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TURK ISH TALE HEROES. NASRUDIN HODJA. Nasrudin is a satirical Sufi figure who is believed to have lived during the Middle Ages ( around 13th century ), in Akşehir , and later in Konya , under the Seljuq rule . The figure.
Nasrudinis a satiricalSufifigurewho is believedtohavelivedduringtheMiddleAges (around 13th century), in Akşehir, andlater in Konya, undertheSeljuqrule. Thefigure
NasrudinHodja is a populistphilosopher,wiseman and also a funny character who makes people think when he makes jokes. He is rememberedfor his funnystoriesandanecdotes. thecharacter of thefıgure
ANasrudinstorythatmay be understood at manylevels. There is thejoke, followedby a moral — andusuallythelittleextrawhichbringstheconsciousness of thepotentialmystic a littlefurther on thewaytorealization. About the tales
Most of themdepictNasrudin in an earlysmall-villagesetting, thetaleswithconceptsthathave a certaintimelessness. IN the stories NasrudinHodja is a folk wisdomthattriumphsoveralltribulations. About the tales
TheNasrudinstoriesareknownthroughouttheMiddle East andhavetouchedculturesaroundtheworld. About the tales
As generationswentby, newstorieswereadded, othersweremodified, andthecharacterand his tales spread tootherregions. They are translated to other languages. Especially in the middle east and asia everybody knows about the tales. About the tales
As we can understand it from his name(kel-bald,oğlan- boy)in Turkishtales, Keloğlan is a bald headed poor boy living with his old mother in their poor house. He doesn`t have a father. He is not strong, and doesn’t have any physical intelligence. He is poor, weak , clusmy and untalented. He is very lazy and doesn`t like working. THE FIGURE
His most important characteristic is that he has a very good heart. In an unexpected monet he helps a person or an animal having troubles and his faith changes. Their extraodrinary powers help him. thecharacterISTIC of thefIgure
His faith also can change in the tales using his wit through bad people. He outwits them by tricky mind games, when he wins he becomes powerfull, strong and llives a happy life with his mother.
Karagöz (meaningblackeye in Turkish) andHacivat (alsowrittenHacivad) aretheleadcharacters of thetraditionalTurkishshadowplay, popularizedduringtheOttomanperiod. Karagoz and hacivat
Karagöz representstheilliterate but straightforwardpublic, Hacivat belongstotheeducatedclass, speakingOttomanTurkishandusing a poeticalandliterarylanguage. Karagoz and hacivat
Thecentraltheme of theplaysarethecontrastinginteractionbetweenthetwomaincharacters. Karagöz'snativewitalwaysgetsthebetter of Hacivat'slearningbut his money-makingventuresalways fail. Karagoz and hacivat
Untiltherise of radioand film, it wasone of themost popular forms of entertainment in Turkey. Itsurvivestodaymainly in a toned-down form intendedforaudiences of children. Karagoz and hacivat
Animators (orthepuppetmasters) of Karagöz playsarecalledhayalî, meaningboth 'imaginary' and 'imagecreator'. (Theyarealsoknown as Karagözcüorhayalbaz.) Karagöz plays
A singlehayalîimpersonateseverysinglecharacter in theplaybymimickingsounds, talking in differentdialects, chantingorsingingsongs of thecharacter in focus. Karagöz plays
Puppetsthemselveshavejointedlimbsandaremadefromthehide of a camelor a waterbuffalo. Thehide is workeduntil it is semi-transparent; then it is colored, resulting in colorfulprojections. Thelampforprojection is known as a şem’a (literally "candle"), but is typically an oillamp. Imagesareprojectedonto a whitemuslinscreenknown as theayna ("mirror"). Projections is fromtherear, sotheaudiencedoes not seethepuppeteer. Puppetsaretypically 35–40 centimeters in height.[1]
Jalal al-Din who is alsoknown as Rumi, was a philosopherandmystic of Islam. His doctrineadvocatesunlimitedtolerance, positivereasoning, goodness, charityandawarenessthroughlove.
Tohimandto his disciplesallreligionsaremoreorlesstruth. Lookingwiththesameeye on Muslim, JewandChristianalike, his peacefulandtolerantteaching has appealedtopeople of allsectsandcreeds