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WELCOME PARENTS!. 7 th GRADE LIFE SCIENCE Mr. Koch Please sign in and obtain the handouts. AGENDA. Teacher Bio Grading, materials, homework, make up policy Standards Website/Parent Connect Materials Wish List Questions. Teacher Bio. Contact info: mkoch@oxnardsd.org

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  1. WELCOME PARENTS! 7th GRADE LIFE SCIENCE Mr. Koch Please sign in and obtain the handouts.

  2. AGENDA • Teacher Bio • Grading, materials, homework, make up policy • Standards • Website/Parent Connect • Materials Wish List • Questions

  3. Teacher Bio • Contact info: mkoch@oxnardsd.org • 18 years in education for public schools teaching Science and Physical Education • MA in Education • Administrative Credential: 4 years as AP at Frank, McAuliffe and Fremont • Currently working on my Doctorate

  4. Grading • 100%-90% A • 89%-80% B • 79%-70% C • 69%-60% D • 59%-below F • Classwork (notes, labs, activities, participation, etc.) 40% • Chapter and Unit Exams 30% • Assignments (homework, projects, etc.) 15% • Quizzes 15%

  5. MATERIALS • Students will need a one-inch, three ring binder with subject dividers. • The binders should be marked on the side as follows: last name, first name, and period. • The subject dividers should be marked on the tabs as follows: notes, DRWs, labs, homework, exams, quizzes, miscellaneous. • Students will also need to bring to class two sharpened pencils, an eraser, a colored pen, and paper for their science binder. Colored pencils are encouraged. • Notebooks will be graded periodically according to neatness, completeness, and organization. • You will need to bring your Directed Reading Worksheets book (DRWs) to class unless otherwise instructed. Cover your personal copy with a brown paper bag. • If you break something in the classroom let the teacher know right away.

  6. Homework Policy and Make Up Work • Homework is usually assigned so students have several days to finish it. Most homework comes from the DRW and consists of reading the textbook and answering comprehension questions. Unfinished classwork turns into homework unless otherwise specified by the teacher. • Late work receives deduction according to the following scale: 1 day to 1 week= 1 grade, 2 weeks = 2 grades, 3 weeks= 3 grades, more than 3 weeks= D. • No late work will be accepted within two weeks prior to the end of the trimester and after a corrected assignment was handed back to the class. This policy is in place to prevent copying off other students’ work (plagiarism). • Students must turn in original work. Copying and plagiarism results in an F. • If you are absent check with a classmate or Mr. Koch to find out what you have missed. • You must make up all exams, and homework that you missed due to your absence within one week of your return or they will count as an F.

  7. Standards • http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/documents/sciencestnd.pdf • Look at classroom wall to left

  8. WEBSITE AND PARENT CONNECT • www.oxnardsd.org

  9. Materials Wish List Science • See handout • 10 rolls of paper towels • 4 rolls of aluminum foil • 100 plastic plates or trays • 10 Tupperware containers (medium size, preferably all same size) • 6 boxes of non-latex gloves: 2 small, 2 medium, 2 large • 2 bottles of Iodine solution • 1 box of tooth picks • 10 ink pads • 10 packages of moist wipes • Hand sanitizer (large) • Mini marshmallows (white and colored) • $ donation to purchase live hydra $15.50 or order from www.hometrainingtools.com • $ donation for BrainPopsubscription $205 • Seeds for planting (beans, lettuce, cabbage, winter and spring crops) • Potting soil, fertilizer • Gardening tools • Garden chairs, benches, tables, sun umbrellas Please drop off all donations with Mr. Koch personally. Thanks so much!!!

  10. Questions • Please ask.

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