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2008. The Year That Was. Faces & Places. Godson Alan and Goddaughter Sandra. In January, we visited Toronto, Canada (in heavy snow). Manfred. Alfred. Lynn. Shirley. As always, we stayed with Clara’s godbrother and family whenever we are in Toronto…. First cousin Susan. Sandy 表嫂. 謀表哥.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2008 The Year That Was Faces & Places

  2. Godson Alan and Goddaughter Sandra

  3. In January, we visited Toronto, Canada (in heavy snow)

  4. Manfred Alfred Lynn Shirley As always, we stayed with Clara’s godbrother and family whenever we are in Toronto…

  5. First cousin Susan Sandy 表嫂 謀表哥 First cousin Sophie 三叔 Of course, we visited Tim’s Uncle (三叔) while we were there.

  6. The Munsang Gang

  7. The U.H Gang

  8. Dinner with Lam Mook Sing & Family

  9. Clara’s God Sister Priscilla & her husband Danny

  10. On our way to Detroit to catch our flight home, we stopped by Lemington, Ontario to say hello to Clara’s other God Sister Winnie and her husband Warren…

  11. After lunch, Warren drove us to see the frozen Ontario Lake side…

  12. Almost immediately after we came back from Toronto, we joined Clara’s brother Kai Yiu and wife Pam for a week in Scottsdale, AZ

  13. Kai-Yiu and Pam at the time-share…

  14. While in Scottsdale, Clara & I visited an Art Fair at Carefree, AZ

  15. Then we visited the Desert Botenical Gardens in Phoenix, AZ

  16. On another day, we drove to see the red canyons in Sedona, AZ

  17. Morton Pam Kai-Yiu on yet another day, we all drove to Tucson, AZ to visit our nephew Morton, Kai-Yiu’s son.

  18. That night Morton’s sister Marianne and son Boxer flew in from San Francisco and we all had dinner together Marianne Morton Little Boxer Little Box with dad Michael the next morning where we were all invited to Michael’s parents’ house for breakfast (in Tucson)

  19. Then in March, Kai Yiu and Pam was in our area. We took them to the Hungtington Library.

  20. Lau Fong Gardens The beautiful Chinese Garden within the Huntington Library

  21. On our first trip driving up to Vancouver, B.C., we visited the Turtle Bay Exploration Park in Redding, CA

  22. The Sun Dial Bridge at Turtle Bay at the Park, Reddingm, CA

  23. Then we continue driving up along the beautiful Oregon Coast re-visiting many of the historical light houses

  24. The giant “bulb” inside one of the light houses

  25. Some of the many scenic spots along the Oregon Coast

  26. A gorgious sunset view from our dinner table in Astoria, OR as we pause for the day on our way to Vancouver, B.C.

  27. Seattle, WA, we must be getting close…

  28. Mom Clara Kai-Wai While in Vancouver, B.C., we helped our parents to prepare for their move back to Hong Kong

  29. Taking a break (in helping to pack) for a wonderful dinner hosted by Clara’s other God Brother Kelly and his lovely wife Monica

  30. Some good friends of Mom and Dad and sister Kai-Wai gathered for a good-bye dinner

  31. A family dinner before Dad’s tirp (Mom went seperately in November) 從哥 家姐 媽 爸

  32. After Sister took Dad back to Hong Kong, we headed back to L.A. passing a few rose gardens in WA and OR

  33. … where Tim got all WET when the skipper spinned the boat ( numerous times !!! ) deliberately for the enjoyment of us tourists We also took a “wild” river boat ride on the Rogue River near Medford in OR…

  34. Harry and David was another stop we made. We toured the warehouse where they pack all the gift baskets we see at stores like Costco, etc.

  35. In the San Francisco area (Berkeley to be exact), we toured the Scharffen Berger fine chocolate factory 朱咕叻! 朱咕叻!! 朱咕叻!!!

  36. Tim getting ready to tour the factory (no hair allowed!)

  37. Hilvy Who’s missing? Hilvy? Here’s she is… Before heading home, we had lunch with Clara’s cousin Dason & family. Bianca Ashley Dason Heidi

  38. Resting Resting Resting Here we go again 

  39. On our 2nd trip to Vancouver, B.C., we stopped in Portland, OR for 3 whole days and toured the area extensively. Here we see Tim at the Portland Zoo in front of an actual size display of bears. For a ‘short’fall in height, he sure made it up with width !

  40. In front of the beautiful Chinese Garden in downtown Portland, OR

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