suitablein resonators specimens piece, sides,and ribs and not for top plates,unlessas the outstanding meet the density,sound velocityand damping since they marginally limitsqualified thoseapplications. for coefficient soluble Internalfriction;Acouslicqualiry;Mulbetry; Walnut;Water coelficient; Damping Keywords: extractives Contact information: a: Department of Wood Science and Technologt; Karaj Branch, Islqmic Azad {Jniversity; P. O. Box: 3 t485-j l3Karaj-Iran; b: Agricultural Research Centre for Inlernational Development, WRCIRAD 40, Production and Prtrcessing of Tropical Woods, 34398 LfutQellier Cedex 5- [france; loic.branCheriau@.cirad.fr c: Department of Woocl Science and Technolog,t; Science and research Branch, Islamic Azad tlniversily; P<nnak Sq., Towetrd Hesarak, Tehran-Iran; *C one sponding author : mehran.roohnia@kiau.ac. ir INTRODUCTION usedwoodspecies traditional for Mulberryandwalnutarethe mostcommonly soakwoodin waterto obtaina luthiers traditionally Iranian instruments. musical Iranian soft volume of wood to be raspedmore easily, as they believe that the resonalorsmade of soaked wood yield a better quality of sound. The acoustic effects of soaking in water, therefore, require the researchersto follow in the footsteps of traditional instrument makers to study the relevant acoustical pammeters. As an introduction, it is useful to statethat when a sound wave reacheswood, part its acoustic energy is reflected and the rest enters the wood mass (Tsoumis 1991). As of wood vibrates, therefore, the original sound is intensified or becomessubject to partial or and acoustics wood,' BioResources6(2),2055-2065. 2055 of Roohnia al.(201'1). "soaking et

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