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Basics. Database Relationships. Data Types. Database Objects. Database Management. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500.

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  1. Basics Database Relationships Data Types Database Objects Database Management 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. This is a tool used to organize, store, retrieve, and communicate groups of related information. What is a DATABASE?

  3. This is an arrangement of columns and rows. It is the fundamental building block of all databases. What is a TABLE?

  4. This is a complete description of all of the fields related to one item in a table. What is a RECORD?

  5. This is a grouping or category of similar information contained in a table What is a FIELD?

  6. Give an example of a database. What is a: PHONEBOOK ONLINE CATALOG PAYROLL?

  7. This is a link between two or more tables in a database. What is a DATABASE RELATIONSHIP?

  8. This is used to format each record in a database as a unique entity. What is a PRIMARY KEY?

  9. This is a table used to join primary key fields from multiple tables. What is a JUNCTION TABLE?

  10. What is this an example of? What is a JOIN LINE?

  11. List the three types of relationships. What is: ONE-TO-MANY MANY-TO-MANY ONE-TO-ONE?

  12. This is used to control how data in a particular field will be searched, sorted, or used in calculations. What is a DATA TYPE?

  13. This is a data type used to arrange and sort data chronologically, often used with the input mask field property What is MEMO?

  14. This data type is used to automatically assign a number to each record and to assist in preventing duplication of data. What is AUTONUMBER?

  15. This is a data type used to arrange and sort data chronologically, often used with the input mask field property. What is a DATE/TIME?

  16. This is a data type used to define preset values for database entries. What is LOOKUP WIZARD?

  17. This is a database object created by placing filters and selecting multiple criteria (comparison operators) to extract information from one or more tables. What is a QUERY?

  18. What are these an example of? What are OPERATORS?

  19. What are these an example of? What are CONDITIONAL OPERATORS?

  20. This is a database object that is used to create a user-friendly format for data entry and retrieval. What is a FORM?

  21. This is a database object used to organize, summarize, and print some or all of the data from one or more database tables or queries. What is a REPORT?

  22. This is the effectiveness of a database can be measured by the user’s ability to retrieve useful information. What is DATA MANAGEMENT?

  23. These allow for the retrieval of information that meets specific criteria. What are FILTERS?

  24. These allow for information to be arranged in a specific order such as alphabetical, chronological, ascending, or descending. What are SORTS?

  25. What are the two ways to filter? What is FILTER BY SELECTION? What is FILTER BY ADVANCED SORT?

  26. Distinct the different between a Sort and Filter. SORT arranges data in a specific order FILTER selects a specific criteria of data

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