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Changing Legislation Larry Hollar, North Central Regional Organizer

Changing Legislation Larry Hollar, North Central Regional Organizer. www.bread.org. The Legislative Process and Sausage. School House Rock gives us a brief overview…. www.bread.org. How does a bill become a law?. Let’s Start at the Beginning!. www.bread.org. www.bread.org.

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Changing Legislation Larry Hollar, North Central Regional Organizer

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  1. Changing Legislation Larry Hollar, North Central Regional Organizer www.bread.org

  2. The Legislative Process and Sausage

  3. School House Rock gives us a brief overview… www.bread.org How does a bill become a law?

  4. Let’s Start at the Beginning! www.bread.org www.bread.org So…when does the legislative process actually start?

  5. November, even years Incumbency Safe for one party Elections www.bread.org

  6. Congress Forms A Congress lasts two years—two one-year Sessions Committees and Subcommittees take shape www.bread.org

  7. Straw Poll! Why Join a Committee? www.bread.org Clap if you think it’s a factor: • Skills of the Member • Needs of the district • Power and prestige • Chance to raise reelection $ • Cool name of committee • Comfy chairs

  8. Authorizing Appropriations Budget Select and Joint Committees www.bread.org

  9. Bills and Resolutions Bill (H.R. 123, S. 456) Joint Resolution (H.J.Res. 78, S.J.Res. 90) Concurrent Resolution (H.Con.Res. 111, S.Con.Res. 222) Simple Resolution (H.Res. 33, S.Res. 44) www.bread.org • Where do bills originate? • Number (the “Hopper”) • Cosponsors — Original and Additional

  10. Each bill and resolution: Referred to one or more committees for possible action Fewer usually better Referral www.bread.org

  11. NO Action (bill dies) Hearings Subcommittee/Committee Action www.bread.org

  12. Subcommittee/Committee Action www.bread.org • Markups • Committee Reports

  13. Floor Action — The House www.bread.org • Calendars • Rules (Committee and Resolution) • Floor—Debate, Germaneness • Voting

  14. Floor Action — The Senate www.bread.org • Scheduling • Debate • Filibuster, cloture • Voting

  15. Straw Poll! www.bread.org • VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE: • House Floor Process • Senate Floor Process • Both • Neither

  16. Conference www.bread.org • Appointment of Conferees • Approval of “conference report” by conferees and then by each house, without amendment

  17. The President in the Legislative Process Approval Veto Possible congressional override www.bread.org

  18. Public Law (P.L. 111-62)

  19. Statistics—Congress, “the great winnowing machine” www.bread.org

  20. The remainder of the legislative process circle www.bread.org • Oversight, investigation • Reauthorization and Appropriations • Accountability—Media, advocacy groups • Elections

  21. Where can we as advocates influence this process? www.bread.org

  22. www.bread.org

  23. Bread members can… • Study current legislation • Write, call or visit members of Congress • Organize Offerings of Letters • Pray for success www.bread.org

  24. Why Do This Challenging Work? www.bread.org So Cadence’s Generation Can See the End of Hunger in God’s World

  25. Example—The Farm Bill2007 Offering of Letter campaign www.bread.org

  26. The Farm Bill2007 Offering of Letter campaign www.bread.org • No “typical” OL campaign • Reauthorized--five years • Many committees • Advocacy groups, coalitions • Bread goals: equitable support for U.S. farmers and rural communities, help hungry U.S. people, support global farmers

  27. The Farm BillSpring actions www.bread.org • Statement of Principles by faith groups; OLs begin • Budget Committee--Grassley-Dorgan amendment; Bread calls • Ag Committee hearings—Bread testifies • Listening sessions • “Marker” bills

  28. The Farm BillSummer actions--House www.bread.org • House Ag Committee bill—status quo • Bread pressure (calls, Offerings of Letters)  improvements • Floor action—partisan, veto threat • “Fairness Amendment”loses

  29. The Farm BillFall actions--Senate • Senate Ag Committee bill – helpful provisions, but… • On floor, amendments fail without 60 votes • Former OL bill—Hunger Free Communities Act—included • To be continued in 2008… www.bread.org

  30. The Farm Bill2008 actions • Conference bill—good on nutrition, few changes on commodities • Presidential veto overridden • We “changed the conversation” -- religious voices stronger • Bill Moyers, Diane Rehm, NPR interviews • 5 years hence… www.bread.org

  31. www.bread.org Larry Hollar, Regional Organizer Bread for the World 1-800-82-Bread www.bread.org

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