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www.practicor.ro. Reţea transnaţionala educaţionala privind orientarea, consilierea şi practica pentru carieră, corelate cu piaţa muncii, în societatea cunoaşterii. www.practicor.ro. Prezentarea lucrarii inscrisa la Concurs. TITLUL LUCRARII
www.practicor.ro Reţea transnaţionala educaţionala privind orientarea, consilierea şi practica pentru carieră, corelate cu piaţa muncii, în societatea cunoaşterii
www.practicor.ro Prezentarea lucrarii inscrisa la Concurs
TITLUL LUCRARII • Prenume NUME1*, Prenume NUME2**, Prenume NUME3*** • *Universitatea Nume din Oraşul, • **Universitatea Nume din Oraşul • ***Fima Tutorelui din Oraşul… e-mail 1; e-mail 2; e-mail 3
Abstract • Text with the 50 – 100 words. • Rezumat • Textul rezumatului in limba romana.
Key words: • three, until, seven, key words, ……., …., ………. • Cuvinte cheie: • aceleasi cuvinte cheie traduse in limba romana
Introduction • The paper has to be written in English.Its contents should be structured in the following way (recommendation): problem description, application field, research stages, methods used, results, further research, conclusions, and references. • The paper has to offer the answers for the following questions: description of the problem, what is done by other people, what the authors did, what is new, what is my contribution.
Title of the capter. • 2.1. Title of under chapter • ………………………………………………continut…text, figuri, relatii, ecuatii,…etc………………………………………… • 2.2. Title of under chapter • ………………………………………………continut…text, figuri, relatii, ecuatii,…etc…………………………………………
2.3. Title of under chapter • ……………………………………………………………………………………………… • ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Conclusions • ……text,…etc…………………………………… ……text,…etc………………………………………… ……text,…etc………………………………………… ……text,…etc………………………………………… ……
5. References • References should be complete and have to include at least 5 items. • References will be written only in English language with the mention of the original language. • When a publication is mentioned in text, enclose its number in brackets, for example [1] or [2, 7, 8, 12]. • All references will be directly cited in the body of the paper text. References will be arranged in the order of citation. • Text references will be TNR 10, single space, justify, hanging 6 pct, formatted accordingly to following examples
1. Surname11, N11., Surname12, N12.: Name of Book, in Italics. Publisher, ISBN, Place of Publication, Year, p. xx-yy (optionally) (in Language, if is not in English) • 2. Surname21, N21.: Title of conference paper. Proceedings of Conference Name, Editor Name (Ed.), p. xx-yy, ISBN, Conference location, month and year, Publisher, City, Country (in Language, if is not in English) • 3. Surname31, N31., Surname32, N32.: Name of paper. Name of Journal, Vol., No., month and year of the edition, p. (first-last), ISSN, Place of Publication (City, Country) (in Language, if is not in English) • 4. Surname41, N41., Surname42, N42.: Name of paper. In: Name of Book, Name(s) of Editor(s), (Ed.), p. xx-yy, Publisher, ISBN, Place of publication (City, Country), Year (in Language, if is not in English) • 5. Surname51, N51., Surname52, N52.: (2000). Name of Paper. Available at: http://www.exact-address-of-site. Accessed: YYYY-MM-DD • 6. ***: http://www.exact-address-of-site. Accessed: YYYY-MM-DD • 7. Surname71, N71., Surname72, N72.: Name of patent. Patent Symbol of country no. XXXXXXX, Int.Cl. xxxxxx (optionally), Year • 8. Surname81, N81.: Name of PhD thesis. PhD thesis. Institution, City, Country, Year, p. xx-yy (optionally) (in Language, if is not in English)
Acknowledgement: • The paper was realised by the support of the project „Transnational Educational Network for Career Guidance, Counseling and Practice Correlated with the Labour Market, in the Society of Knowledge – PRACTICOR”, Contract no. POSDRU/90/2.1/S/48816, project funded by the European Social Found The Sectorial Operational Programme for the Development of Human Resources 2007 – 2013, Priority axis 2 “Lifelong Correlation of Learning with the Labour Market”, Major intervention field 2.1. “Transition from School to Active Life” and Romanian Government. • Confirmare: • Această lucrare a fost realizat cu sprijinul proiectului "Reţeaua de Educaţie transnaţională pentru orientarea profesională, Consiliere şi practica corelat cu piaţa muncii, în societatea cunoaşterii - PRACTICOR", Contract nr. POSDRU/90/2.1/S/48816, proiect finanţat de Fondul Social European, Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 - 2013, Axa prioritară 2 "Corelarea învăţării pe tot parcursul vieţii a cu piaţa muncii", domeniul major de intervenţie 2.1. "Tranziţia de la şcoală la viaţa activă" şi de Guvernul român.