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Reintegrating Servicemembers Back into their Communities “Back to Work Back to Life”

Reintegrating Servicemembers Back into their Communities “Back to Work Back to Life”. VETERAN LAWS. PUBLIC LAW 96-22, of 1979: The Veterans Readjustment Counseling Bill. This law establish the Vet. Centers. Public Law 105-277 The Persian Gulf War Veterans Act. Passed in 1998

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Reintegrating Servicemembers Back into their Communities “Back to Work Back to Life”

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  1. Reintegrating Servicemembers Back into their Communities “Back to Work Back to Life”

  2. VETERAN LAWS • PUBLIC LAW 96-22, of 1979: The Veterans Readjustment Counseling Bill. This law establish the Vet. Centers. • Public Law 105-277 The Persian Gulf War Veterans Act. Passed in 1998 • The National Defense Authorization Act of 2008, Section 582. Required DOD to establish a national combat veterans reintegration program. • Public Law 105-368 The Veterans Programs Enhancement Act. Passed in 1998 • S.B. 2162, The mental Health Improvement Actof 2007. Provided mental health services to families of veterans. • Provided readjustment and transition assistance for families of veterans. • Session Law 2008-107, House bill 2436. The establishment of Veterans and Family as a Target Population in North Carolina.

  3. Active Duty Members 107,000 Active –duty 8 Military Bases By 2011 influx of 45,000 1 billion economic impact Fourth largest military state Headquarters of U.S.Army Forces Command (“FORSCOM”) Headquarters of U. S. Army Reserve Command (“USARC”) NG/Reserve Members 11,500 Soldiers and Airmen 85% of these members have civilian jobs in the community across the state. Located at 95 army facilities in 75 counties. 3 Air Guard facilities. 6 NG military Commands. 29,900 NG deployed to OIF/OEF. 97% of NG deployed in support of Global War on Terror (GWOT). Profile of U.S. Military in NorthCarolina792,646 Veterans

  4. The Changing Nature Of NC Military Communities • The nature of military service in North Carolina is changing and increasing. • The U.S.military has in the past maintained large numbers of active duty members and their families overseas in foreign countries like Europe and Asia. • Today’s trend is to “home base” troops in the U.S. and deploy units overseas to meet the world-wide military operational demands.

  5. The Adjustment Nature Of NC Service Providers • This transitional nature of military life has increased the demands for support services for service members and their families especially National Guard and Reserve Components. • This demand for support for services has also caused the military to embrace a community capacity building model of service delivery. • This shift places more responsibility on families to use community support systems which has increased funding from DoD, the service departments and individual states for family support.

  6. The Reintegration Initiative • Is establishing agreements and contracts with Federal, State, and local Government. Developing partnerships with the Military and Civilians Communities. • It is also the beginning of a Vet-Centered ongoing process in which mental health, suicide prevention, substance abuse and TBI service needs of all Military service members will be identified and addressed through concrete plans and seamless timelines. • The final product will be a informational, training, educational and support service system. • Where identified stakeholders and local service providers of North Carolina will have assess to transition, readjustment and reintegration assistance for veterans and their families.

  7. Outreach and Faith-Based Networks • Community collaborative networks in civilian settings. • Interagency planning group to increased the overall amount of communication between agencies in local communities. • Active participation of agencies in the planning and coordination functions. • The number of external agency referrals will increase with the number of agencies who actively participate. • In- services for targeted military personnel and their families. • Communities with active collaborating partners work together effectively. • Develop diverse faith-based collaborative support.

  8. Important NC Websites • www.nc. gov: • Location of services in the state of North Carolina. • www.ncdhhs.gov: • Location of health and human services departments • www.ncdhhs.gov/mhddsas/: • Location of mental health, substance abuse and developmental disabilities services. • www.veteransfocus.org: • Location of returning combat veterans services which includes OEF/OIF. • www.nccarelink.gov: • Location of all services across the state of NC with a 24/7 crisis hotline that is also in Spanish. • www.ncveterans.net: • Location and contact information for NC veterans service officers in all 100 counties.

  9. John Harris MSW QMHP Military and Veterans Mental Health Program Manager Email: John.W.Harris@dhhs.nc.gov Phone: 919-733-7011 NC DHHS Division of Mental Health Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services Clinical Policy Unit

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